On December 19, the electoral college will fulfill its intended purpose of keeping the nation safe from a bigoted racist, xenophobic, homophobic, ableist and make Hillary Rodham Clinton our 45th president!!
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You realise Sup Forums would love that, right?
very nice pepe there shame about the digits
Hillary has conceded the race, she is no longer an eligible candidate for the electoral college.
Your'e snotty little pictures don't change the fact that voter shenanigans were EVERYWHERE, especially in Florida, and we the people will not rest until we investigate and give Hillary what is rightfully hers!!
"Campaigns are won and lost at the grassroots level. Never in our nation's history have we had a candidate in Donald Trump simply galvanize millions of people without even trying. Even with his celebrity status, the fact that hundreds of thousands of Republican voters came out of the Florida woodwork to vote for him and that these voters were simply missed by every single poll and polling outlet seems not only impractical but also impossible. The results of Florida's election need to be analyzed and broken down to answer these questions. This is not a partisan issue, but rather is a American issue that cuts to the core of our democracy. These results raise serious questions and the American people deserve answers.
And these answers could alter our country's history."
>mfw I get to march south and gun down California liberals with my buddies from Sup Forums.
It doesn't matter, Trump is a Russian puppet and cannot faithfully execute the office of President of the United States
Or it could be because the media's polls weren't fair and balanced? You can manipulate them so easily.
Another theory is that so many people were being attacked for being Trump supporters that they didn't answer polls.
"There are now reports that the White House is reviewing the Dworkin Report, clearly outlining the incoming Oval Office occupant's ties to Russia after the same FBI that injected itself into the election with 10 days to go with an email nothingburger hurriedly tried to clear Trump.
This is not just someone being friendly to another country. This is Russia assisting a candidate for president with hacks and more, and revealing and reveling in those connections after that candidate won.
Donald Trump, at the very least, owes his election to Putin. At the most, he and his top aides are working at the behest of Putin. Either way, a president who cannot and has no intention to actually be faithful to the United States cannot be a legitimate president. And yet, he won the electoral tally.
And that's a Constitutional crisis."
>Even with his celebrity status, the fact that hundreds of thousands of Republican voters came out of the Florida woodwork to vote for him and that these voters were simply missed by every single poll and polling outlet seems not only impractical but also impossible
oh so now elections are rigged once Hillary lost
fucking drumpfkin why did he riduculed him for saying it's rigged
Do you have mental issues? Did you just disregard my post completely and post some strawman article from who knows where.
The elections were rigged by Russians and drumpf who's actually totally bankrupt and failed businessman has bribed FBI director to hurt Hillary.
You do realize only about 30% of our country voted right? Republicans simply gave more fucks this time around its not a conspiracy
It doesn't matter, Drumpf will literally bring back concentration camps, which makes him a demagoguge who is a threat to our democracy
How to start a civil war in 50 easy steps
Show me a quote where he wants to do that. No Leftist Fear mongering, I want to see Trump actually say "I'm going to round up the Muslims, and I'm going to put them in concentration camps. They're going to be the best concentration camps."
Who started spreading the demagogue buzzword? I don't think 90% of the people who use it now knew what it meant before this election cycle.
He says it every day, insider sources say.
Yeah, it will be all the criminal illegal aliens filling up the camps!
Close call, all the conservatives would have been in the fema camps if hillary won.
My dad is the electoral college and he told me Hillary Clinton will be president.
>50 easy steps
He is probably going to win by 74 electors, not just 50.
when something is irrelevant we say it is irrelevant, we don't say "not relevant"
time to go back to English school you non-white scum
by the way Trump is going to not only deport illegal undocumented migrants he's also going to repeal birthright citizenship so you will have to leave too
Also Takei is a fucking idiot. I'm gay and I don't feel threatened in the slightest.
Ooh, Gay marriage is going to be decided at a state level. PLEASE.
