drumpf btfo
Drumpf btfo
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Wow I was a drumpf supporter but now #ImWithHer. Donate today at hillaryclinton.com
I just donated $10 KEK
drumpf btfo
Wow. What a homophobe. I'm literally shaking right now. Just.....I can't even.
Fake. CTR shills will crumble into ash if they utter the name of the Lord.
Did he tattoo "Loser" on his forehead instead?
Okay but at least I don't have a tattoo with a dick getting sucked by the president on it so who's really the winner
Sure showed pmurt with that
ikr hes got gayporn on him
>getting ticketed for public indecency whenever he wants to wear shorts
>you will never be liberal cur dominated by the will of one man so badly that you dedicate a part of your own body to debasing him
>Trump stamp
Why isn't that site shut down yet? did the admin kill xirself?
>having trump on your body permanently
>leftist logic
thread theme
wonder how long it'll take for him to realise having gay porn on your leg is not the best idea..
>faggot gets slobbery knob dick tattooed on body
not surprising
>Trump will only be president for at most 8 years (and even that's not guaranteed, could just be 4)
>no matter what happens he'll probably be dead soon anyway, guys in his 70s
>this dickhead will still have that tattoo many decades after it cease to make any kind of sense whatsoever
This is why tattoos are stupid.
About the same time he gets fired from his McJob for having indecent artwork on him, visible or not, just because someone MIGHT see it and sue.
Gotta respect others wishes not to see indecent art, right lefty?
this got me thinking. was veggie tales redpilled all along?
tweet/ask him or shop it and post it here