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Farage for Prime Minister?

>UK rejects Trump's call to make Nigel Farage US ambassador
stupid brits he would be perfect for the job

>Trump makes Nige the US ambassador to the UK instead
please kek let this happen

Trump has a tweet about him being UK ambassador

I hope Trump re-evaluates the Special Relationship and asks his boys on Wall Street to do the same.


Uk parliament will submit to trump

May says the job is already filled.

Pretty rude of Donald.

President Trump should take on Farage and make him the US Ambassador to the EU.


the eu butthurt would be amazing

cnn is parody

Trump had to have already known....

What is his purpose......

>The face of every Eurocrat when that have to deal with Farage every day for 8 years.



he would have been excellent.

that would be amazing
remember, farage was always talked down by the eurocrats in the eu parliement
that would be his sweet cold revenge

pls muh erection

Probably trying to get the poor bastard fired.

Maybe it's a shit test. Wanted to see if May would sack one of her friends to put in one her enemies.

Poor May. No one fucking likes her.

Thats actually the perfect response.

fucking hell this would be amazing if possible

wtf, i never heard of your country before

The first I ever heard of Luxembourg was playing Hearts of Iron 3.

I was like, heh that country only takes up 1 tile, I wonder what it would be like if I start a new game as them.

>American education

Well fuck them then

See if we help out when ze germans come knocking again

I thought luxembourg was a city, kek


It literally is. It's an EU money laundering state. I'd rather visit Belgium and that's not saying much at all.



make it so

You know, i've been to europe once and as soon as i got there i wanted to go back home. I felt like a muslim was gonna stab me or ISIS was gonna get me. I've never felt more unsafe, cause even in deep blue states I can carry a knife.

How the hell do you do it? Self defense is illegal, I would never leave my house

the numbers are speaking

you know, europe is a big place, where exactly were you?
Where I live its paradise

We said no such thing.

>How the hell do you do it?
Stay the fuck out of cities and buy a shotgun license.

lean h2h nigga, you're likely going to be thrown in jail for defending your self with fists (you learned them into a deadly weapon).

Wouldn't that make nigel a traitor working for a foreign country against his own one?

>When your best mate keeps inviting you over to help make america great again but your parents are too paranoid to let you out after the mad bants you had the last time you went out on a bender.

damn that is so sad you have to buy a liscense for a shotgun. meanwhile I can go to the nearest gun show this weekend and buy whatever gun they have with cash,

No, it's for Trump.

You don't officially buy it. You apply for it but it's piss easy to get and more a case of money. Visit Switzerland, Finland or Serbia if you must go somewhere with high gun ownership rates, or even Northern Ireland. Most of western Europe doesn't and hasn't for centuries outside of rural areas.

>trusting CNN


but what's the point? if you use it you go to jail because self defense is illegal

Trump should grant him citizenship and make him US ambassador to the U.K.

>Highest income per capita in the World
Goddammit Luxembourg truly won the lottery

The law on self defense in the UK is if somebody, for example, broke into your home and threatened you, you could shoot that person. But if you saw somebody was in your home, fired a shot, they ran away and then you shot them, that would be murder.

You have to read lengthy notes on self defense laws when applying for a firearm's license.

>Americans responsible for knowing every shitty little country in Europe

Nigga there are counties of states in the USA that have more people and greater GDPs than your irrelevant little """"countries """".

Generally shooting someone in the back is poor planning. If you light someone up there is only one witness, so as long as it's from the front you should be good to go.

>Europe is a big place.

For you.

>shotgun license

Nigga I have a loaded M4 assault rifle next to my bed. I carry at least two guns around town, sometimes two. Nigga I could capture your town with a couple of friends and the arms I have in my closet.

You europoors are pathetic. I can't wait till emperor trump pulls out of NATO and all you weak faggots have to arm yourselves or bend a knee to Russia.

Probably. I wasn't complaining, I think the law on self defence is reasonable and I have no interest in murder.

