>However, it’s Spencer’s deft packaging of this hate speech that made him the informal head of the self-styled “alt-right,” a movement of quasi- to full-blown fascist writers, listless brown shirts and disgruntled meme creators. He feints at multiculturalism, expressing his respect for “Native Americans,” the “spirituality” of African-Americans and the aforementioned “allies of color.” His white nationalist spouting is filed with academic jargon ― founding an organization with the distinctly bland name “National Policy Institute” and calling one’s movement “alt-right” is no small part of that strategy. All this is not a new approach, but one Spencer is chillingly good at.
>Even though he’s nearing 40, Spencer is so good at playing wonky millennial it makes you want to vomit. Think of him as an Ezra Klein for people who wouldn’t mind putting people named Ezra Klein on a train. He’s active on social media ― that is, until he’s kicked off of it for hate speech ― and loves calling mainstream Republicans “basic bitch conservatives.”
Noah Richardson
>exploding vans edition >no exploding vans Fuck this bot.
Alexander Brooks
>tfw making faggots mad in rocket league
Jack Jackson
Anyone notice the new shill tactic is to divide and conquer?
This whole thing about who and what is the "alt-right", "republican" or even "right-wing". It's all just semantics and a complete distraction.
Connor Bailey
Parker Edwards
>tfw no Trump daki I was going to get one made but I couldn't find high res enough full body images of Trump.
Jack Garcia
Jacob Martin
>im not european, im british
Gabriel Martinez
That's one fast Awoo.
Carson Ortiz
not underage, sauce in filename
some instahoe
Xavier Richardson
LARPing at nearly 40 year ago old. Jesus Christ what a monumental faggot.
Nolan Martin
She looks ugly af but 10/10 body wtf
John Davis
> tfw it's THIS character
never again..I was tricked by a friend and promised to make a folder with it before I realised what it was.
Dylan Powell
Anthony Young
Yeah, >she was one of the few to really fool me.
Caleb Walker
Sooner or later, they all turn. Get out while you still can.
Michael Cruz
>Mr President Trump: Mr Farage you are my friend for life.
James Ward
Kayden Gonzalez
Be honest. Was this election just so you could roll around in shit and make other people pissed? I mean there is no justification of this bullshit, to have people in your cabinet affiliated with Goldman Sachs when you claim to be a populist for the people. How can you be a populist for the people when the masses are upset with the corruption of the banking institutions? How can you claim to be draining the swamp when you bend down and kowtow to Henry Kissinger? How can you be anti-establishment when you back off of your promises of a wall, or repeal of Obamacare, or prosecution of HIllary, or your appointment of pro-drugwar attorney general? How can you claim any of this shit will be good for our country? Are you retarded? Do you just want to damage the lives of others while you sit in your special corner giggling about how you made the world even shittier?
Levi Allen
It's not like he tries to hide it.
Blake Johnson
Can't I have a weeb friend and she bullies me with that shitter every day. I'm already seeing a blur in the line ad the only out is electric shock therapy.
Nolan Davis
Nothing's new about that tactic. They just recycle the same failed bullshit over and over.
Christian Bell
>everyone leaves
Jaxon Gomez
I don't watch anime at all so I had no clue.
Adam Miller
Not gay if it's 2D.
Bentley Davis
>believe me >so true >has to be >I promise >how stupid >what's going on!?
Grayson Allen
Don't worry user, you'll be in good hands soon.
Sebastian Thomas
Ethan Thomas
would berry
Isaiah Kelly
Is the media just stupid af or do they legit not care?
>Trump publishes video speaking about executive actions he wants to take on day one >Media: DURR HURR HE DIDN'T TALK ABOUT THE WALL HE DIDN'T TALK ABOUT OBAMACARE DURRRR HE WILL NEVER BUILD A WALL
Wtf maybe Obamacare and the wall can't be done through executive actions you stupid imbeciles?
Justin Peterson
It's funny you say "back off the wall" because Trump's DHS chief pick was spotted with documents mentioning "2000mi rapid build wall"
Elijah Wood
No escape.
Noah Lewis
Xavier Myers
read it and absorb it without spewing fallacies and without acting like a spoiled child
Angel Walker
>Is the media just stupid Yes.
Nicholas Powell
Whatever happened to Tim "Candy" Kaine anyway?
Ian Perez
They don't care anymore. People are showing that they are now aware of how fake the media is.
All they can do now is just do whatever to grab attention and work their day away.
