
Reminder that pol is a Catholic/Orthodoxy board

Other urls found in this thread: Religions/Roman Catholicism/god_hates.htm


>Checkmate Heretic

Are Japanese that follow Zen poo-in-loos puppet?

>Japanese are controlled by them
>Checkmate M8, Jesus wins again

>Pagans are to a varrying degree accepting of Catholicism and Orthodoxy
>Catholics and Orthodoxs prohibit Paganism
NOT nice

Paganism is not needed, also it is nothing but a struggle that leads you to no where(My experience with this) I stayed with Jesus, I feel more successful, even blessed to have the Trumpster elected m8


well said jean thubis.

Reminder that the people running the Catholic church are Satanists and they mislead people into sin.

The Pope also pretty much endorsed abortion the other day

Reminder that i am god, and you guys are alright. Don't goto Aleppo tomorrow

That article got debunked M9, the Pope let priests have the power to forgive abortions

>Says it is God
No, you heretic, ye repent now or burn for all eternity

>Pope let priests have the power to forgive abortions

That's still fucked up

Why aren't they disavowing abortion entirely?

It's a Buddhist board now. May the Dharma blossom in your hearts, dear Sangha

Sup Forums is a Kek board.

Reminder that pol is a KEK controlled zone.

>Telling God what to do

I can end your life with a snap of my fingers and a tap of my heels

I agree, I don't even like francis, he's a Heretic that must be gone soon, but nobody will... I pray the Church gets a great pope next time.

Sup Forums will always be a Kekist board. Check 'em

M8s, Kek is only for meme magic, like Trump, but I disagree

M8, I wish I die everyday, wait...
are you?

>The Hash slinging slasher! *le gasp*

Your lack of faith is disturbing, OP...

Here's something for you to read friend Religions/Roman Catholicism/god_hates.htm


>Using a SpongeBob reference to insult God

I foresee you reaching the centurion club in the future

>Blond blue eyed Jesus
Mfw he was a sandnigger

Interesting user, thanks, I had ask my uncle about the Church and their preachings, he said they are false, but it doens't stop God from moving and delving in the church to guide people

>Not seeing the Christian cross (addition sign) in my ID

Bump, if anyone wants to talk to the most powerful being in this realm I'll be here to answer any questions.

Inb4 heretic fake roleplayed

Truth be told I got bored with being God, didn't fathom that being human was even boring

>My time ain't there yet for my lack of faith

What can you say? Being whatever gets boring nowadays...

>Paganism is not needed,
Unlike Catholicism/Orthodoxy?
>That leads you to nowhere
Let the Romans built some pretty nice roads none repeated for a thousand years.

Want to know the truth about the afterlife?

The same way you think and conjur ideas in your head, on the otherside, it conjures up right before your eyes.

Anyone with a history of pathological psychopathy are too dangerous to enter.
The only way to buffer your thoughts to remove any violent ideas is through Christianity or any religion really.

Don't want a bunch of rogue angels killing each now.

I actually got somewhere in life with Christianity, I attempted Paganism, it didn't work out. Honestly, tell me about your side m8, I always wanted to know more about such

I made a theory of the afterlife, it goes like this," There is always a light at the end of the dark tunnel, we can sleep for so long til our eyes open and see the light"

Sikh here.

Tell me about Hinduism, if you are actually Hindu...

Oh, wait, sorry m9, excuse me for my autism, but tell me about sikhism

I am not really a pagan, just tired of larpers which makes me act overly aggressive against everyone.

I actually a few months back, went to a mental hospital, and religion really helped cope me into being sane

What If I become a priest just to steal money? I was obsessed with religion and I've read a mountain of books on topic - even went trough so called mystic experience and started to understand how to control my state of mind in order to enjoy the "grace" of God.

But I'm an atheist now and I don\t care about stealing, lying to people. Pragmatism is the optimal trait.

Ah, alright m8, its fine, I started this thread really to actually see what people actually thought about Catholicism/Orthodoxy, but eh, this is Sup Forums, where shitposts make serious posts non-serious

Hinduism is idol worship which can be seen as degenerate.

reminder that it's not and that OP is a dildo

The afterlife is an infinite space of warmth and positivity and anything you can think of will be created. As long as you do good here and refrain from being wicked you would end up an architect of your own designated area

Everyone's free to enter and experience anyone's universes as much as they please like Leonardo Da Vinci's dimension or George Washington(which is a bit boring for my tastes) Since theres always new people and beings entering, theres an endless amount of possibilities.

Nice, but I'm actually an idealist, I believe I can live up to higher standards with enough effort, honestly, its what keeps me sane through this mad world

Catholicism is a religion of the cucked forevermore.

Sup Forums Is a board of KEK

Starting with "pol is a x board" probably doesn't help.

kek, this meme falls a little behind the gay/pol/ one

This is clearly a non denominational protestant christian board. We like you being our tool though

>Reminder that pol is a Catholic/Orthodoxy board

There's a whole lot of sinning going on here if this is the case.

