Redpill me on Los Angeles
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San Bernardino Fag Here
I work in the film industry in LA, I get up at 6am every day and take n hour and a half drive out to Los Angeles to work at a major film company
The city is not too bad unto itself, the main problem is the over population of illegals here
There are wayyy too many millenials here, and the city is infested with this pseudo marxist culture where everyone pays 25$ extra for their food just to be "exotic" and then complains that people are taking their money
The city needs better direction in govt spending. The uptown parts are nice tho, and long beach isnt too bad either
p.s. Cali girls are best girls
texas girls are better. fact
>check 'em faggot
I'm new to LA user, but I've lived in a few different cities
The crazies are slightly crazier and there are neighborhoods that are basically Mexico, but I'm liking it so far
Tell me more about illegal immigrants. I heard California, and particularly Los Angeles, protects illegals from being arrested or deported, because the economy of the city is kind of based on the work of those illegals, and if you deport like 3 millions of them, it won't be quite good. Is that true? Are these illegals allowed to be employed and work without any documents whatsoever? Is Trump going to actually deport them all, including those in California?
i attend university in san diego (2 hours south) and have lots of LA stories both good and bad.
here is one:
went with my brother to an art museum to help him with an assignment on sunday
saw a lot of sjw types, surprisingly they kept to themselves, some smiled at me and none were out to cause any trouble, but i wasn't wearing anything trump or usa related so who knows. also saw lots of jews there but they were also friendly and/or kept to themselves, no rude looks or stares or anything else.
a lot of "regular" looking people were very rude, trying to be physically pushy with us (i am 6'3" 225 and a former sprinter and rugby player with martial arts training, so these people must be some kind of stupid) and making snide remarks about us based on appearances (again, they must have a death wish because of my size alone and while my bro is not big or tall i train him in the gym and it shows)
tl;dr the people you think would be nice in LA most likely aren't at all
It's a 3rd world ghetto
Question: which bitch is better? Brown bitches or black bitches? Bitches eat beets
Bums in the street. Trash and pavement that smells and is stained with piss everywhere.
Traffic is horrible. LA sucks.
LA is a reptilian hub and Home to a Reptilian base under the city
Trump will build the wall and throw all the illegals over to the other side. Then LA will be great again!
Good, just try to get a stable income and avoid lower class people and dont show your power level in public. You NEVER know when Jewish owners are out and see goyim misbehaving
>I heard California, and particularly Los Angeles, protects illegals from being arrested or deported, because the economy of the city is kind of based on the work of those illegals
This is mainly only for big companies and such because, of well, the economy. But if you are a small farmhand employing like 20 of em they can get deported tbqh.
Its fucked out here because you have millenials and shit who are unemployed who could be doing the work instead
>Are these illegals allowed to be employed and work without any documents whatsoever?
Sadly, and this pisses me off to no end, most of the time yes. Employers who are looking to hire people for low requirement positions dont do too much background checks or anything, so they hire illegals without even knowing, mainly because they are willing to work for less
> Is Trump going to actually deport them all, including those in California?
I hope to God he does, fucking beaners are stealing guns from my local stores and its causing my city to change its charter to make gun laws wayyy more strict n shiet
Sound just like stockholmers.
Sven I hopw you're right
It's a giant smelly city overwhelmed by Mexicans and faggotry
I'm very glad to not live there anymore
grove street, home, at least it was before I fucked everything up.
a lot of the illegals either are pieces of shit and stay in their designated cesspools and know their places as untermenschen and leave citizens alone except in violent crimes here and there or they speak english and are easygoing/friendly types who are aware of their illegal status and have a "we could stay or go" type attitude
there are also a lot of asians
finna hit the block, see what's happening?
it sucks.
