They got him

>According to law enforcement sources ... cops responded to a call for a welfare check on Kanye around 1:20 PM PT.
>We're told police called L.A. Fire, and by the time paramedics arrived Kanye was calmer ... but still resistant to going to the hospital.
>Law enforcement sources tell us Kanye was handcuffed to a gurney during transport to the hospital ... as standard protocol.
>be famous singer
>go against narrative of elites that 'Trump is ebil and raciss'
>forced against will into mental institution
>get brainwashed while in institution
>let out of institution after being lobotomized

Whelp it was nice while it lasted

RIP Yeezus

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw it's one flew over the cuckoos nest all over again



>a call for a welfare check on Kanye

Of course he's on welfare

>cops responded to a call for a welfare check on Kanye around 1:20 PM PT.

Even rich niggas taking welfare?

>Call for welfare check on Kanye

Sounds like his handlers made the phone call


Reminder that after being released from the "hospital", Kanye will release a statement claiming he only made those statements because he was suffering from "depression" and "anxiety" brought on by touring or some shit and now that he's got his Good Goy Happy Pills he's back to thinking only Good Thoughts.

Just wait. They did the same thing to Jenny Hyun, the redpilled Kpop girl. It's literally re-education camps.

He OD on red pills. Sucks man.

He got busted for possession.

> a black wants a welfare check
wow, shocking

This is life in Trump's America. He identified Kanye as a threat in 2020 and has already begun his smear campaign to delegitimize and destroy him.

Full timeline of events:

This hospital seems to be one where celebrities go when they have "meltdown", jeez.

The welfare jokes are all fun but seriously, wtf is going on? I'm no fan of kanye, but really, a welfare check....that's the best escuse they could put together? Why was he hancuffed if he was "calmer"

>but still resistant to going to the hospital.
Under what grounds was he going to the hospital in the first place?


Some are claiming "sleep deprivation" after a "rough week", but I think we all know the real cause.

(((someone))) silenced him

This is fricking delicious, did you get it from Sup Forums? I warn you, I might just save it friend.

>O vey, our puppet is going against his massa
>massas call the police saying they're worried about him; that he sounds suicidal
>forced commitment for all intents

he is going into reeducation camp


sounds like bullshit publicity stunt
king ape needs more attention

I actually feel bad for him because it's probably what's exactly happening.


This is Dave Chapelle's (((meltdown))) all over again.


Shit is fucked up yo

Is this what they did to Dave Chappelle?

Kanye right now

I wonder who was behind this unprecedented turn of events.

i don't think its really the trump part but more of the pizzagate part


If Kanye turns the blacks against Trump, the democrats will never win another election.

I hope he dies. Good insanely well produced music sure, but just listen to how track "Jesus walks with me" begins to see why he has to die.

but blacks are already against trump. he only got 8% of blacks

Jay Z is a legit stooge of ""whatever power that has the dnc completely controlled"""

I wouldn't doubt that Kanye and a Jay Z mole got into it and instead of killing Kanye and making attention that would imply Kanye was on to something. They went full character assassination.

No, Dave got away.

if he didn't skip to Africa

>be black, and "hip", so not a typical black Trump supporter
>support Trump
>tell truths in front of thousands.
>obviously a lot of bottled up opinions he needed to share.
>literally go to hospital for opinions

The only thing he did wrong was cancel concerts. They are trying to put the two together "omg Kanye is such a piece of shit, he ripped people off and also he's insane omg AND ALSO HE SUPPORTED DRUMPF!"

This makes your brain associate black trump supporters as crazy.

well it is ca. if you aren't a libtard jewpuppet, you get locked away.

How can we save Kanye? Does anyone know the institution they took him to? We could call them and demand his release.

The funny thing is he compensated the ticket sales.

>Sent to hospital for opinions

José can you see?

Blacks don't really like Kanye all that much, especially now.

They are disowning him all over twitter. It's insane. "You ain't black" unless you support BLM and hate Trump.

Same thing happened to Lil Wayne. "This nigga done drank too much sizzurp bruh" when he condemned BLM and praised white people.

you are thinking of.. (((them)))

Reportedly, Jay-Z and Kanye aren't on the greatest of terms. Haven't talked in months.

Shit, (((they))) can't do this to based Kanye.
How can we help?

Probably. They may have just tried to do punish him or coerce him before, but after his speech they moved to silence him, especially with the rumours that he would be on infowars.

This is the first article you get on google when you're trying to search about this shit.

"There are a few people on this planet you don’t talk about negatively in any way, shape or form those people are Barack and Michelle Obama and Beyoncé."

oyy veyy question nothing.

Dude was clearly psychotic in his latest concert.

Maybe they flat out told him he'll never be in the illuminati.



Do you guys seriously not know that all celebs are tightly controlled "Illuminati" puppets? They all exist to fulfill a global agenda. He went against the agenda.

fake and gay

>Do you guys seriously not know that all celebs are tightly controlled "Illuminati" puppets?
No, this is a completely new idea to Sup Forums.

Never heard this theory.

Kanye is redpilled to an extent. He understands the media controls public opinion and he always says it. That said, he's a bit crazy. Watch this fucking interview. It's gold.

