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Aus/pol/: Socialist alliance still protesting Trump edition
In on Straya thread. How are you all tonight?
Christ... Is this fucking real? How do they possibly thing their protests in Dingoland will possibly affect Donald Trump's presidency?Faggot pinkos need to stop.
>Australia is based!
Tip jej lad. Look at all those fucken pooftas.
Why are we so bluepilled compared to the rest of the anglosphere?
well they are right, he isn't their president
don't know why the need to put it on a sign though
country is full of the degenerate spawnlings of the dregs of europe who still think with a class war victim mentality.
the irony of the white australia policy is that it killed off any chance of the country getting actual decent white immigrants, instead of more lower class brits and irish.
notice how the majority of protestors are white trash? is it they, and their counterparts in civics which enable the mudslimes and gimmiegrants.
the white trash will destroy this country
the mudslime will inherit it.
>tfw house sitting for two weeks while the family are out on a cruise
watching Star Trek First Contact while drinking bourbon and eating ravioli.
sex life is in the gutter, considering fucking a twink i knew from my uni days.
he's cute but his politics are horrible.
Well they aren't wrong, he isn't our president.
Fucking dumb cunts
What the fuck is wrong with Melbourne?
Hello m8. I am okay, thanks for asking. How are you?
I don't know how well this thread is going to go. The OP should have used a much more recognisably Aussie picture for the catalogue.
Complete retard.
>omly whites and some chinks.
Why aren't there any POC protesting?
>dark brotherhood symbol
The motherfuckers are stealing our memes
forgot pic because munted
>not my president
Well fucking of course, this is Australia.
Fucking socialist alliance faggots. The fruit cake fuckheads all have retarded dyed hair cuts from blue to pink and are either overweight or anorexic SJWs. Thank fuck theres only about 10 of these retards at my uni
>Why aren't there any POC protesting?
They are out jacking cars m8.
Post rest of what he said, I wanna see
I don't know! I'm sorry!! It's not our fault. It's the bloody jews subverting our youth.
I think Melbourne is a testing ground for (((them))) of sorts, to test the waters, see how welll the rest of the country will take to the madness.
Please forgive the normal people in Melbourne
>inb4 there aren't any
>Not my president
Well...yes, that's right.
Aside from Melbourne, is this happening anywhere else? Also what's the size, literally tens of people?
hey thats rude m8, you're not a true Australian if you can't recognize socialist alliance dole bludgers
>socialist alliance
>represented by the green party
lol cucks