Developments NOV18 >E. Aleppo rebels disperse protesters with machine gun fire, execute the organizers >SDF continued their advance towards Raqqa with 25km to go >4 more representatives of inhabited areas in Latakia and Hama provinces signed truce and reconciliation agreements bringing the total number to 951 >TFSA troops still 2km away from al-Bab shelling town >US led coalition distancing themselves from Turkeys operation >VKS Strategic Aviation fleet hitting Syria, Tu-95MS flew a sortie yesterday
“To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…” (Genesis 15:18)
Alexander Ross
Why the fuck does ISIS care about Dier Ezzor so much?
Liam Hill
for once i salute to your autism ZAnon, i really do
Angel Cooper
Daily reminder regarding who's to blame for this war and the non-white invasion of Europe.
Jonathan Scott
22/11/2016 happenings:
>Reconciliation agreements signed with 6 more Syrian settlements, 3 in Hama province and 3 in Latakia province, Total number of settlements joining the reconciliation process has reached 967
area that RuAF bombed today, most likely preparing terrain for ground offensive by SAA
Christopher Lee
Because its lays very strategical in their heartland, if ISIS can capture it they will free 100's of militants for other fronts
Andrew Torres
Ethan Myers
and Al-Mansoura in Northwestern Aleppo
Jack Diaz
yeah, well, sorry about that dude this is my first time baking, usually just lurking. I know i should have updated stuff, removed links that arent being updated etc but dont really have time for all that, just wanted to help with keeping /sg/ alive.
Hope someone with more free time can update the first post for future breads, would be greatly appreciated
Lincoln Ramirez
-the fuck?
"Massachusetts lets 12-year-old girls and 14-year-old boys get married with permission from their parents and a judge. Florida judges can grant a legal marriage to a child of any age if one of the marital parties is pregnant. Virginia just outlawed child marriage earlier this year. Before the new law took effect, parents were letting pregnant children as young as 13 marry their sexual abusers, and the state was validating their marriages, protecting the older man—and it was almost always a man—from prosecution."
Adam Cox
any information about raids from Kuznetsov? Are they using it, or just for show-off?
John Sullivan
Planes from it were bombing aleppo.
Joseph Gutierrez
you have probably seen this,
>Admiral Kuznetsov begins combat operation in Syria, massive strikes have been launched on FSA positions in Idlib and Homs
Developments NOV 21 >Russian MoD finds evidence of chemical weapons use by terrorists in Aleppo >Damascus rejects autonomy for militant-held east Aleppo >SA conducts special operation against ISIS in Deir Ezzor >SA launches offensive to reopen strategic highway in Damascus >SA renews offensive in southern Aleppo >All eyes on the Golan Heights for SAA as the jihadist rebels surrender last West Ghouta stronghold >Aleppo rebels massacre 7 schoolchildren in new carnage >ISIS leaders begin fleeing Iraq for Syria >Syrian MP: We would welcome Iraqi militia to fight ISIS in Syria >Yemeni ceasefire expires as clashes erupt across the country >Over 600 rebels reportedly launch attacks in Myanmar region bordering China
Previous thread
Nicholas Williams
no problem lad! I have updated the OP
Christian Baker
good think you baked! It's nice when people take initiative and it aint the roaches or islamists that just want to troll /sg/
Brody Barnes
>Ahrar al-Sham's Leader in Aleppo Abo al-Hareth al-Halabi killed by Syrian Army in Sheikh Sa'eed REBELS BTFO
Juan Stewart
gypsys do that here... and it's illegal in romania. when ever the police arrives they just claim it's a party
Luis Powell
i was already asking myself where is based Romanibro, master baker who has probably baked more breads than all other bakers together. Everyone who plans on baking in future should save this updated post
Nathan Morgan
k tnx
Blake Reyes
I'm no fully back yet. I fucked up my computer after trump won and i'm still trying to fix it!
I'm out for now! Keep up the good work lad!
David Rogers
Np man, thank you for all the effort through last months, i was merely holding a torch while you were absent.
And yeah, i am usually more of a passive man, rarely taking initiatives in anything, be it IRL or OTI but i grew too attached to /sg/ to just let it be forgotten. I just did my duty as everyone who follows /sg/ should when notices there isnt thread going
great to hear but please provide links in the future as they provide additional insight in the situation
sorry to hear that man, hope you get back on track soon. Syrian generals need you!
