I had an interesting conversation with my friend today.
Why do we (the right wing folks) assume that every liberal is some super biased extremist nutjob?
And even the ones who are, why do we care so much about them pushing equality? Why is it so bad to care about the environment and the well being of people?
I didn't know how to answer that. Mainly because I sincerly believe that not everyone should have a voice, I feel these kinds of people are a detriment to society itself. I can't say those things because then I'm labled crazy.
How do I talk to people like this? How can they not understand that this constant hand-holding cry-baby mentality hurts us as a nation?
And another thing, are trumps cabinet picks so far stacked against the american people?
Do you feel trump actually cares about us or will his policies just benefit him and the rich?
Easton Lopez
>Why do we (the right wing folks) assume that every liberal is some super biased extremist nutjob?
We don't.
Fuck off with this begging the question shit.
Nathan Perry
One more thing!
I'm Mexican and I voted for trump, I think its horrible that white folks are brainwashed to think ill of their own skin color, that's just fucking retarded...
I don't think the alt right is really actually racist, I think you'd accept other races if they weren't so un-american sometimes
Elijah Hall
What do you mean? The issue with the current generation of liberals is not equality nkre environmentalism or anything such, it's the naivety and willingness to follow things without researching themselves. It's the hypocrisy they spew and it's the inabilt6 to argue actual points. My main issue, in reality, is not their views but how they shut down any discussion or debate and their absolute need to be the good guy. It's why the argue abortion on the grounds of women's rights rather than the real discussion of what constitutes human life. It's why the argue.l for total forced equality, because they don't under at and that true equality is simply equal oppurtunity. They hurt us by shutting down conversation and dividing the nation into tribalism via gender and race politics rather than rationally discussing the problems of society which are more educational and class bases that race based. I mean can we really say, even if you agree with BLM points, that they have done any good? What about occupy Wallstreet? It's an issue that their methods are ridiculous and they care more about what their twitter friends think than about their own morals. Their problem is that they call for affirmative action and forced equality, but are unwillingly to lead by example. There problem is they are unwilling to debate because they are only towing the popular political line.
Nolan Adams
My biggest gripe about this whole shit is when I point put how retarded it is to block freeways and protest at trump tower, the response I get ba k is "at least their doing something", as if an uncoordinated sit-in is really anything at all...
Chase Price
What I meant is that that is what he asked me. I'm just making sure that he isn't right
Justin Rogers
They don't even have a point. It's like the modern feminist movement. They go up to these people and ask and they best they can say is 'The rich need to pay more' as if it's a real solution to the problems in the world. It's nerf ball politics, and these people are too lazy to actually come up with a real solution, just yell about the current situation. And then, when proven logically wrong, they have the gaul to call you a bigot or racist for something as simple as saying that people should have their ID to vote. It absolutely astounds me the inability for these people to think beyond simplistic barbaric thought. At the very base it's tribalism, and tribalism of the worst kind because there is no method to their madness. It's not like these anarchists fighting for something, it's these borderline retards who are angry at nothing, 20 years old, and jumping on whatever bandwagon will lead them to mild entertainment and warm fuzzies. Everyone wants to change the world, but these naive children don't understand how their actions affect their surroundings, and how little there is for us to worry about as compared to the rest of the world. These people could be saving and changing lives in the peace corp, or in charities, or even just helping local soup kitchens or food drives, but instead they riot and complain and bitch on facebook about pointless issue. It absolutely disgusts me that people would rather fight against the lack of representation of women in games than to stand up and try to help charity organizations feed the homeless or find homes for those who are indeed less privileged. But that's the issue, we live in a culture where those with the power to do something would rather sit on their ass and type about how Hiroshima was bad and how America is the worst country as little girls in Saudi Arabia get killed, homosexuals in Russia get imprisoned, and drugs keep pouring over our border because we are unwilling to change laws to stop it.
