Reminder that pol is a Catholic/Orthodoxy board
Lucas Wilson
Oliver Williams
Samuel Wilson
>Checkmate Heretic
Joshua Robinson
Are Japanese that follow Zen poo-in-loos puppet?
Mason Nguyen
>Japanese are controlled by them
>Checkmate M8, Jesus wins again
Leo Jackson
>Pagans are to a varrying degree accepting of Catholicism and Orthodoxy
>Catholics and Orthodoxs prohibit Paganism
NOT nice
Ayden Johnson
Paganism is not needed, also it is nothing but a struggle that leads you to no where(My experience with this) I stayed with Jesus, I feel more successful, even blessed to have the Trumpster elected m8
Alexander Perry
Jack Bell
well said jean thubis.
John Gomez
Reminder that the people running the Catholic church are Satanists and they mislead people into sin.
The Pope also pretty much endorsed abortion the other day