>Electoral college is unfaithful
>Flips election result to Hillary victory
>1776 commences again
read it and weep
>Indeed, to be perfectly clear, this idea is essentially a call for destroying American democracy, at least so far as it relates to presidential election results, before Trump can even get the chance to do anything, without any clear idea of what would replace it. It is very, very unlikely to work out well.
Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.
Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.
Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.
But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?
Shouldn't you be packing your bags?
>gore loses
>Mccain loses
Well we tried guys, but this what the people want
>Romney loses
Well we tried guys, but this is what the people want
>Hillary loses
I'm seeing a pattern here.
if she tried her whole life to get the POTUS title and finally lost to orange man, it's not even remotely rightfully hers
she is the ultimate loser and she will go down in history as one
I love how these links are always trash. Its a solid indication we're dealing with some little dogshit human being that isnt even old enough to order a drink, let alone scoured the web long enough to determine what is credible and what isnt
In think this MSM junky is having a mental breakdown
>muh russian hackers
You libtards don't seriously believe that , right? The fbi and wikileaks have confirmed that there are no connections with russia and trump , but hillary has sold uranium to the russians in the 90s and actually met putin unlike trump, get fucked ctr faggot.
"Even as much of the nation continues to recall in shock and horror over the idea that unstable extremist Donald Trump is on track to become President despite getting two million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton due to an Electoral College quirk, there has been a populist movement to push the Electoral College to make the unprecedented move of reversing the election when it meets in December. And now a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter is taking things one definitive step further.
In a move which is unprecedented in its own right, Los Angeles based attorney John S. Birke has filed suit against all five hundred and thirty-eight members of the Electoral College in an attempt to legally force them to change their votes and award the Presidency to Hillary Clinton, in line with the will of the voting public. His legal argument (as explained in the Los Angeles Daily News) is that, due to the manner in which Electoral College votes are apportioned, citizens in a small state are given far more representation than citizens in a larger state."
To be fair I remember people being pissy about Obama winning. Not nearly to this level though.
more like echochamber.net amirite guise :D
Keep spamming in all caps. That ought to warp reality and turn your comment into the truth LMAO.
Kek , hillary isn't demanding a re count because she knows exactly that there would be so much evidence of voter fraud from the democrats that your fucking head would spin.
It's probably just some bored troll 2bh
Guys I'm scared. CTR seems to have died down for a bit but now they seem to be going full force. Donald will become president right?
>due to the manner in which Electoral College votes are apportioned, citizens in a small state are given far more representation than citizens in a larger state."
Which is the stated purpose of Electoral College. Everything works as intended.
Thats not democratic.
Thats tyrany.
This, for emphasis. She's not even trying to win now. There's no legal precedent for electing someone that's not even technically a valid candidate anymore.
This. Notice how she isn't asking for a recount?
Nah, you're literally shaking.
>Thats not democratic.
The US is a Republic.
That DOES NOT MATTER, the tide is already turning
"Two Electors from Washington State and another from Colorado say they’ll refuse to cast their vote for Trump, and they say they’re working within the Electoral College to convince their colleagues to do the same.
Although Electors are supposed to vote according to how that state’s electoral votes were won on election night, there may be little to stop them. Some states have made it illegal for Electors to change their votes, but the penalties can be as little as a thousand dollar fine – which protesters around the nation have agreed to pay on their behalf. But with three Electors already publicly on board with rejecting Donald Trump and naming someone else President instead, the odds of it happening are suddenly greater than zero."
>Two Electors from Washington State and another from Colorado say they’ll refuse to cast their vote for Trump
Washington and Colorado are blue, obviously they wont' vote for Trump.
It's setup that way so that huge population centers can't decide the entire election. How fair is it that 5% of the land decides how the other 95% of it lives?
It's not a perfect system but it's fairer than a direct democracy.
oh no 3 people assigned to vote for Hilary are not going to vote for trump, what will we do?
Build and claimd billions of time its a democratic country.
Even for a republic thats tyrany.
