For the Alt-Right/Far-Right movements to be successful, we need three things to help us in the culture war.
>Heroes, both historical and mythological. (The left has Martin Luther King and Gandhi) >Stories and legends to look towards. >A "model citizen" template to look up too and strive to be.
So, what is your input? What heroes, stories and models would you use to help subvert the left and gain more support for the right?
the alt right doesn't even exist outside of Hillary's speechwriting department
Grayson Miller
lizard men. fucking new fags.
Tyler Brown
I'm holding my pole if you get what I mean
Parker Turner
Thats why I included "Far-Right" in the OP post. Why does Sup Forums hate hate the Alt-Right so much? I dont like it myself but its the best hope we got.
Easton Turner
Unironically, the Reptilians.
Hunter Murphy
>the alt right doesn't even exist outside of Hillary's speechwriting department
Ayden Evans
Obviously the reptilian overlords.
Justin Wright
No, that's fucking stupid. You don't want to force a narrative, because right now the surge in conservative populism is organically founded. Let the people stand in solitary with their fellow countrymen, don't be a fucking idiot herding yourself into their pen so they can restrict your access to others.
>Muh alt right
Fuck you and your kikey profiteering. Alt right isn't a thing, and it's harmful to attempt to make it a thing. It's nationalism. Let it usurp parties, and force others with the demands of the people.
>Stories and legions/Heroes Fuck you. It's a nationalist movement. We have fucking national heroes, and mythos you idiot.
>Model citizen Much better to define vaguely with an opposition. I.e., be whatever the left tells you not to be.
It's Jews all the way up.
Christopher Ross
People like Soros.
Isaiah Ward
anybody using or pushing the word (((alt-right))) is a lugenpresse kike shill trying to plant a narrative for faggot attention whore richard spencer, who is an even bigger faggot than milo.
fuck off this board you kikes
Aaron Peterson
>Fuck you. It's a nationalist movement. We have fucking national heroes, and mythos you idiot.
Which are?
>Much better to define vaguely with an opposition. I.e., be whatever the left tells you not to be.
Which is white and male. Bingo, we are already there. Now we need to up our game. Being a white male isnt enough we have to build ourselves up.
Calm down, pal. Republicans arent ever going to help the white race, we need a new political party to help whites. So yes, these things are necessary. Not everything is Jewish manipulation.
Eli Scott
Because it isn't a thing you fucking mongoloid. It's people attempting to commandeer a natural movement. The second you describe yourself as alt right, it no longer becomes.
>I am an American standing for country, god, whatever to >I am an alt rightest, who by the very title is now associated with neo-nazis, Jews, and gay conflict profiteer who stands for god, and country, and whatever
Don't let them steer the movement by declaring people heads.
Trump is the hero in fact if you look at his campaign he perfectly fits the mythological hero arc as described by joseph campbell
William Young
>Which are? Who are your heroes? Tell me about America.
>It's not enough to be the people with righteous indignation No, that's really what you actually need. You want people to feel connected to the new movement, you want them to be united if not in common cause, then in common opposition.
>NEW POLITICAL PARTY!! It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. If people feel more comfortable with the elephant, then just steal the symbol anyway. It's not like either party is a standing virture of their original values.
>WHITE RACE The worst thing you can do for the white race is to create a label so you can be instantly disregarded as a neonazi. If the people become blamed for being racist it's a lot different than if a fringe party is.
Christian Peterson
Again, we need an actual political party/ideology that supports whites. Right now, we dont have that and the current parties arent going to change.
America is on the path to organically becoming a nation with a white minority, we cant wait for people to lazily come over to "I am an American standing for country, god, whatever" we need to have an actual coherent ideology and attempt to make some moves. We cant just play defensively forever, we dont have the time on out side.
Trump isnt talking about white identity politics. Trump is not the knight in shinning armor we need.
James Moore
>>Heroes, both historical and mythological. JAMES
Parker Johnson
>Martin Luther King: Blacks should have equal say >Gandhi: Indians should have equal say
Alt-Right: All people should have equal say
What alt-Rgiht should to do: 1. Distance from Far Right (You are fucked if you seig hail in public) 2. Set back Israel (Link BLM to Beta Israel) (Link Palestinians to refugees) 3. Get rid of our elites. As back as the terrorists attacks are, it has one benefit. It brings the chosen people back to their chose land. We need to get the libs and the chosen out to their reservations. How to implement this, I ask pol
Isaac Taylor
I thought actual alt-right dont believe in the JQ. They just use it as a joke motif of globalism?