Joshua Sanchez
Know this. It isn't an issue between right or left, it's an issue of groupism and people trying rob us of intellectual individualism. The left pushes that like madman, it's why every black republican is an uncle tom and and every conservative women an artifact of the old times to these people. They are unable to understand, or perhaps unable to lose these people and thus make them into symbols of people being used rather than people just having differing opinions. The right does it too, but not nearly as bad. The fact that Trump came out as their candidate proves that.
Blake Barnes
I like you two
I have a problem with articulating arguments. Mostly because I honestly know very little of how politics and social behavior works on this kind of scale
I want to fix it but down know how.
Is it wrong that the only reason I support trump is because he makes people uncomfortable? And what I mean by that is anyone can offer change, but I feel he has the arrogance and audacity to actually do it. But that all remains to be sewn still I guess.
Samuel Gray
Same guy lol, one was on my phone. And no, the good thing about Trump is that he wholeheartedly is willing to break the system which has put us into this issue of being unable to discuss. He's attacking the media, one of the prime components of mob mentality. He's attacking career politicians, a blight which has slowly killed the political system. He's attacking and willing to change what no one else was willing to do simply because he doesn't give a shit what people think or how he makes them feel. There are issues with Trump, I think he will lead the Republican party to a more authoritative stance, but I think we will see a lot of good rise from him. Now, how willing the Republicans will be to work with him is going to be the question. He obviously has rallied their party, but to work with some of his more anti-establishment 'clean out the swamp' visions will hurt them too. It's going to be an extremely interesting time.
Isaiah Lee
How come you are not above the right-left schism? Why cant you see its divide and conquer?
Kayden Powell
>Why do we (the right wing folks) assume that every liberal is some super biased extremist nutjob?
Because they are. You're a cuck and a faggot for caring about these people and their faggot feelings.
>I don't think the alt right is really actually racist, I think you'd accept other races if they weren't so un-american sometimes
Except it is, the core value of the alt-right is white nationalism. You're thinking of the alt-lite aka civic nationalists and their wife's black sons.
Cameron Kelly
I see that, I'm aware of this whole idea. The problems is that I (if were talking labels) align with the right even though I'd like to see myself as more of a centrist. But unfortunately I don't feel centrist do much help one way or the other...
Dominic Ward
I could get behind that. If seeing your country suffer at the hands of elite globalists doesn't piss you the hell off then you are a shitty person regardless of skin color. I'd have no problem with a rainbow of different colored Americans hanging Clinton on national tv.
Ethan Powell
The alt right is a meme, a group of people tired of the Republican party but conservative none the less. This whole although right movement is bullshit that will likely die out. Noone is truly looking for an ethnic state, just a more controlled immigration mentality, and less of this identity political mentality
Nolan Roberts
>Why do we assume that every liberal is crazy? Online you see it, but in reality I don't see it often unless you are at a political event >why do we care about them pushing equality Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are different, we want everyone to have a fair chance to be equal, not enforce equality. >Why is it so bad to care about the environment This isn't a right-wing idea, it's a republican one. Caring for the environment should be a priority, but not fueled by misrepresentations or limiting our ability to be successfully. I personally think nuclear is our only way forward >Caring about the well being of people Of course we care, but this is like a mother and father approach to fixing a problem. A father will try and give you the tools to fix but leave you alone, and a mother will smother you with answer and never let you learn
The main thing with a liberal's stance is you need to divide people who think things because they think they are logical and the one's who do it because it feels good. With the logical person go at it, debate policy and the turn out. With the feelers, I wouldn't recommend trying to convince them.
Ryder Ramirez
Vocal minorities and extremists with their voices amplified by the internet. They think the same about you.
Dylan Parker
>Stacked against the people Hard to tell realistically, if you include illegals and druggies yea it is, but for the everyday man? I don't believe so. >Does trump care Trump has spent the last 30+ years considering a presidential bid, I think this more than eco. And like he said in the 80's, the presidency doesn't pay as well
John Diaz
So my question to you, do you think all these "Hitler did nothing wrong" and "pull the trigger on every nigger" threads are just edgy kids? Or do you think there just for lulz? Or perhaps they're just simple extremism?