>Russian MoD finds evidence of chemical weapons use by terrorists in Aleppo >Damascus rejects autonomy for militant-held east Aleppo >SA conducts special operation against ISIS in Deir Ezzor >SA launches offensive to reopen strategic highway in Damascus >SA renews offensive in southern Aleppo >All eyes on the Golan Heights for SAA as the jihadist rebels surrender last West Ghouta stronghold >Aleppo rebels massacre 7 schoolchildren in new carnage >ISIS leaders begin fleeing Iraq for Syria >Syrian MP: We would welcome Iraqi militia to fight ISIS in Syria >Yemeni ceasefire expires as clashes erupt across the country >Over 600 rebels reportedly launch attacks in Myanmar region bordering China >White helmets proven to be fucking frauds
Nicholas Russell
Daesh claims destruction of 1 Abrams tank, 1 Hummer and 1 bulldozer in Eastern Mosul
Brandon Richardson
w-what is this?
Dylan Thompson
notice how for the first 20 or so seconds its all silent and quiet and then shit hits the fan?
>The video below appears to be another White Helmets staged rescue operation, complete with a “crisis actor,” in what some have dubbed a poor attempt at the mannequin challenge type of video. The #TheMannequinChallenge social engineering phenomena first went viral in late October featuring, students from a Jacksonville high school, who were “pretending to be stuck motionless, mid-pose, as if they were modeling slacks at Macy’s.”
>During the course of 2016, the group appeared to be caught reusing alleged victims as character subjects in its numerous staged rescue photo opportunities.
tl;dr they faked rescuing another victim of brutal and unselective barrel bombing by Assad himsefl
Kayden Jones
just started lurking here, i don't want to go deeper anymore,
Jose Wright
Clip from a pro-freedom media org showing the brutal nature of Assad's terror bombing. The editor of that vid made mistake and didn't remember to cut the leading part of that footage to match the point when the canned sound starts and it got pushed to net before anyone noticed. They've now deleted that video from their YT account
Caleb Lopez
Fast redpill in that case: Assad is the good guy here (best of bad guys actually, but still) Putin is doing the right thing in Syria, and all those """"""""""moderate""""""""" rebels are actually moderate headchoppers who are, in essence, no different from ISIS
All that being said, welcome aboard and enjoy the ride. Also one of the best videos lately for you to watch, ANNA news bringing first line of Aleppo to your home. Just like CoD 4, but with better graphics:
Asher Howard
Cooper Watson
Wew after IRGC General Eidallah Qasim Zada was killed in Sheik Sa'eed, Russians deploy infantry division in Aleppo. No source, sorry.
Ethan Baker
Is the last hospital in allepo bombed yet again?
Owen Price
Jack Fisher
oh you are linking hoholmap posts. Yeah, no source there but its never good to hear good guys' generals are being killed. Peace be upon him
no man, there is still plenty of hospitals. Pic related, i got this picture directly from highly trusted and unbiased source in US Department of State
Oliver Barnes
>assad killing more muslims in 1 day than we did in a year
Jonathan Powell
meme as much as you want, but after SAA is done with ISIS and rebels, they will turn their eye to Golan Heights. But it wont be army you defeated in 1974 or whatever, it will be dedicated, battle hardened army by many years of brutal civil war. And then Golan Heights will be reunited with rest of Syria, by mercy or by force
William Anderson
>Russia deploys its infantry divisions to take part in the ongoing battles in Aleppo I really really want this to be true
John Brown
>we tried it 20 times already but this one is it i bromise =DDDDD
>barely win a 5+ year long civil war >attack the strongest military in the region directly afterwards what can possible go wrong
Evan Cooper
>being this retarded
Ethan Hughes
he looks comfy
what's with the green busses?
Liam Murphy
>hey will turn their eye to Golan Heights Not only that they won't do that but I would argue that Assad agreed to forever drop the claims on it in exchange for Israel not arming and helping rebels in the south.