As someone who suffered a psychotic episode I can confirm Kanye is experiencing this.

He talked about Jay Z having his killers sent after him

I'm in the military (full of blacks) and blacks haven't liked Kanye in years. He makes black music for white people.

Blacks still like his music in my experience, they just disown his opinions, because he tells some truth.

shut the fuck up with this nigger stories

he is just a richer nigger and nothing else

no he is not "our guy" he is a subhuman retards, same level as pooinloos

stop spamming shit about this nigger and kys op

saged hard

What the fuck senpai?

You don't handcuff someone mentally ill. There is someone behind this and we should investigate. Afterall he is a nigger but he is OUR nigger

Bump so it feels like I'm actually doing something to help Kanye, even though i'm not doing shit

>after his speech they moved to silence him
again no proof

nigger was niggering out in his place and police got called, we all know how nigger like police and rich nigger like police even more

if he did not spaz he would be fine

fuck this nigger and fuck whoever posts about him

>Jenny Hyun
Holy fuck that was better than I thought, based as fuck.

>You don't handcuff someone mentally ill.
Actually, you do.

Green Day was forced to go full antiTrump to cover up Yeezy

>fuck this nigger and fuck whoever posts about him
You are posting about him you pasta nigger.

Don't lump Billy in with the rest of the band. Tre is really cool.

>no proof
>literally dragged in handcuffs while saying he was ok

Not true, t. Psycho.

wtf I love Kanye now

Yeezus is Jesus, the prophet

Trump is the God Empror

Yeezus is MK-Ultra'd (crucified)

We are entering a new unvierse time is repeating itself endlessly

And you'll probably vote yes for the referendum, am I right?

Guy was absolutely based.

SADLY i will not be here when the vote happens

i hate renzi but i guess i might have voted yes, just because its a fucking long time we should make that change, but renzi made it personal and it looks like he will lose

I worked in an ER for a few years. All mental patients and people who have break downs think they are fine.

worst movie ever


and we talking about a nigger here and a very rich and famous one, just imagine the amount of spazzing

>Why is Martin Lawrence running around screaming "THEYRE TRYING TO KILL ME"

>Why is Mariah Carrey taking off all her clothes on TRL

>Why is Dave Chappelle going to Africa

>Why is Kanye West in a Mental Asylum.

Good riddance, nigger.

>cops responded to a call for a welfare check on Kanye around 1:20 PM PT

>celebrity dindus get their gibs hand delivered to them by cops in LA

What the fuck man.

I know

However that's exactly why in the timeline post on reddit they say he seemed perfectly fine after the event, not only that, but he's being doing such rants for 3 years with no problems so far, besides the fact that if you look at the transcript or the main points, he says nothing outrageous.

Look at this:

lol i read it like that too, but no, i dont think kayne is on welfare and food stamps :)

Kim has been really silent on social media too. Something is up and it's nothing good.

Go make a pizza and fix some pipes you fat italian faggot.

"Google Lied to you, facebook lied to you, radio fucked you. 100 years on this planet, we can have a utopia. Jay Z I know you got killas in miami, please don't send them after me."

Again, squash a goomba and ride a Yoshi, you greasy spaghetti nigger.

I'm surprised the media is not even trying to suppress this story not even in the slightest.

It's like they want possible other celebrities to know what's going to happen to them if they get vocal.

>Congratulations - YOU HAVE A BIG DICK - so do whales and elephants

>Your culture is DISGUSTING, your people are equally as DISGUSTING. Disrespectful, violent, arrogant, stupid..

>Fucking idiot. You should be WORSHIPPING Asians you sub-human ungrateful APE. @FloydMayweather

Shes /our girl/

lol chile spring to defend nigger, how surprising

>Why was Selma Blair thinking her husband is trying to kill her while she was on a flight? Is she just psychotic and had an episode mid-air?

>Jenny Hyun

that thumbnail makes it look like he's only wearing chaps and underwear

Kanye, the edgelord he is, told his fans he would have voted Trump to piss people off. He has learned this tactic from his shitty new family that revels in the concept of "no publicity is bad publicity". It turns out however that he couldn't take his entire fanbase, the source of his ego, turning on him and he had a mental breakdown.

>why was amanda bynes thinking that she had an electronic implant in her brain and why did she share these thought on twitter for everyone to see?

Selma Blair has apologized for her bizarre in-flight outburst saying: 'I am a flawed human being who makes mistakes and am filled with shame'
Blair was rushed to a Los Angeles hospital on Monday after being met by paramedics on a flight home from Cancun
The actress was allegedly mixing wine and pills on the plane, according to eyewitnesses
Blair, 43, began to cry and scream about being physically abused by a man
'He burns my private parts. He won't let me eat or drink. He beats me. He's going to kill me,' shouted Blair
>TFW this is the first time you heard of this

You'd know a lot about springs there Super Mario.

I feel like the topic of Trump and politics is why Kanye and Jay Z stopped getting along lately tbqh

>paranoid schizophrenia

>President-elect Donald Trump
Why do they always have to be politically correct? No president has ever been called president-elect.

Jesus christ my man go jump on some goombas or something

>welfare check

Lol he just went to get more gibs