This new video of racist white man reveals vape use, and everyone is freaking out!
Other urls found in this thread:
>not vaping your Alex Jones prescribed testosterone droplets
heh, bet this pleb is still conditioned.
The fucking label isn't even anything similar.
Wanna know how I know you speak English as a second language?
ding ding ding
>1 post by this id
Also this
That's worse
OP you had to get a fucking chinaman to read a fucking label for you that's in English.
Go outside and shake yourself you hopeless sad cunt
vaping is redpilled.
Sounds like someone is lacking vitality.
Isn't it time for your nap, little boy
Who cares if someone vapes? I use a Juul and it's nice.
You really think this man buys into the brain force bs?
>super male vitality
You know what I think?
I think I forward doesn't have the limitless chequebook of the Clinton Foundation behind it, so gets insightful with other income streams so it can stay in business.
Running a media outlet isn't cheap.
And I'd rather have other Sup Forumssters income supporting it than (((traditional sources)))
>mouth fedora
>causes cancer
>useless habit
>>causes cancer
so deos suggar
>>useless habit
not, relaxes me, helps me concentrate...toabcco is a whtie mans drug also,
>le everything causes cancer meme
Please enlighten me. Otherwise I'll free to assume your vape has formaldehyde in it.
Just have real tobacco then to enjoy nicotine. Get some nasal snuff or snus or smoke a pipe/cigar so that you aren't ruining your lungs with smoke.
>Please enlighten me. Otherwise I'll free to assume your vape has formaldehyde in it.
you aint going to live forever m8, being relaxed and functional is a requirement for being functional in society.
>Get some nasal snuff or snus
never tried snus? do you use it?
>or smoke a pipe/cigar so that you aren't ruining your lungs with smoke.
but pipe is also quite agressive to body, not to lungs but to mouth.
Tobacco is the red man's drug. White man's drug will always be alcohol.
I used to use snus sometimes just for fun because they taste amazing. Salty and sweet and tobacco flavor. It has way too much nicotine for me so I stopped. Nasal snuff is my favorite. Makes everything smell incredible for half an hour and keeps you alert, not too much nicotine unless you're sniffing a lot. No cases of cancer or deaths ever linked to nasal snuff.
Yeah, I guess you're right about pipes damaging the mouth but that's probably only if you overdo it.
What about vaping super male vitality?
Them some nice ass shoes.
>Brain force
Pick one
"Popcorn Lung"
>Nobodies mentioned the Sup Forums tab
>implying infowars is actually funded by snake oil and water filters and not the CIA
>implying the humble water filter salesman formerly known as Bill Hicks doesn't get a paycheck from the vatican
Hicks might know all about that sweet anti-marketing, righteous indignation dollar but you don't run a business like infowars off selling belt buckles and novelty hats
Vaping is for beta, virgin losers!!!!
How much do you think people like Owen earn working at Infowars?
He gets paid in inventory.
curious about this too
i dont think they can pay big but there may be bonuses tied to youtube money or something
You'll have an erection for 13 days and your balls will grow a super beard.
what is this super male vitality meme?
its one of the products sold by alex jones, with selenium to make you shoot huge loads, no shit, pic related
Damn bro, you took too many red pills while chasing that rabbit down that black hole.