Hey Sup Forums, looks like your leader went FULL 14/88 on Washington DC and also fought ANTIFAs.
Hey Sup Forums, looks like your leader went FULL 14/88 on Washington DC and also fought ANTIFAs
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Literally Who?
Some stormcuck trying to overton window society that we're all supposed to worship.
Frankly this board takes more direction from Raheem "gas all the Pakis except me" Kassan than this guy.
he's not our leader nobody here even knows who this guy is
Fuck off back to your basement you worthless piece of shit. I only fucking heard of this shithead this morning and apparently he's the leader of some stupid media created pseudo group I've been lumped into with spergie normiei fucks without my agreement or knowledge. Just fucking off yourself already.
Spencer hasn't gotten this much attention on Sup Forums since we roundly trashed his gay alt-right logo.
This has to be MSM trolling us for all we put them through.
It's actually a pretty legit question, fampai.
wew you guys are shilling this (((narrative))) hard.
>posting fake news
>your leader
lmao keep believing the MSM
Look at these newfags
If he wanted to specify only jews he would have. That quote was about the media in general, which certainly has a lot of jews, but it wasn't specifically about them. Why they feel the need to lie about this I do not know.
In the entire thing there wasn't one time in which he mentions Jews, Why is CNN saying that he is talking about Jews?
CTR is still at it like 12 hours later?
Doesn't seem that bad. I have had "alt-right" filtered since it's conception and won't be commenting on it again.
Literally who...?
Kek is my only leader.
His will be done.
anti-intellectual retards and proud
The WaPo also posted a ridiculous article about the dangers of the alt-right. It seems they're pointing all their arrows at the alt-right after Trump's victory.
That just makes me hope even more that their fascist nightmare actually happens. Fuck the media. Shut them all down.
speak for yourself, nigger
This guy is a fucking moron and most likely controlled opposition
spencer is an autistic retard FBI plant that got beat up in highschool
What's moot doing on cnn?
Anyone have that images with the transcript of what he really said in context?
that's not him
The soulless golem line was in relation to the media which do the bidding of the Jews. In Jewish folklore they can use dark rituals to create golems which serve them.
Naturally the MSM takes that statement to mean jews = subhuman! oven time lolz!
In reality its an ok line. It makes the point with just enough subtlety.
When did pol become so full of newfags
Here is the enire speech
>spencer is trying to tell us something
>spencer is a jewish golem
I watched the full speech I have never seen the media take anything more out of context.
I am the leader of the alt-right
exactly, but don't expect the retards on here claiming he's a plant to understand that
Controlled opposition that wasnt all that relevant on pol now his rabbid fans n shills pretend Sup Forums likes this guy.
They are either someone just trying to cash in on the attention of an imaginary group, or the FBI legitimately thinks there's actually an alt right and sent him to get trolled by Sup Forums
CNN is really retarded, they are desensitizing the JQ day by day, people are going to get curious on shit like this and it's gonna get them redpilled soon
I'm literally shaking right now. I was thinking and BOOM i was like wtf who is this guy??? I hate the alt right now
From now on I'm a hilldawg
Ok what's jq you pos
That guy takes it up the shitter, clear as day.
And btw, look at prick and what not "alt right" cunts crowd - who is financing them i ask, who is writing their scripts?
Stop giving this shill a platform, you are being played. If you can't see through him then you are part of the problem. Kill yourself.
They're very bright, I doubt anybody writes their scripts. I do want to know though, Where the hell do they get their funding from?
jesus questionnaire
Spencer has the support of Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald, that should be enough for anyone to trust him
Unless you're a counter-Alt-Right shill trying to sow dischord, like you
ITT me and another user who want to know what JQ stands for FFS.
The gay thing was obvious the second he spoke yeah
They don't have a lot of money, and they often get kicked out of hotels where they try to hold their conferences
let's hear him out, this guy makes some good points
jewish question you fucking normie
go back to plebbit where you belong
>not knowing what the jewish question is
what a cohencidence
How is Spencer anti-intellectual?
gay isn't the problem, globalism is.
If this guy wasn't controlled opposition he would be suing CNN right now for libel.
>They are desensitizing the Jewish question day by day
If your Chinese schools would teach you passable literacy and you hadn't worded JQ as if referring to a group of people, there wouldn't be any confusion.
Thanks for rolling out le reddit carpet, leaf, but I've never browsed there.
You could spend 63 seconds and watch it yourself.
He never mentioned Jews, unless 'political consultants' ='Jews'.
and we used to think it was only a meme
>Sup Forums swallowing a MSM title and narrative
>No user I AM ALT RIGHT!
Funny how they were all (((("grass roots")))) with a meteoric rise to nu-celebrity from relative obscurity merely months ago. It really makes you think.....who could be behind this?
>implying Reddit knows who those people are
>implying Reddit knows anything other than Milo and McInnes
he would not win, you Italian fuck.
None of them are celebrities. Gas yourself you divide and conquer concern trolling faggot.
The quote is pretty tame in context.
all those sites have been growing rapidly over the last few years
I imagine their popularity doubled or more, just like Sup Forums did, during this election season