Leo Young
>For the Alt-Right/Far-Right "movements"
You fags are just as bad as the liberals and sjws. There is much more power in being a well informed silent majority without any banner or spokesman as how can the elites fight against that?
Parker Jenkins
>Who are your heroes? Tell me about America. Are you going to keep shitposting? Im trying to have a serious conversation. Just tell me what heroes we DO have.
>No, that's really what you actually need. Again, America is quickly becoming a country with a white minority. We will be outvoted within only a few decades then the niggers and spics will rule.
Sadly waiting will not work in this scenario.
> It's not like either party is a standing virture of their original values.
Which is why we need something new. The current parties are weaker than ever.
>The worst thing you can do for the white race is to create a label so you can be instantly disregarded as a neonazi. If the people become blamed for being racist it's a lot different than if a fringe party is.
Trump and his supporters are regularly called Neo Nazis. I dont think it matters if we cuck ourselves on the race issue, it never helps. We need to fight back and stop dog whistling about it.
Jaxon Wilson
>Again, we need an actual political party/ideology that supports whites. Right now, we dont have that and the current parties arent going to change. We don't. We really don't. If we're genuinely right, and we're tapping into the common thought of our society, then it won't be necessary.
>America is on the path to organically becoming a nation with a white minority, we cant wait for people to lazily come over to "I am an American standing for country, god, whatever" we need to have an actual coherent ideology and attempt to make some moves. We cant just play defensively forever, we dont have the time on out side.
You can play defensively forever. That's exactly the strength of what is going on. The left is being left with a knife and a lot of time and it just harms itself with its rhetoric when their opposition is the people.
If you declare yourself an alt right, even worse if you declare yourself alt right and adopt these immoral opportunists as leaders, you're essentially just going to get an organization full of informats that the media is going to demonize to the point where it's just the Klan 2.0.
Wyatt Johnson
Literally the entirety of Western civilisation.
Christopher Brooks
The silent majority is about to be a bunch of dumb brown socialist from Latin America.
I dont know why you dont see the incoming demographic disaster.
Caleb Walker
>You can play defensively forever. Lad, you actually cant. Not when the demographics are rapidly changing like this. America is going to be done if we dont address the race issue.
Eli Baker
Friendly reminder that if you unironically use the "alt right" term here you're a massive faggot playing directly into the hands of globalists, MSM and ego maniacs. It's just another term designed to invalidate and dismiss people with dissenting views.
Elijah Reed
Furthermore there is no such thing as "alt-right"
Charles Baker
Or we could just shitpost and make memes, the same way we got Hillary ridiculed for making a big deal out of the Grinch touching his chin is the same way we ridicule the media for them making a big deal out of our Laotian Lacrosse forum and political movements associated with cartoon frogs and number worshiping.
Tyler Sullivan
Let me put this bluntly. Your ideas are fucking stupid and will blow up in your face if you organize around these lines. They're not in good taste, and impractical. At least not now.
It's not about white nationalism, it's about Americanism. Americanism is sellable. The majority of people will be proud to be American. Luckily, conservative traditional values run along the side as the white ethnostate.
The alt right is a combination of opportunists and retarded neo nationalists that don't seem to understand that a nation comes from its folk, and to claim to be a representative of that folk who actually have no idea who you are and don't want to support you is fucking stupid.
If the alt right becomes a thing, let become naturally. The worst thing you can do is usurp an organic movement with unpopular policies and hinder actual nationalist movements that are currently crawling out the wood work.
Grayson Morgan
Bentley Peterson
Alt right is the dumbest shit i ever heard about.
Bravo bong bravo chin-lee.
Eli Long
Hillary for Digital Communications What should Trump be?
Bentley Butler
Jason Cruz
Like you read my mind, but I think a real subject would be more fitting.
Brody Torres
>current year >implying it isn't
Gavin Robinson
Jesus fucking christ, this is the exact same bullshi t they've been pulling for almost 50 years 30:45 They're never going to stop until you refuse to let them take it.