Because these things really don't help the conservative\right wing image
Logan Gonzalez
>Are the alt-right racist Depends if you are talking to the creators of it or everyone who got lumped into it
The creators are white nationalist, so I would argue in a way they are racist. However the current description in the media would agree with what you say: as long as the person upholds western values, who cares what they look like?
Michael Moore
>Noone is truly looking for an ethnic state, just a more controlled immigration mentality, and less of this identity political mentality
It's the same across the spectrum. Even those on the left-center often view center-right as complete nutters. Despite being a fervent socialist I always try to avoid the liberal moral mountain, I.e screaming "bigot" at anyone right-wing just for having a different view to me. It's that shit that got trump elected folks.
Joseph Barnes
See, thats the issue. Who is THEY? The alt-right is a barely organized group of nobody. Some say they are trump supporters, some say they originated here. There is no concrete group, its a meme, it's non-existent, and most people who would consider themselves alt-right don't want an ethno-state like Israel. Most of them probably dislike Israel..
All modern establishment politics are a sham since Woodrow Wilson. It has since been a fight between globalist Marxist ideologies, and traditional National politics. The policies of the establishment and populist Left are time tested to do the opposite of their stated goals. The policies of the establishment Right are just decade behind of rolling capitulations to Leftists presuppositions. The populist Right is the sweet spot of politics.
Cameron Perry
I think they are serious in regards to the fact that if you deported literally every African American and non white Hispanic then or country would improve on an unprecedented scale both socially and economically, think about black crime rates or the drug traffic from Mexico. Their solution is impractical and flawed but even so blanket measures are easier to get behind and comprehend so that's why they do it. If it came down to getting rid of everyone but their own race or getting rid of all the shitty people from every race they would choose option 2.
Kevin Stewart
Guys, how can I aquire arguing skills?
I just want to talk about these issues with my friend and I KNOW he does listen to reason. he isn't a lib-tard ...yet.
We stay friends but we don't talk about these issues and I feel like we should...
Andrew Taylor
So in a sense, its kinda like saying to them "here's what you said... But I'm pretty sure you meant this..."
Connor Rivera
I think the same harshness exists on both sides. I think that the real problem is not the ideologies people have, but the way we talk and discuss. The debate climate has gotten too harsh and people don't really listen to each other, both sides stonewall whatever the other has to say. People make snap judgments, like "oh he's a retard liberal" or "oh he's an evil racist" and then immediately discard whatever the other side has to say. So much is superficial, like how people see headlines and absorb that into their idea world without even reading the articles to get the full nuance.
I think it's caused by how social media moves so quickly, it makes it hard to process the immense wealth of information and opinions we get swamped by. It's hard to sift through and judge what's real and what isn't. And also how aggressively social media is filtered, two people on facebook or twitter can get an entirely different idea of something. It's like we create and reinforce our own reality. And how can you have a democracy in a country where, potentially, every single individual has their own idea of reality? It's like a hyper-individualistic society, anarchy almost.
Jackson Smith
No, they've said it too. They don't like Hitler because he killed Jews, although some probably do, the main reason they idolize him is because he was a white nationalist who cared only for the interests of his own people. This is something people want more and more as their problems are marginalized and they are dismissed in favor of other ethnic groups who are easier to manipulate via identity politics and empty promises. This is one of the reasons trump was elected.
Parker Rodriguez
Have you ever played with the idea that the powers that be have created social media for this exact reason? To make us only able to talk in sound bytes, to disregard the previous scandal in politics?
A dumb society is easier to control. After all, we saw exactly how bad the media was during the election. If they're bought out, what's to say the software that allows this isn't as well.
But then again, its probably just an unfortunate coincidence too...