I agree, but sometimes the afterlife makes me overthink, its not good for me because I freakout, thats why I stick with the idea of Heaven/Hell

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that has 10 gurus. It preaches equality which seems pretty sjw nowdays but it was different 500 years ago. Right now in the west, sikhism is being infiltrated with cultural marxism and is starting to pamder to fags but every decent sikh sees this as being degenerate. Every initiated sikh carries a shank to protect themselves or others frok dangers such as islam or hinpooism.

As difficult as it is to live here, religion is a good groundwork to relieve any tension or negative thoughts you might have about yourself. No one is created equally, but everyone is equal to each other.

It doesn't really matter since serious posts most of the time is less noticed and you have to use that
>Pol is a X board
to really get the ball moving

Thats badass honestly, just wish society wasn't a huge wanker of emotions that hurt people

>being catholic
Get yourself a new leader that doesn't want christian Europeans replaced with muslims and I might be able to respect you. Until then, you're a religion of cucks

Its pol and Sup Forums, what do you expect?

I'm actually not Catholic actually, I'm a pentecoastal, but I've been lacking in faith, thats why I wanted to switch, but I know church can get me so far with a relationship of Jesus

What I tell ya, I get shit done, even as a tool

The problem with that is if you lead a sinful and negative life towards people, harbored too many negative and violent thoughts, there's no hell. Once you die here your erased from existing afterwards. And at the rate humanity is heading, there is going to be less and less human beings that will reach the other side.

People with near death experiences that have gone into the afterlife were given a taste of whats to come to pass on to doubters that poison everyone else. The ones that experienced blackness were given a taste of what they would be if they were to die at that point. But also given the oppurtunity to repent.

Of course, but reality always smack me that equality won't happen, especially in the US

reminder that in a few years Sup Forums will be a muslim board after hating muslims becomes mainstream

I try not to, but people get me mad fast, but I usually hold it, but it let my mind doing a simulation of how to kill said person, I hate it, and I hate being mad, which doubles my anger, but at the end, I cry and let it go.

>be atheist
>want to convert into a respectful denomination of Christianity because the thought of eternal oblivion is terrifying
>don't want to convert because I don't want to devote the rest of my life to how someone wants me to live only for there to be no afterlife

it's a vicious cycle

As long it isn't feminists, I'm ok with it

Dont worry about equality, just play your role as a righteous man and be the change that you want to see. Even if that change involves a lot of blind faith. *Cough* *cough* *Trump*

Heh, yeah, one day i'm going to run for pres. honestly, but if the US still holds up, im sure pol will meme me into oblivion, where I don't exist to pol anymore but a laughing stock I already am

A cycle that can be broken by the person whos action can change, but I agree, its vicious...

There's a good Bruce Lee quote I like, " I am shapeless like water" or something along those lines. With that said, he ended up baptising himself. Always view yourself as being a calm ocean as opposed to a violent sea even though it's difficult to do so. The first one to get mad ends up losing in the situation.

Agree, the Bible says such that Jesus calms the storm, even within us. I end up crying anyways when I get mad, I don't do anything to anybody anymore, I got in trouble for that.

If you laugh at yourself no one can laugh at you. It's an attractive quality to get not to many people are willing to obtain.

I laugh at myself rarely, I end up taking things too seriously

My biggest problem is being aware of who I am deep down inside when I'm being human. And that's a problem everyone else shares, theyre too scared to be who they are deep down and rather be human to indulge in their mistakes as opposed to confronting the startling reality that they're a being with unlimited potential. But no one can fully realize it when they're busy being human. Let that sit in your mind and indulge on that notion, youll know you fully realized what I said when you feel a calm ocean drag pull you in for a swim.

Daily reminder.

You won't just be swimming in the ocean, you will become one with the ocean. It feel like you've been baptized all over again.

>Reminder that pol is a Catholic/Orthodoxy board


Im lutheran. Can i join too?

pray the rosary daily


>mfw someone calls Sup Forums a catholic board.

No one will understand this here. You've got to dumb shit down on cuckchan.

Yes. Buddhist Japs suck ass, they have that culty fake church attitude like Mormons or something.

Shinto nationalism is the only red-pilled option for Japs.

But if there is no afterlife then you won't know that there is no afterlife because you'll be dead. Pascal's Wager senpai.

if you believe converting will save you from eternal oblivion how the fuck are you an atheist? You just sound agnostic afterlife shopping.

The real horror is when you know oblivion waits behind all the doors and you are fucked no matter how hard you try to believe in something higher.

this motherfucker
thank god slavs will never listen to his crap

Yes, yes you can!


>MFW he looks like Mike Pence

A beautiful picture I see, it is truly amazing.