Jack Edwards
Trump and Pence are setting themselves up for assassination in January.
Austin Torres
Disavow the butter cow Pence!
Is this how the Iowa State Fair dies?
Grayson Davis
Ayden Jackson
This. Obamacare won't be repealed until they have something to simultaneously replace it with.
Zachary Scott
how joe do you think joe will be this morning?
Henry Cooper
t. paul ryan
Liam Phillips
and evidently you haven't watched his 60 minutes interview after he was elected because you live in a bubble, and even when Trump says reprehensible things or even flip flops on his own issues, you apologists and sycophants are there to drink down his semen.
Bentley Cruz
May somebody please hat this for me? I'm still torn between wanting to put my head in her lap or having her sit on my face.
Christopher Scott
Joe is Joe.
Jacob Sanchez
I don't think he'll be joe at all... I-is this how we lose our morning joe?
Adam Kelly
Good luck, they're behind loadse of SS, with snipes everywhere, and a RPG proof Limo.
There's always a retard like you that thinks the President just stands out in the open these days twerking in public with NO protection at all.
You're retarded, this isn't 1963.
Bentley Young
>HE WILL NEVER BUILD A WALL Was the Kobach leak an intentional move to btfo concern shills?
Jayden Foster
He said he can remove the penalty for not having it day one.
Nathan Gutierrez
>flip flops on his own issues name one
Jaxon Rogers
Are you actually, physically retarded? Yes I watched the interview. And if you weren't slurping CNN cock for the past year you'd know absolutely nothing he said in that interview was new.
Jace Adams
Lol, Trump won and there's literally nothing you can do about it.
Oliver Lewis
all of them. watch the 60 minutes interview and challenge yourself to stop worshiping a false god. fucking lemming.
Kayden Gray
how many dimensions of chess do you have to be on in order to make a move like this?
Jacob Williams
Aren't you that delusional anarchist who thinks he'll lead the revolution? Dream on, bud.
Samuel Johnson
I'm more worried about someone trying to kidnap Melania or Barron due to NY city incompetence.
Nicholas Thompson
Don't let your memes be dreams.
Trump became president.
You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Noah Johnson
>drink down his semen So, that's bad now? I wish you people would make up your minds.
Kayden Campbell
How long until it starts?
Anthony Jackson
name one (1)
Hudson Gutierrez
Jason Lopez
CNN said he'll deport all immigrants but Drumph said he only wants to deport illegal immigrants WTF!
Brayden Cooper
That's not an answer, shit stain. We watched it. Name one. If it's all of them that shouldn't be so hard even for you.
Landon Howard
I've also taken to naming myself Trump names in games. I get maximum salt, usually in spanish, lel.
Oliver Rivera
1 joe
Lincoln Reed
>They get Trump >Pence survives >Concentration camps for homos and liberals after an month's
Daniel Walker
Someone make a trump version of the "how many layers of irony are you on right now" meme
Colton Ramirez
Michael Stewart
1 burger 5 fries
John Perry
We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Mexicans can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Piñata, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for Mexico and South America, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Piñata, close this gate. Mr. Piñata, pay for this wall!
Michael James
Oh shit!
Henry Parker
mental gymnastics again drink some more of that kool aid faggot.
Luke Myers
I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in New York yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person and congratulated him on winning the election last weekend, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen bricks in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be busy and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bricks and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any Mexican 'interference', and then turned around and winked at me. After she scanned each building block and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by making America really great again.
Camden Murphy
>free >independent >in trade >WHO ARE YOU >nation-states >CHARISMA OF A DAMP RAG
> The members of the networks expected to negotiate presidential press access during their meeting with the President-elect.
> What they got was a Trump-style temper tantrum where his disrespect for the free press was on full display
Andrew Perry
What are you gonna do, start a revolution by whining about it? You can't even answer a simple question.
Hunter Jones
Reddit hell whatever the fuck not here
Kevin Martinez
he wants to be appointed UK ambassador to the USA
Theresa May wont do this because she hates her country and her people
Angel Parker
We're going to legalize weed soon. not even joking
Aiden Cox
Freedom and winning.
Jayden Wood
>gets BTFO >r-revolution g-guys. It's c-coming, I s-swear Get used to this face, cuckboi because you're going to be calling him president for the next 8 years.
Grayson Wilson
Nah I think I'll have fun making your shitty life miserable pointing out your great white hope as a fraud and a Zionist puppet backed by Goldman Sachs and more of the same dumbass Obama bullshit.