Fuck off, yank

>UK rejects Trump's call to make Nigel Farage US ambassador
It wasn't a request. It was a command.

Not in Swedistan m8. If I shoot an unarmed intruder here, I get manslaughter. It's only self-defense if I am shot at first.

> I can't wait till emperor trump pulls out of NATO and all you weak faggots have to arm yourselves or bend a knee to Russia.

Do you think Trump was talking about the UK when he mentioned European countries not paying their way in NATO as opposed to countries in Eastern Europe and shitty states like Belgium? We're the second bigger contributor and are the only country in NATO and in Europe who actually allowed you to use your bases in the 70s under Margaret Thatcher.

I won't reply to the rest of that because I'm almost 90% sure I own more guns than you, or that you are even old enough to own guns, and your parents don't count.

What if he was lunging at you?

That's what the EU wants.

Nope, I'm supposed to beat him off first. Our cucked supreme court has said that violence with guns or knives against an unarmed assailant is only justified in extreme cases. You're only allowed to respond in kind.

The district court would likely let me off rather easily though.

Then talk it into extremes? It was dark, I saw a knife, put knife in his hand etc etc. Only one man is left to tell the tale.

fuck you cunt, eu is only western power who is not completly bigoted and racists.

Europe is safer than America, our population isn't 40% nigs and spics

lmao I'm a lawyer and shotgun owner so I've got my bases covered. I'm just explaining the law of the land for you.

>The law on self defense in the UK is if somebody, for example, broke into your home and threatened you, you could shoot that person.
> you could shoot that person.
how can you clam self defence if your gun is legally placed in itss gun cabnit, to use a gun is premeditated, having a gun accessable is a brech in gun ownership laws. what fucking rock do you live under.

this is racist, bohemia

nice bombed cities u got there

be a shame if anyone



Against? No. Make Anglosphere Great Again.


he should give him citizenship first but its doable

You can use it in self defence if you take it out of the cache. I actually own a handgun too.

>You can use it in self defence if you take it out of the cache
premeditated, its not self defence
same place that farmer got done for shotting traspassers

That's not how it works. If you suspect somebody is in your house, you can take it out and then use it if you were threatened. You are allowed to fire a warning shot.

>trump rejects uk's request of having a country

What the fuck is the spic empire going to do?

>If you suspect somebody is in your house, you can take it out
WRONG, you call the police and hide.
your properety should be insured, there for there is no need for pysical confrontation.
One could baraccade a door, and make the invader aware of what is happening, if they try and force entry, you could fire warning shot. but the idea that your gun is quicker to grab is a failing in gun control

I really fucking hate Europe


Another Pokemon for the Pokedex!


then war it is

>Says we need to leave the European Union to stop them influencing our politics
>Tries to let Trump influence our politics
What a cuck.

>leaving the EU
>need to be as close to the US as possible to soften the landing
>the fucking future president has said he wants to work with a certain guy
>Theresa 'I'll Force My Moral Views On The Population' May says no
>Leaked documents already showing that her government doesn't know what the fuck they're doing when it comes to Brexit

I hope she gets breast cancer, she's fucking shite.

Farage has got a job to do,saving our italian brother's.

its happening.

>implying the EU and Trump are the same thing


Nice ID

Are Nige needs to be on the frontlines in the European theatre

The UK doesn't own Farage. Trump could easily give him a job as the unofficial 'people's representative'.

> Why the hell do you need a pump action?
> You'll see in time friendo.
Fellow bong clay buster reporting in!

"I just happened to be preparing to clean and maintain my gun when..."

This guys gets it! Cleaning kit always open and on the table.

Hikaru plans to steal the erection

Cbf to correct spelling


how did you stick them to the back of your chair like that

You know for the first time i'm glad i'm living in russia, we're shit and our country is crap but we don't have to deal with muslims and other trash and living there is okay in general (in small cities anyway). Stay safe eurobros, carry as many weapons as you need.

get this to farage and trump's people, they should consider the idea at least

Come on now leaf, don't say you are being serious.