What's the liberal end goal?

What's the liberal end goal?

I mean

what's the point of niggers roaming the streets, when you personally can get killed?

What's the point communism when communism threats people as numbers?

What's the point of health at every size when fat people take your income?

What's the point of LBTQLLLLLLQHFWKBQW when it fucks with minds of young kids, fucking them up in the long run?

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Numbers do not threaten me! Sooo what is the problem?

i was liberal once. the end goal is a hive mind of cool friendly multi-cultural apple sheep society and a new generation of love and peace

its a phase. it all ends when your wife starts fucking refugees in your bed

They don't have an endgame. They saw the protesters from the 60s and thought it would be cool to emulate them, but there aren't the same causes to fight for today. Their lives are empty. They seek out 'noble' causes to give their lives meaning.

Some, the actual commies have a broader strategy. Think that small changes, chipping away at what they see as problematic, will lead to bigger changes in society.

europeans have a death wish, what freud called Thanatos, or what Nietzsche called the will to nothingness

The destruction of their host civilisation.

>it all ends when your wife starts fucking refugees in your bed

Damn bro, that's sad. What did you do after?

You give them too much importance. They're the most stupid human of the western civilization, they don't have goals, they're just like cancer.

>What's the point of LBTQLLLLLLQHFWKBQW when it fucks with minds of young kids, fucking them up in the long run?

The point is that others can see how progressive and tolerant they are. I don't think that the average liberal has a goal, it's mostly virtue signalling.

i was given an iphone 7 plus (black), divorce papers and i now live in mum's washing room, sleeping under a Steve Jobs poster

>What's the liberal end goal?
a utopia in which everyone is content and comfortable at all times regardless of what happens

Feeling smug, being morally superior.

That's it. That's literally all there is to it. It's Kony 20fucking12 writ large.

Change for the sake of change. You can't virtue signal by saying "I like things just the way they are."

Subversion, consciously or otherwise.

>I don't think that the average liberal has a goal, it's mostly virtue signalling.

Then why do anything if there's no meaning to it?

It's like living life knowing that you will just rot in the ground at the end of it all?

There has to be a meaning, even if that means believing in a frog god.

The end goal is to bring patriarchy because these women are extremely stupid


This is the liberal end goal.

Virtue signalling IS the only meaning in their lives. A liberal cares about what makes him feel good and superior at the present time, not about the future.

Why do you think so many of them ruin their bodies with piercings and tattoos?

White man in charge.

Yea, dream on buddy.

Looks like their work is done then.

not enough women, not enough blacks, zero arabs

>White male = Bourgeois

>Everyone else = Proletariat

>Diversity = Redistribution

You can't make reason out of the unreasonable, they have no end game. Liberals you see in the streets and on social are media are useful idiots, they are all unconscious instruments to further agendas by those who manipulate them without them realising it, shaping their world view because they're weak minded. I don't even intend that as an insult to them, it's more matter of fact observation.

I don't think that they have political goals. They probably just have goals like "being happy". They don't really care about refugees etc, they just say that they care to get approval from their friends.

Liberals have no idea what morality or the point of life is, so they just do whatever gets them the most likes on facebook. That seems like a reasonable substitute to them.

Eventually they turn 30 and realize how much of an asshole they've been. Then they get a real job, have kids, and live the rest of their lives as normal people...the smart ones, anyway.

>What's the liberal end goal?

A globals world with no borders and a brown stupid race-mixed underclass of servants to be ruled over by a wealthy elite of jews.

>what's the point of niggers roaming the streets, when you personally can get killed?

Only plebs have to go in the streets, allso bodyguards if you ever have to.

What's the point communism when communism threats people as numbers?

The non-elites are not actually seen as humans, but replaceable slaves in our factories. That's why people are not taught how to think anymore, but WHAT to think, and how to work in their propper place.

What's the point of health at every size when fat people take your income?

(((health at every size)))? Fat, out-of shape people can not fight the system, but depend on it for every part of their livelyhood.

What's the point of LBTQLLLLLLQHFWKBQW when it fucks with minds of young kids, fucking them up in the long run?

It is a replacement for a ethnic identity, and harmless because it can neither propagate itself, nor can it inspire the loyality needed to fight the bankers and their massive capital for bribes.

>You can't make reason

Without reason, there is no point to life.

At least while living in your body.

After... well you realize that you're eternal and that pain is just an illusion, but while on this earth you have to question everything and not just go with the flow because the armenian genocide denier said so.

I guess it's about being happier.

You guys are very bitter. You blame other people for your own failings.

Liberalism is about accepting people and not making divisions. Yeah I'm sure you'll find some cancerous people on the far left who are cunts to everyone, but liberalism really is about equality.

I'm gonna quote a bit of West Wing to finish this off:

> Santos: It's true, Republicans have tried to turn 'liberal' into a bad word. Well, liberals ended slavery in this country.

> Vinick: A Republican president ended slavery.

> Santos: Yes, a liberal Republican. What happened to them? They got run out of your party. What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican party? I'll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created social security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed every one of those programs. Every one. So when you try to hurl the word 'liberal' at my feet, as if it were dirty, something to run away from, something that I should be ashamed of, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and wear it as a badge of honor.