Gabriel Roberts
Dont confuse yourself and your views with the views of this political party. Mate
Juan Barnes
You're not fooling anyone Paco. You have to go back
Owen Parker
The left has spent 20 years pushing the idea that if you do not vote for the liberal leftist candidate, that you will actually DIE from global warming. Only liberals can save you from this fate.
Because of this, almost every millenial that I know is fucking TERRIFIED of global warming and even the idea of republicans stirs this fear in them. Literally just voting republican is basically signing your own death warrant from global warming.
Whenever someone says they think the environment is a major concern for them its hard for me to think they haven't fallen for this global warming fear propaganda.
Ian Miller
>Why do we (the right wing folks) assume that every liberal is some super biased extremist nutjob?
Because even if you're not you're enabling them.
Kevin Lee
We tried multiculturalism and it failed. You guys took the gambit and it failed. It will take another generation of whites before anyone trusts minorities to be anything other than crybaby trash that only wants to rape and take advantage of America, the country they hate. So fuck you Jose.
Kayden Richardson
How could you not when every year gets hotter? It's a very profound thing. A climate change that fast isn't natural. We're seeing the changes, the droughts, the famines, the ice sheets melting... Just try to imagine how serious the damage could be in 50-70 years when our grandkids inherit the planet... To not do something even if you're not sure if it's real, is irresponsible and to only focus on what's good for you, today, not thinking of the world you'll leave behind.
Global warming is indeed near the top of my list of worries for the future, it has potential to do tremendous damage and kill/displace millions.
Lincoln Smith
>Global warming is indeed near the top of my list of worries for the future, it has potential to do tremendous damage and kill/displace millions. I haven't seen any damage m8 I am not worried until I see ANY impact, we have much bigger problems to deal with that are actually happening right now
Interesting to see how well the propaganda works though
Brayden Brown
The Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 plan calls for the eventual elimination of private property as a means of eliminating social justice inequalities. This so called environmentalism plan is not about fixing the environment but using another clever guise to create another state capitalist system that suppresses all of human rights.
Carter Taylor
In the 70's it was global cooling. The 90's it was global warming. Now it's just climate change. They don't have a fucking clue what's going to happen. just like they couldn't predict trump was going to win.
Jayden Price
Because the left is filled with extremists. Very few of them aren't. We already have equality. They aren't pushing equality, they are pushing oppression, and we have to accept it without any resistance. Blacks make 13% of the population, yet they have to fill 50% at least of everything. We have to take unqualified people just to fill their quota. While they care for the environment, their policies hurts more than helps. They don't know how to run a country, so they fuck it up. Trump's cabinet hasn't been completed yet, way too early to judge it. The media will obviously say its stacked against the American people because they are a disgusting, lying, biased, communists.
Angel Collins
>Why do we (the right wing folks) assume that every liberal is some super biased extremist nutjob?
They're not. The left is currently struggling to figure out whether they should ditch SJWs and identity politics or not. They're about to get in a civil war.
>And even the ones who are, why do we care so much about them pushing equality?
They don't care about equality. SJWs hate whites and feminists hate men. They don't want affirmative action for whites. They want diversity quotas. They believe in "white privilege."
>How do I talk to people like this? How can they not understand that this constant hand-holding cry-baby mentality hurts us as a nation?
They are beyond hope. There is no getting through to them. I don't see how the Democratic party can recover from this.
What we're going to see in the next few years is the liberal media starting to push back against SJWs. Maybe it will start in academia too. But it's going to take a loooong fucking time to fix this, if it's even fixable. These nutjobs are too absorbed into their tribalism to listen to anybody.
Moderate democrats and even the far-left ones who hate SJWs should either create a new party or join the republicans and vote for moderate candidates in the primaries.
Charles Thompson
If you're not liberal when you're young you lack a soul. If you're not conservative when you're older you lack a brain. Its a balance of empathy and rationality.
