>Sup Forums will defend this
The cognitive dissonance is unreal
>Sup Forums will defend this
The cognitive dissonance is unreal
>no source
post source nigger
GOOGLE it you lazy fuck there's the title right there in the picture
Lol Drumpf tards are so delusional
What's the relevance?
>no source
>it's a present things only some people know about Trump as new information and pretend its very bad episode
Wow, business man does business, I've been btfo'ed
Even if it were true, why is this bad?
>the hill
Opinion discarded
Implying they aren't cover companies to put spies on the ground.
All I see are sources saying he isn't buying Saudi oil anymore.
>a literal nobody
Opinion discarded
>An international real-estate company is doing what international real-estate companies do
How about you put the effort and paste it in next time you make a post you lazy fuck.
Dude founded 8 companies while running 500 companies while BTFO the globalist. Energy levels can't get this high in humans.
> a fucking blogger
>appeared to have
Cry more fag
He's going to be your next president wether you kill yourself or not, might as well do it
Did he take campaign donations from them while pretending to be the biggest advocate for women's and gay rights?
What's that? No? Then what's the big fucking deal?
Sorry but we're dealing with fake news epidemic now so I can't believe you.
>BTFO globalist
>Tossing Henry Kissinger's salad, analingus style and appointing Goldman Sachs people to his team
Pick one
So? Its just business.
>making new hotels is somehow a problem
>continuing to meet with foreign business partners is somehow a problem
liberals just grasping at straws. nothing to see here folks.
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my opinions are the only one that matter wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mike pence deserves a safe space wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>CTR SERIOUSLY believe that 37 people are going to betray the American populace
Oh is that right? Last time I checked Hillary won the popular vote. Don't we still have 2 months until inauguration? ok then stfu
Oh yes sorry I forgot, it's morally superior to be openly hostile to minorities.
Look at fucking Dubai and tell me the Trump Organization can't make fucking bank there.
American presidents sucking the saudi cock?
Nothing new under the sun. Make Israel Great again btw
He was going to.
Looks like Saudi Arabia's got a trump card in their pocket.
When was this the case?
Oh, the ones that illegally entered and are illegally residing in his country? Those minorities? Because you're making it sound like he has something against all peoples of a certain race when that's just not the case
Oh no, Trumps campaign BTFO. He will never get enough delegates now. Guess Im a #cruzmissile
>I support globalist wealthy elites using their positions as political rulers to sell out the country for a profit
Last time I checked Hillary conceded and lost the election.
I couldn't give less of a shit, Untill he sends the spiccs back, builds the wall and gases the kikes he's not my president either.
Dont think I forgot his promice!
No I don't.
The current social and economic conditions within SA give Trump's company incentive to do business there.
He's not altering anything about how the world works. The reason it's profitable for a company like Trump org. to invest in SA can be traced back to the 70's and beyond.
>Trump had political power during the election
Maybe you haven't read the news but Hilldog was a 98% favorite.
>Donald Trump did business!!!
yeah and
Typical libshit butthurt. Cry more you retarded faggot. Go beat your drum in a leftist circle against the democratic process.
>it's a fake news continues to spew misleading articles episode
Drumpftards literally BTFO kekekekekekekekekek XDDDDDD
fucking buzzfeed cnn cunts crawling all over this board at the moment.
>their bosses got ass raped by Trump, LOL
>trumpf doesn't interact with foreign nations
>liberal media: trumpf don't know shit!!! what a retard lmao!!!!
>trumpf interacts with foreign nations
>hillary does basically anything
>liberal media: nothing to see here goy
Fake news
>President-elect Donald Trump registered eight companies during his presidential campaign that appear to be tied to hotel interests in Saudi Arabia, according to a report in The Washington Post.
>Trump registered the companies in August 2015, shortly after launching his presidential bid, according to The Post.
>The companies were registered under names such as THC Jeddah Hotel and DT Jeddah Technical Services, according to financial disclosure filings.
>The names of the companies registered appeared similar in pattern to how Trump named other companies connected to hotel deals registered in foreign cities, according to the Post. Trump names companies after cities in the state in which he is dealing with. Jiddah, also spelled Jeddah, is the second-largest city in Saudi Arabia, located on the Red Sea coast about 60 miles west of Mecca.
Why are you leftist shills still on here? You're not relevant on this board. In fact, you're not relevant anywhere. You lost everything in the election. 2018 midterms are going to compound that loss. :^)
>Muh fake news
So much butthurt and denial
Enjoy your Bush Jr. 2.0
What goes around comes around, fuckboy.
