That was pretty cool.
Remember that time fourchan stopped world war 3?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck Hillary and fuck black people
Black people are great!
black people are alright sometimes
yeah a lot of them voted trump
Implying instrumentality has been staved off.
Yea OP, saving the world was pretty neat.
C-can we crusade now though guys?
I thought we were going to lose. Was mentally prepared to have my heart ripped out of my chest by some Ivan Dragov type dude on a frozen steppe. I don't know what to do with all this happening juice left in my body. I don't know where to excrete it.
Masturbate a whole lot.
Ah, I could make new thread for this, but I already made this one. I am at a crossroads. When is it time to go buy smokes? The wife is cheating, and she has some sob story about how I have to accept her and the same story that's been told forever. The job doesn't interest me. I do like my kids though.
For fucks sake, you already know the answer buddy.
Fuck KKKlinton and fuck white liberals
Just start fucking niggresses and make her watch. Female equivalent of cuck her.
It just sucks turning into my own father. Those kids can look forward to their turn in twenty years I guess.
It has only just begun.
Would change anything. And I don't find black people attractive anyway.
It doesn't excrete with fappening, only happening user. And yes I've tried. 12 times a day even.
Its all there still. Up in my gruts.
It's for her own good, the cunt needs to be punished.
Where would I even find one? This isn't America. Some Indians are so dark they almost pass, I guess.
You've gotta bail on that user. I would joing the French Foreign legion if that was my situation, with the whole Canadian divorce rape, matrimonial jew thing.
Don't tolerate that shit user. Go fuck one of her friends or something. Cuck her.
>Was mentally prepared to have my heart ripped out of my chest by some Ivan Dragov type dude on a frozen steppe
This, I thought I was going to have to rig my front door to explode when Mikhail and his death squad showed up to stomp out my brains.
Now that it looks like we are going to be at peace for the next few centuries I'm not sure what to do
Start cooking the dinners, and put powdered glass in her mashed potatoes.
Back to r/the_donald
For a lack of existential direction, its pretty comfy feel amirite
Let's just Make America Great Again? Am I right?
I was going to pony up the bucks to get registered to buy a rifle, but enh, like I said, peace won over war this time.
Remember when Canada inadvertently started WW3?
Well, there is that. I suppose it will work for excretion purposes of course.
You're right user:
Plus, for meme purposes, we have to try and uncuck Europe and leafland. And make an effort to cuck China:
It'll be some fuckwit country you never hearda until they did something stupid and you know it.
The history books won't mention us, but we were there. We were there all along bros.
you mean Sup Forums.
moot, hiroyuki and the mods were with her.
We won and it's our world now. Don't let your personal shortcomings hold you back, be the best you can be user.
>obama still in office
we haven't stopped shit, leaf
I know the other names you mentioned, but who's moot?