Redpill done.
there are also a lot of asians and that isn't really a problem but they're mostly just there and keep to their own
See, here's the deal: Sup Forums, as well as the rust belt, are fully convinced it's a communist overtly liberal spic and hipster infested shithole. That is true, but only in LA the city. LA county in itself is actually not bad at all, from places like Burbank, Santa Clarita, Pasadena (to a small extent), all the way down to Orange County is very comfy. Wonderful weather, wonderful beaches, an orgy of food from every culture you can think of and nightlife. It comes with a price to live, of course, but vacationing in LA or Orange for like a week should be fine.
Don't listen to Sup Forums that it's a hell hole/worst place ever (we all know that's San Francisco). Just tune out those liberal yuppies and you'll be fine.
Why do you seem surprised that SJWs and Jews didn't start shit with you for no reason?
the ground in and around it is going to liquefy soon
should probably visit w/in the next year or so, probably less
because i am confident and dress well and put effort into my appearance which sjws hate and Sup Forums taught me that liberal jews are not my friends
this is pretty much right
Cali is really not THAT bad
What would be your position on white European intelligent English speaking illegal immigrant?
It's just like Mexico, but with more neon lights and more chinks.
Needs to come back legally
Idc how productive you are, if you are using my tax payer dollars for your benefit, and you are NOT a citizen of this country, you need to be deported.
The only difference between the yuropoor and the mexican illegal is that the mexican has connections to cartels
Also there are very based mexicans here in Los angeles, I know some that despise race mixing and hate illegals with a passion
My own neighbors are mexicans who are upper middle class, (richer than me) and they are lolbertarians with a Sup Forums tier mindset
Here in california***
lots of my friends are american born of mexican descent or legal immigrant mexicans and they hate illegals and leftist bullshit, pretty conservative or at least moderate
>Americans of Mexican decent who hate illegals
Describes me perfectly user. Semi new LA fag here and surprisingly a lot of my friends at college lean hard right because of all the illegals here as well. Wish I could've lived here when california went red even though the last time that happened was when the terminator was governor....nonetheless it probably was very different an I wish I could've seen the differences first hand
Legal immigration in the current state is nearly impossible. You either need to be world-tier super specialist to be employed from abroad with difficulties it would bring to the hiring company, or marry an American.
You would know
Good to hear tbqh
Then they need to do that. No one outside this country is entitled to be given citizenship here NOR are they entitled to the rights of our constitution
I've only been here 5 years and I'm still very looking forward to moving out but for all the shit it gets CA is an alright place and definitely NOT a lost cause, just have to know where to avoid and which problems and issues need correcting
Is this the same Pasadena from the US TV show big bang theory? i thought was just made up place
And PS: Calexit is NEVER happening. It's impossible. It's all a mere result of SJW sore losers.
i just ignored all this nonsense on normiebook and unfollowed people who posted about it, most of them ended up unfriending me anyway after i started posting more and more hard right things
They've been saying "The Big One is coming and Cali is going to fall in the ocean" since the 60's if not farther than that. The former will happen, some day, but the latter scientifically can't happen (earthquakes are not at all like in the disaster movies). Earthquake preparedness has been an essential part of CA and has advanced a lot in recent years. All they're missing is an early warning system.
Also has Tool ever toured in CA before? I wonder how awkward that must be if they have.
Yup. It's east of Glendale, which minus all the Armenians isn't too bad either.
Is Glendora any good?
>fraud investigation agencies have entire divisions solely dedicated for glendale
its just another neighborhood outside of LA, its also hot as fuck and bright a lot and next to a chinese area
LA is mostly niggers/spics/ and homeless tent cities. Overall the worst city ive been to in the US.
it's not my idea faggot it's someone else's
nice pasta tho - you always whip out that same old line, it must be very comforting to you
>you always whip out that same old line
Well, facts are facts. Also everybody has different ideas, and we all know man cannot predict an act of God. Neither can magic numbers. When it happens it happens, but you can't say "it's going to happen on this year on this day at this time".
Man can plan.
You seem to think they are incapable and ignorant of exactly how and where to do so.
Perhaps you should study some more.