What is the most comfiest place in America and the world in general?
Pic related, I believe it's somewhere in the Rockies, not sure though.
Any setting that makes you feel comfy please post.
What is the most comfiest place in America and the world in general?
Pic related, I believe it's somewhere in the Rockies, not sure though.
Any setting that makes you feel comfy please post.
Other urls found in this thread:
bump, this is somewhere near Montana and Alberta
let me help you out
Another one
Glacier National Park
>Banff National Park
>near Montana and Alberta
it's in Alberta, burger.
American education everyone
fuck off post a comfy landscape
I woul be happy to live there.
Near leafs? Too dangerous for soul and general well being.
That can't be real...
home sweet home
Beautiful wish I had the painting myself.
Hungary is full of really, really comfy places.
Anywhere in the Blue Ridge.
Is this a euphemism for places with no niggers?
Not much happens here. Nor should it.
These all look like ass. Would not want even stay a day there.
My home town. Can't top it really
That's not comfy you fucking faggot. Your country sucks massive cocks. It looks fucking boring and shitty.
That is a very nice landscape my friend
This looks like where I grew up in southeastern Kentucky. Would have told you it was the Cumberland area if you asked me where this was. Comfy indeed.
Pls. Untrigger yourself.
Comfy takes many forms. Like the other poster, Blue Ridge comfy is my favorite all around comfy. Great mix of all 4 seasons, plenty of white man activities.
Gonna have to agree with this guy
Those pictures look depressing as fuck
i've been there, pretty comfy
The North Pole.
Can't imagine a place with more whites in the US
That shack has leakage and rats the size of otters. Stop posting faggotry.
Oh fuck that's comfy
Looks moist and poorly isolated
Even your """"""""""mountains""""""""""""" fucking look terrible.
How does everyone not just kill themselves there?
Not going to lie, I've always wanted to experience the Anarctic. Would be so comfy sitting in your heated base, looking out at the deadly cold, seeing crystal clear galaxy and southern lights. So comfy.
Argentine Patagonia is top comfy
Pic related is my town
oh, definitely! Like this one.
I'll raise you Svalbard. Low crime. Polar bears. An actual population, old CCCP cabins and a DNA and seed bunker that can survive WW3 and they have wifi.
These seem like truly comfy times my friends.
For me, no place has a power quite like the plains.
Pictures hardly do it justice. There's something so profoundly humbling about the sheer size of the sky. Seems to put your life and everything in perspective.
>that flag
You're a bit biased tbf m8
Take a look.
And pic related is Ushuaia, the Southernmost city in the world. Also a very comfy destination.
This does look pretty comfy.
Across the road from my house. 5 minute ride on my quad
i want to live here
Quite on the contrary, Austrians generally love Hungary
Bled, senpai?
Truly comfy/10
>What is the most comfiest place in America and the world in general?
Where else?
Scandinavia is god-tier comfy is you enjoy the weather also
And this is Esquel, north of Ushuaia and slightly south of my town.
You are welcome for a delicious Szeged fish soup for this comment.
Maximum overcomfiness.
I live in this shit hole, you can even see my tiny apartment window on the left
We are only 30% native Germans here
Austria or Switzerland. The fucking alps man. Nothing compares.
I am immigrating to Colorado next year, the Rocky Mountains are beautiful.
And this is Bariloche, the largest city in Patagonia. Still top comfy.
I need a comfy job.
I can't finish my CS degree it just isn't for me, suggestions?
Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River.
Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
Ok I'm done shilling for my little corner of the world.
jck knows it
Except Slovenia, because we share those fucking alps you imbecile
>asleep in perfect dreamland
>jerk awake
>another fucking bird hit the window
wish you'd never bought this place
>who the fuck had the genius idea of putting the only bed here anyway
looks comfy, senpai
The best thing about Trump Tower is you get to look across the river at New Jersey and laugh at them
I love this thread.
Wasn't this in Snowpiercer?
"In 2004, it entered NATO and the European Union; in 2007 became the first former Communist country to join the Eurozone"
Fuck thats pretty, location?
No idea
I wasn't inviting you, we don't take niggers and retards, I was just stating a geographical fact
Country roads, take me home
to the place I belong
West Virginia, Mountain mama,
Take me home country roads
Born and raised in Appalachia. This song is beautiful.
mate hungary is not comfy
this pictures are fucking grim, like genuinely depressing
The Alps and this is not debatable
Comfy winters in first world setting, clean air and water, dark and silent nights full of stars and so many activities to do in summer that you could not count them
Yes indeed, The Alps are full patrician choice
love my area
comfy shit
Alaska is the definition of comfy.
Pic is my university
more east tennessee
TN is not fucking comfy lmao
God damn, I love the holidays.