Is this statement correct?

Is this statement correct?

Wrong it would be totally more than 11.5 years, remember the 500 gorillion Jews who died goy

the holocaust, as we know it, never happened

>We would be silent for a fictional amount of time.

No. Have you ever known any woman or any activists to stay silent for 11 years?

not a single minute.

If it took 11 years for 6 million minutes to go by...

And the holocaust took place during world war two

then who was holocaust?

Is it correct that fingernails can scratch concrete?

How many years would it take to burn that many bodies then?

If they would stay silent about the holohoax for 11 years, I would concede that anywhere remotely near 6 million died and ignore the fact that there are too many jews in the world today fir that possibly to be true.

>We can meme people who believe in holocaust to be silent for 11 years
Let's do it.

now calculate how many years we'd be silent if we did the same for victims of communists in Russia and China

Not true, do you know how many people they had to kill to keep the (((holocaust))) real? Thousands! sad!

>The holocaust never happened but we want it to happen again

The Sup Forums paradox.

Logically, I think we would actually have to scream

extremely wet concrete maybe.

Concrete that sat in water for like 100 days maybe.

Make it 115 years

yeah, that's about how many Christians and Moslems have been victimized by the Holocaustâ„¢ industry

Kek need to member this


And if every dollar was a second, our country is 400,000 years in debt, because of a bunch of minutes that we should be adding to your stupid clock.


If the Jews were silent for 11.5 years, I think we would all get over that thing that didn't happen.


How is that a paradox?


Is this using the SI or atomic measurement of time?

Incorrect. A jew can barely last 11 minutes without talking about muh holocaust let alone 11 years

Delete this

Remember the sixty six billion

For the record I think their math is way wrong (typical). One minutes silence for every victim of the holocaust (assuming the 66 billion) would be one minute.

Top kek not even remembering the sixty five thousand billion million gorillion what are you a fucking bigot or something, it's 2016 shitlord!!!

if we want to kill 6 million jews and can kill and destroy the body in one minute we would need 6 years?

Only if it's concrete in a gas chamber with windows and a wooden door.