To start a company in Saudi you have to be Saudi. So I'm going to say bullshit. All the companies there, McDonalds and so on, are all Saudi owned.
>>liberal media: nothing to see here goy
Literally 6D Hyperchess.
This man is a fucking legend.
>linking fake news sites
>The cognitive dissonance is unreal
I bet someone pointed out you had it and then you just flipped it. thats a text book example of cognitive dissonance btw
Based Trump is taking petrodollars from stupid oilniggers.
>doesn't know how to make a proper thread
It's your job to provide the link, dipshit.
>having branches open in Saudi arabia
>is the same as the house of saud funding 20% of your foreign campaign
The retardation is real
>trump opens businesses in foreign nation
> media outrage
> Hillary takes millions of dollars from Saudi elites
> media silence
This is why I still believe Trump is about to fuck the establishment. The contradictions are getting to be too ridiculous.
Okay but what's the big deal again?
I enjoy the fact that libtards are still here. No one can accuse pol of being an echo-chamber but holy fuck, their arguments are lame. At least be entertaining faggot.
Sup Forums can't into conflicts of interest
typical braindead mouthbreathers
Areyou retarded? That just means the media didn't report on Hillary's shit. It doesn't diminish the fact that Trump is doing business with Saudis as well.
I like your president elect already
This is a great thing for us as well. I am hoping Trump will bring more business our way as well.
thats a false equivalency. Trump owns property in Saudi Arabia; he's not taking money from the House of Saud.
>private businessman does private business abroad
not quite the same as the secretary of state receiving foreign governments' money for her "foundation".
He is also gonna help the royal Saud family if he wants people in jeddah to occupy his hotels.
Expect an increase in oil prices
I was kinda hoping he was going to help the house of Saud to the gallows but that doesn't look like it's going to be the case if this is all true.
These are leftist sources... really? Holy shit you butthurt idiots are so fucking dumb... fucking LOL
no conflict of interest as long as he no longer chairs the company. arm-length rules aren't difficult to stick to. that's one reason he is making sure to put his children in charge of the Trump organisation.
also, having a business in a foreign country does not mean that suddenly that foreign country can demand your obedience. companies can be closed at any time and whisked away. just look at tax havens for an example.
Feeling conned yet?
Sage for OP being a lazy fuckwit
So it's fucking nothing.
>duhhhhh trump a big meanie
>duhhh u guys stoopid
>duhhhh poo poo pee pee
>*smacks chest*
>*drools onketboard*
You can't even type properly... Your leftist retard rage is bleeding through to your posts. Your sources are shit and you have no arguments, just a baby brained leftist temper tantrum, as expected.
Fake news all over again
L8 b8 is L8
>h-hes an anti globalist you guys I swear
top kek
Could you be a more obvious shill?
Is this why Trump really got elected? You and your Jewish overlords shilled for this establishment candidate on a contrarian board to pretend he was their "muh white savior"?
He doesn't give a shit. A few hotels in some Arab shithole is peanuts to the amount of real estate he owns. Furthermore, it wouldn't be in the interests of the Saudi royals to shut down a bunch of hotels and potentially fuck thousands of their people out of work.
That's him investing in Saudi, rather than the Saudis giving him a million dollars on his husbands birthday. They owe him after that.
So the pro globalists think an american should only have businesses in america?
Well at least he won't start more wars. The fight with Yemen will be bad for Trump's businesses.
>(((the shill)))
Or rather, donating $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.
(Hope your safe Japan bro)
So...what's the big deal?
Your kidding right?
Trump has been doing real estate in Saudi and the GCC countries for years. If his registration of some of our companies is an indicator that he is still gonna do business with us, then this is a great sign for the GCC region and a good chance that he will assist us in boosting our economy and in turn, more business for Trump.
Was OP just retarded? This is like complaining about someone "Outsourcing" for building airports in another country, or that McDonalds is outsourcing by building McDonald fastfood places in other countries. It's not outsourcing, you're not taking away any jobs here from the US. It
Am I missing something here?
>entire MSM, owned by jews, shills for hill
>the asshole of the internet, owned by a Jap, shilled for trump
>trump wins
>it was the jews
Your minister of propaganda really needs to be fired.
Yeah so then you guys can buy the next candidate and continue to buy and fund mosques and Islamic organizations here
Fuck you