>I guess it's about being happier.
>You guys are very bitter. You blame other people for your own failings.
>Liberalism is about accepting people and not making divisions. Yeah I'm sure you'll find some cancerous people on the far left who are cunts to everyone, but liberalism really is about equality.
>I'm gonna quote a bit of West Wing to finish this off:
>> Santos: It's true, Republicans have tried to turn 'liberal' into a bad word. Well, liberals ended slavery in this country.
>> Vinick: A Republican president ended slavery.
>> Santos: Yes, a liberal Republican. What happened to them? They got run out of your party. What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican party? I'll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created social security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed every one of those programs. Every one. So when you try to hurl the word 'liberal' at my feet, as if it were dirty, something to run away from, something that I should be ashamed of, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and wear it as a badge of honor.

It's funny because the kikes moronic lies were this much better only a decade or two ago.

Global power really degenerated their propaganda fast.

>things that never happened.

They are just bad losers, so the want to creat an environment where they never can lose. It's about Dominance and control, nothing else. If the "white devil" is finally dead and they feel the migrants are suddenly bad because of whatever they will cry for genocide again and gas em in a heartbeat. But failling to realise the minorities are gonna kill them as soon as they try any kind of that shit.

They have no endgoal because they can't use logic and thus can't be reasoned with.
They don't think about the causes of problems and how to solve them, they just think that everything will magically become better if they can establish their ideologies - without concerning themselves about consequences.
They basically have a child's understanding of justice;everything they believe to be good is good and will lead to justice.
This is why you can't put them into power or they'll abolish society.
Because they place ideology above actual fucking logic, that also makes it so frustrating to discuss with them
Leftism is ideology, rightism is tradition, but no matter what you chose, if you are too extreme and chose to ignore actual arguments and logic, then you're part of the spoiled cancer that destroys society.

HLI said it best:
>If you seem confuse by why something is, often it is helpful to imagine the opposite. What would be the nature of the public discourse if it wasn't gay marriage and black lives matter? Maybe a lack of prosecution of bankers for the '08 fraud, declining real wages, deindustrialization, etc. If you can't or won't tackle the big issues, you have to keep people distracted from them or you are toast.

>What's the liberal end goal?

They're Jewish tools, useful idiots, so to answer your question you need to focus upon Jewish racial goals. Begin by reading "The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" a few times. People will stoop to any depth to tirelessy try and convince you not to read this or it's twin, so it takes some real fire and inner steel to successfully get through it the first time. You should make reading this book your goal.


They are just selfish deviants caring about how society perceive them. No end game beside being acknowledged as snowflake #12458755

subversion and destruction of nato members.

No end goal. All it does it create a new low class, a new poor class, a new marginalized class, and so on. All it really does is create a new means or a new average for the things they "care" about. There will always be an oppressed class or an oppressed culture, and it will always happen when you create new ones.

Who cares? It's not about liberals versus conservatives, it's about greedy rich people versus everyone else. The ruling class comes in all political flavors, and none of it informs their actual values, they are all hypocrites fueling a phony culture war to distract us from their economic takeover. Meanwhile you redpilled idiots are too busy railing against SJW idiots and neither side can see that they're being duped.

This is borne out by what westerners now protest and discuss about endlessly: early 90s it was the Iraq war (I remember "no blood for oil" graffiti and posters everywhere), late 90s Kosovo, even after 2001 still a lot of public upset about the Bush/Blair/Cheney "mass-destruction weapons" lies, but soon enough a nice distracting layer of identity politics (gender, diversity, nutrition etc) took over first the talking-heads and then the people and now watch how effective it is since revelations such as Snowden or Assange or Podesta (even IF they were cointelpro, regardless) did nothing for millenials/liberals to reconsider their priorities.

Why do you get to decide what "real" issues are?

I think that's about right from our blue pill days.

Essentially, the left want globalism more than Soros probably does. Because Soros could be arguably bullshit, just using the left as a stepping stone for some unrelated goal... while Libshits think they are created their own heaven of equality on Earth.

It is a noble goal... were it actually what they were achieving. Were it even possible to achieve.

Believing it could was why even I took the blue pill in the first place.

Theres no end game. They really think they are doing whats best for everyone.

>rich greedy people vs everyone else
Keep thinking third world


The elites want your power and money. They want your freedom. They want absolute submission. They want a new world order. The people who buy into the far left are pawns who don't think things through.


keep living there

Oy vey! Delete this

They want everyone they don't like to live in commie blocks whilst they live in houses in rich trendy neighbourhoods.

That's why they ally so well with cuckservatives. They want that too.
They also want us to eat much less meat.

They just want power and to be on top. That's what the guy says at the end of 1984. They don't care for being good it's a facade.

Not in my quote, also, not my quote. His point was that identity politics has evolved into a perfect smokescreen for the corrupt likes of Soros, Clinton Foundation, and the media they're in bed with or own etc, to distract from increasingly chaotic or nepotist political/economical developments/policies. Not difficult to comprehend, just difficult to prove intent.