are abos to the english the same as jews are to germans?
why do english think they're better than germans then re atrocities?
are abos to the english the same as jews are to germans?
why do english think they're better than germans then re atrocities?
Abos are something else entirely.
please. let's be serious here.
>are abos to the english the same as jews are to germans?
neither were genocided
Fuck off.
I don't get your pic
That girl has abo genes or what?
Abo or not, cause I would go deep inside her, only leaving the nuts to hang out
she's asian you dumb cunt
Abos are the second lowest life form right after Tasmanians
I'm dumb and you put ching chongs while starting a thread about abos.
lower than niggers?
Yes. Tasmanians couldn't even make fire.
do you mean white tasmanians?
sure like pic related
Abbos are not even fucking human. Also, they weren't genocided.
Also, that girl is an Asian/ Mongoloid. Nobody with Abbo genes is even slightly attractive.
I honestly think the reason we hear so little about aborigines is because if people actually learned how they live and behave it would raise too many questions about 'human biodiversity'.
Better to just ignore them. They are too hard to fit into the narrative.
I wouldn't call a tribe of Abos who are very much alive and kicking who choose to live off whiteys gimmes so they can drink and fight all day a genocide.
i mentioned 4 different races in my OP. why are you focusing on abo genes re my picture
Either way your thread is awful. sage
>I honestly think the reason we hear so little about aborigines is because if people actually learned how they live and behave it would raise too many questions about 'human biodiversity'.
>Better to just ignore them. They are too hard to fit into the narrative.
This. The discovery of Australian Aboriginals was my first step toward the redpill
i see
Abos were living a hunter-gatherer existence with stone age levels of tech, when an industrialising civilisation rocked up and fancied the land they occupied. They were simply going to be outcompeted, no different to an invasive species that can better occupy an ecological niche than domestic animals.
The Jews in Germany were at the same level of technology and were a part of German society, the only difference being their religion and some limited difference in genetics. They were deliberately wiped out on orders of the government of the day purely for being Jewish.
Abos = Outcompeted society
Jews = Deliberately exterminated religious group
> "Jews = Deliberately exterminated religious group"
very dis respectful term, the proper reference is "original land owners of australia"
So what you're saying is that the English claim to be better than Germans re their history of genocide on account of the fact that the Jews were not sub-humans but the Abos ARE sub-humans and therefore it wasn't an evil act to cleanse them from the lands?