Blake Flores
Google Johnathan Haida and watch some of the videos which come up.
Joseph Russell
They don't even have to act American, they just have to pull their weight. No one gives a shit about Asians living here because they get jobs and don't cry for government gibs. The problem is these fuckers come over here and want free shit, but they don't want to contribute. It's getting to the point where these shitskin parasites are outnumbering honest workers.
Parker Ward
Nuclear winter takes precedence over global warming.
Oliver Wood
But what if it is real and it is changing and it is going to cause real damage in decades to come? Even if you can't see it now, why can't you trust the many voices trying to bring attention to it? What if it is real and now is our only chance to do something about it, before it's too late and the damage is done? Is it not irresponsible to disregard it and just pretend like these signs don't exist? We only have one planet after all and it's the one we will eventually pass on to our children and our children's children.
Lincoln Russell
could not make a more obvious concern troll if i tried, fuck off you false flagging retard
centrists are far more dangerous than commies or socialists ever could be
Jacob Sanchez
its impossible to give everybody on earth the same life quality standart those so called liberals have, everybody would be poor and not everybody would be working.
Kayden Taylor
Zizek the posterboy of neo-marxists has come out against p.c. In fact this has been a struggle for at least a century. One could argue that Marx contributed to it first by establishing the idea that our problems were class based. Alas as a fucking white male I am a pariah to the far left where I was once so committed.
Logan Reyes
ignore this, i was already triggered by something else
you can't do anything except literally wait for them to grow up. of course some people never grow up in terms of political views, unfortunately.
>And even the ones who are, why do we care so much about them pushing equality? Why is it so bad to care about the environment and the well being of people?
because the policies endorsed by them involve putting enormous quantities of resources towards pipe dreams, towards idealist fantasies that cannot be make into reality. these resources could be put elsewhere into schemes that actually benefit society, but leftists are quite simply too childish to look more than 5 minutes into the future.
Oliver Sullivan
>equality >well-being of the people The left has, with the right's adoption of their old ideals, shifted from seeking to treat people justly to instead wanting a "just" outcome. When you develop an "ends justifies the means" philosophy, of course the more fanatic you are the more unseemly you become, as you accept bigger and bigger injustices for the "greater good". >environment Unilaterally caving just hurts your economy and gives other countries more leeway. International agreements striving to curb "global warming" or whatever the catchphrase is nowadays are always far tougher on developed nations supposedly in order to give developing nations room for growth. They are effectively international wealth redistribution schemes.
Leo Hughes
Read "How to win friends and influence people'
Thomas Morgan
>International agreements striving to curb "global warming" or whatever the catchphrase is nowadays are always far tougher on developed nations supposedly in order to give developing nations room for growth. They are effectively international wealth redistribution schemes. It's impossible to get them to join otherwise. They see it as, if the developed world was allowed to release all those global warming gases while they grew and got rich, why can't we? And of course if the massive asian/african countries do that, it would mean a tremendous amount of environmental damage. So you kinda have to put your good foot forward and show you're serious about it in order to get them to tag along.
Camden Smith
>Unilaterally caving just hurts your economy and gives other countries more leeway Even more so considering the projections put most of the cost on the very same developing nations. It's their problem, first and foremost. >It's impossible to get them to join otherwise Sanction them if they don't adhere. If you were serious about it, it would be extremely easy to push them around. Yet that doesn't happen, so is it serious or not?
Austin Howard
Well, look at it this way, if they are helped to develop without excessively damaging the environment, it's good for us too in the long run. Both in the sense that it's an environment that we all share at the end of the day, and secondly, in purely economical terms, it will mean that the country will be more prosperous and stable which means more business opportunities for western companies.
Jose Gonzalez
>it's good for us too in the long run Giving up our economic growth for the sake of the environment, so that developing countries can rape it in order to grow is good for us how?
The end result is the same. It's fucked, only now we're poor as well.