Its the very definition of tyrany if the few rule over many.
muh popular vote
muh let's change the rules because I love corrupt and evil womyn
muh let's have world war 3
more projecting from the losers.
Just accept defeat, lower those breeches and grab them ankles, papa's had a rough day
Keep laughing, Individual states are now 61% of the way to mathematically eliminating the Electoral College
In democratic countries you also check the ID's before letting people vote.
Because the 95% are the 320 million.
How fair is it that 20 million decide over 320 million.
Larg citis are the economic motors not country potatos farming.
>Candidate conceded
>"herrderr we can still vote her in!?"
>Larg citis are the economic motors not country potatos farming.
Why are you so classist?
If her drinking binge doesn't kill her first. Understand, we'd love nothing more than that. Start the 2nd American Civil War, give us the excuse to wipe you all out once and for all.
So its done and nothing changes that the usa are confirmd 3rd workd shithole with no democracy at all.
Still richer than Germany PPP.
Isn't that quote from Stannis the FUCKING WHITE MALE that the lefty GoT fans hate?
I am a realist.
Its a capitalist world.
Now i understand why the usa goes down the drain if they let only a few idiots decide instead like a true democracy listen to the mayorety.
Oi lets hope the mayorety wakes never up and burns down the minorety.
Yes,lose to orange man is good comrade, lots of American babies be eaten from Orange Man Capitalist soul.
The economic motor is irrelevant when you're dying of starvation.
>bribing people
>off by one
Well, you deserved it.
You can't handle the truth, Drumpflet
Right wing death squads are just waiting for an excuse.
And üoland. But funny thing its only a petro dollar thing.
Imagin that gone, how will the nazis ever recover.
Better to not support a tyranical system with no democracy.
Is it ironic that Marxists are trying to scapegoat Russia for Trump's victory.
Drumpf iz ruslamn phupfet fe zurre.
The economic motor feeds you.
It keeps hundret millions employed who other wise murder the farmers.
But explaing that to a butthurt farmer is futile.
Muh land muh power.
The TRUMP rap blows that shit out of the water, watching these two raps is the election in a nutshell:
Calm down, Ali
>Keep laughing, Individual states are now 61% of the way to mathematically eliminating the Electoral College
Yes smaller states are going to get rid of the electoral college and allow themselves to be even more ignored.
It's time to accept him as your president, your just prolonging your suffering.
If it keeps the peace then thank god for Russia.
Clinton would have started WW3.
its CNN, buzzfeed journalists seeking revenge for their overlords swollen anuses
Oh no my arguments are shit and people get redpilled.
I i i its t t t tottaly a ctr shill thread.
S s s s shut it down.
Why are CTR shills still here?
He won't be president in January. Drumpf is done
>electoral college votes in hillary
>huh apparantly the college doesnt work as intended anymore
>electoral college ceases to exist
Wow, groundbreaking.
Figthing nazi never is and never will be.
One reason more to habd ypur sorry asses to the chinks.
Supporting nazis at all cost.
Your a disgrace to your heritage.
Even if Hillary somehow managed to get enough vote to flip the electoral result, the congress can easily reject it.
>Counting electoral votes in congress
So yeah, good luck on getting those electoral votes and getting pas through the congress.
She already conceded, breh...
Funny or die was enough to deem your argument invalid
Hillary is slated to win the popular vote by over 2 million voters. Are you really okay with this? She basically deserves to president at this point in terms of raw votes.
What happens if they reject her?
No president?
Obama stayes?
New elections?
And trump starts ww3 with china.
Russia and china are both allied in witch case your fuckt.
Thx to nato not being a thing russkis just roll up to your east coast.
GG no RE
reddit please go
Retards still try to troll or don't realize that Hillary Clinton CONCEDED THE ELECTION. It is no longer possible for her to become the President in 2016, she is not running anymore.
won't happen cuck
Its like all those theoretically very powerful rights european monarchs and presidents have. If they use them, they lose them.