I didnt even want to screen cap this shit at risk of getting v&. Theres a thread on infinitychan uncovering this also.
Can people try to understand the difference between gay porn and child porn.
Unless the picture is definitely of a boy/girl aged under 13 you are not finding anything significant. The op photo looks like a boy above 13.
Wyatt Adams
Believe him. And yes, not clicking is a good idea.
Luis Kelly
You stupid niggers. It was hardly 2 years ago facebook had that gif of the 3 year old girl sucking cock that got disseminated to over 1 million people. The title was something like " do you recognize this girl OMG we have to save her please help!"
Jacob Robinson
No. The CEO of Twitter isn't responsible for the content posted by its users. He can just say they're removing them as fast as they find them and you'll never hear of it again. Literally nothing is going to happen here unless Trump deletes his Twitter and says he won't support a CP site.
John Perry
The threads on this yesterday and the day before.
Oh Japan.
Easton Ortiz
I'm not sure if I should welcome you to Sup Forums or call you a moron for suggesting that people look up cp. I do know that you should kill yourself either way.
Ayden Ramirez
If it's under 18 it's CP you filthy pedo.
Samuel Lopez
You're a fucking idiot
Jose Stewart
under international (US) law any porn involving individuals under the age of 18 is child pornography
Nathan Bennett
nips are degenerates, anything 13 and up is legal there
the tsunamis will drown them all
Nolan Miller
Still pissed that twitter baned all nazi bots?
Yep, assblasted as fuck.
Noah Cooper
Yeah it's pretty fucked. What's worse is that despite their website being a massive hive of pornography, their mods and admins are more concerned with banning the "Alt-Right" and "Nazis"
> This is the first time I've ever stumbled across cp and its freaking me out.
I'd say lurk moar, but that's not really how it works here anymore. Don't let the CP get into your head though bro. It's bad, but it's nothing you can't emotionally detach yourself from.
Ian Martinez
Tried to warn about all this.... I get his bitch was a pain But dude, all the riches in world, the world a head of you.
You go shoot your self in the garage... I think this was the gore img that went all over the country at this time we got the nets. All over school, everyone on rotten.com
>HE TRIED TO WARN YOU Radiohead too. See the pattern, manifactured vessels that always are chosen by their looks(can just be murica)... >GET IN HERE GOYIM >unzip >You want this job, you know what to do
FUCK PEDOWOOD FUCK THE (((US))) MUSIC INDUSTRY >FUCK THE UN! We're sending back all somalis Just to be bitches we're gonna up the whale and baby seal quotas
Dylan Wood
Twitter takes time to react but eventually closes them
Nolan Martinez
Welcome. CP actually exists and it's not that hard to find. The shock will subside in a couple hours.
Brandon Wood
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
Cooper Robinson
none of that in the account you posted is cp
James Edwards
Been looking through all the links posted. No underage porn found. Just a lot of Spanish/Brazilian accounts posting gay porn and barley legal girls.
Angel Mitchell
>first goreimg, prolly have it on 3,5" even lol
What did they do great skald? We have all indications, we need proofs
Jacob Harris
Depends on the country. The age of consent in Japan is 13. 13 year olds posing for porn is legal.
Logan Williams
>The threads on this yesterday and the day before.
I want OP to answer.
He just seems suspicious.
>wow look at what I found >never stumbled on CP, help I'm scared!
He's an agent perpetuating the honeypot so the ping pong faggots divert their resources.
Josiah Gutierrez
Will I get in trouble for viewing that shit?
Jaxon Reyes
You seems used to it
Adam Gomez
I looked at the links above. The ones that had not been already deleted contained porn of young girls but not CP and probably uploaded by the girls themselves.
Lucas Myers
Fucking gross
Brayden Jones
Isaiah Roberts
I was shilling like crazy on #twittergate and #pizzagate yesterday, but nothing came of it. Tons of re-tweets and likes, front, left, and center, but somehow it failed to gain traction. None of the big accounts picked it up.
Some days you win, some days you lose.
Justin Peterson
If you just report random porn and do not concentrate on actual CP then you are doing nothing to stop it.
International law is not going to prevent a Thai boy of 14 masturbating and posting it on twitter.
Parker Lee
But the age of consent is 16 in most civilised countries
This is the list of accounts suspected. However many have already been taken down. You can hard copy and excel file and go through the list yourselves.
Ethan Robinson
Most of that did not look underage, and the rest was questionable at best. I am having a hard time believing people have been posting actual cp on twitter.
Oliver Cook
I scrolled through it and at best it's amateur stuff with barely legal girls
one of the girls on there is a porn star that goes by 'Kat' or something and looks like a little girl but isn't.
There's a bunch of twitter accounts that post porn. This isn't news.
Carson Walker
Why are the majority of leafs defending CP...fucking despicable subhumans.
Jayden Collins
I'd have no problem with this if it was stupid sexy little girls but it all seems to be faggot shit. That stuff should be illegal at any age.
Jose Young
Provide some imaginary as a proof then.
Cooper Ramirez
pedophilia is before puberty
There's nothing wrong with finding high school aged women attractive.
Liam Reyes
Not defending. Defining what is CP and what is not. Some people seem to not understand when porn is just porn.
Daniel Gutierrez
Lucas Lee
Grandson you're not the only one, there are lit 100ds of millions watching this all over the globe.
>Just take break when it gets to hard...
From rolling up a massive corruption ring around that satanist/jewish occultist hillary clinton, to fucking jewish bloting of goyim children, vile torture.
We heathens see what they are doing, well some of it. That their Blot Gydje doesn't just make up US style... So wrong so very wrong.
>GAAAH (((BING))) (((Kiiikle)... how surprising, you search for bloting and you find one image... The one time we bloted a King, before your retarded we wuz wiking age meme
yes 1 time this image. And a mad swedish King... That's all in Ynglingasaga... Which goves from when Odin and co came some time before your Jesus - til well the father of our 2nd one King, we know off.
JEWS! >Not kidding when we say here, that we are working to get services like google and facebook banned