Carson Ross
He isn't stupid enough to trust them on this
Samuel Williams
there will be no syrian army after hezbollah and iran will go home after war. there in fact wont be any men to recruit because all are in germany
Leo Ortiz
>there in fact wont be any men to recruit because all are in germany
Ryan Nguyen
once they will succeed, be it after 20 or 200 times. Justice is on their side and combat expirience will be too
not retarded, just wishful thinking =D
in September regime offered to jihadists in Eastern Aleppo two options: 1) remain there and get killed or 2) surrender and get evacuated to Idlib. Those who choose second option are evacuated from Aleppo to Idlib in green buses:
fuck dude, don't post spoilers to west world >australia oh, nevermind...carry on
Dominic Brooks
any links that he dropped claims on Golan? Are there even hints on that?
what if hezbollah and IRGC remain in Syria after war and consolidate their efforts to retake Golan? Everybody knows both of those are opnely against Israel and hezbollah had a lot of success against IDF back in 2006. My bet is they are just awaiting another opportunity to strike Israel and this would be their best shot, without attacking Israel proper
Bentley Russell
the only difference are some gains around Rayhan, the town itsself is still disputed
Nashabiyah was bombed this weekend but I dont think there were any area control changes there
Instead of complaining, find us a newer map from one of the good mapmakers. Oh wait, there isnt one, which is why this map is still in the OP
Wyatt Campbell
10 minutes without new post, shamefur dispray
So bumping
Hudson Wright
A guy that used to post on @SyrianMilitary started a new Twitter, @SyriaObserve
Probably worth a follow
Josiah Moore
>what if hezbollah and IRGC remain in Syria after war and consolidate their efforts to retake Golan? They will be considered much more R than G
Michael Ward
>what if hezbollah and IRGC remain in Syria after war and consolidate their efforts to retake Golan? Israel tries out these nifty nukes on Damascus and Teheran?
Carson Russell
nigga you might as well include a map from 1492 bitch that map aint change either since then
Colton Martin
>"Look mom, I posted it again!" *cringes*
Grayson Gutierrez
>Pic: Islamists shuttled from Hama Waer district to idlib
i read about that they did that, even twice i think! Why is this fucking district still in rebel hands? why is it not a good little blob like the other ones and just disappears afterwards?
Ryan Campbell
fucking lel.
Daniel Gutierrez
i am not sure i understand the reference Polen. R stands for Revolutionary and G for Guard. What does it mean to be more revolutionary than guard? Or are you talking about those movie ratings, where R denotes violence and blood and shit?
its not confirmed Israel has nukes i believe? I mean, they probably do, being in situtation they are, but i really hope they dont have them
Jaxon Lopez
Are you afraid?
Leo Torres
Great post, very useful.
Nathan Ross
>its not confirmed Israel has nukes i believe? it is
James Cruz
>R stands for Revolutionary and G for Guard That's what I meant, they won't be guarding the revolution anymore, they will be taking it further. And no, Israel won't nuke Teheran, Russia's presence in the region has grown too much by now.
Justin Martin
Eli Anderson
i never posted that sentence before, what cannot be said for your Nile and Euphrates and shit
really? Source? i could only find some leaked Colin Powell's email
Who knows, but i know i'd hate seeing Israel winning any war. Sooner they are wiped off the map, better for region
Jackson Torres
sorry pham, carry on
Andrew Bell
Of course this poster DID have a point about the map being outdated and even though I thought its better than nothing, I checked and whaddyaknow there is actually a newer map by @A7_Mirza!
so disregard the previous posts and lets get the updated version in next OP
Yemen`s Sudanese Army brought to you by Fly Emirates
Nathaniel Russell
its not in the OP of this thread but master romanian baker updated it for next baking: appreciate the effort btw, keep up the good work
Zachary Bennett
oh woops, totally missed that
this weekend this soldier was martyred near Palmyra. SAA & allies have slowly been trying to enlarge the buffer zone around the city but with a low amount of local forces this isnt very succesful atm. nevertheless Russian air support is still available for this region so ISIS offensives are usually shortlived lately.
most of the fighting this weekend was near the al-Mahr oilfiend northwest of Palmyra. unclear whether this soldier was martyred there.
>Using Russian technological advances, the two militaries were able to pinpoint the location of these two families and sneak past enemy lines to rescue the civilians.
>Footage of this east Aleppo operation was captured by the Russian media this weekend; this video can be seen below.
Eli Campbell
tfw all those (You)s have kept the thread alive, and now its on page 8 already.
Zachary Parker
Isaiah Watson
I want a bowl of eggs, please don't be sad.
Eli Lee
I had a good run.
Julian Kelly
What did hou do?
Cooper Wood
A lot of shit so there's no knowing which thing it was. I'd guess calling out the lugenpresse daily, telling wahhabis to kill themselves, taunting rebel twitter that they're going to die, and getting this one communist to say he'd kill Hillary
danke shoen. i made a list before i went but they cleared it along with everything else.
Isaiah Ortiz
i can somewhat understand russian, but struggling with this one. First paragraph is easy, but second... Somethinbg with south line, army controlling opponents(?), dont really understand