Im turkish
Im turkish
But you are flag says german
obviously, what's the point of this thread?
Can you open a kebab pizza store in Toronto? We have kebab and pizza but no kebab pizza.
Thats a curable thing now.
Go home. Fix your own country.
I'm Mexican
I'm Somali.
I'm not surprised
When I played some games on german servers, almost all of them lived in german
im german and i accept and love you c:
Ah yes
Kardash lan abi askim köfte
Fuck off to Sup Forums
Kill yourself my man
>Ottoman when?
Are you the sandnigger Who roped his woman behind his car and freerided her on the concrete untill she almost died?
It must suck being hated by both the Germans and the Turks in Turkey.
Fuck off cenk
go back
How many absolutely haram things do you see every day in the land of the evil white man?
I'm gay
Proud of you sven
If honest go cook me a kebab
no doubt you are
I'm sorry.
Go to the store and down all of these
was this when papa roach got mad?
Someone please give me a (You)
I'm Russian.
So go back to Turkey?
He is always mad nowadays. But yes he was mad.
I'm tryin to get a caravan fer me ma!
>give me a (you)
I'm kurdish.
Then fuck off already.
I am Greek
germany deserves it
they played right into the jew tricks
WW1 was about destroying the ottoman empire
you still have to go back
desu senpai
I'm a sneke.
Stay in Germanistan. You're not wanted here.
I'm polish
immigrants gtfo
Thank you ameribro
Apologize for the Armenian Genocide.