How did you find out Australians were the most powerful race in the world Sup Forums?
How did you find out Australians were the most powerful race in the world Sup Forums?
Shut up NZ lite
How can Australian men even compete?
Being relevant ever, get the fuck off my board.
your board? what are you 15?
Stop trying to beg for compliments to compensate for your shitty life you pathetic neet.
Make me
When the Emu announced they were taking over
post yfw when you realize Aussies are the stock of people even ENGLAND didn't want
after cronulla
Trips of Truth NZ btfo
You're basically white niggers.
When the Brits didn't want you anywhere in there empire , but couldn't enslave you, they sent you all to a scorching wasteland inhabited by Cro-Magnons.
Australia is a colonial dumping ground for the Commonwealth's degenerates and miscreants.
Does it weird you out to think that your country took off because of a 3 day prison orgy?
Always brings a tear of joy to my eye.
>most powerful race
Couldn't even kill birds
I see CIDF is in full force, upset that no Canadian women want your pasty flabby bodies? instead they are beg for the seed of the superior Australian man.
>Australian race
Nice that your mom lets you use the Computer after your homework...its Papst your bedtime you go
Checked. I hope the next one is coming soon. That or Hanson becomes PM
From your post.
m8 it's the spider venom
running through our veins
Rack off you bogan cunts, this board's chocka with your bull dust aussie nationalism. Oath you cunts, bugger off unless you're trying to get glassed. it's sparrows fart and I've had dingo's breakfast. God damn shit cunts.
>Developed Nation
Can't even poo in a loo
At birth When I punched my way out of my mums womb because I got bored in there
Cronulla 2.0 when?
Hahahaha that's excellent work. Fuck those "lebs," get em boys.
I have yet to find out
...You're not wrong.
Day of the Rake when?
Memery aside, where the fuck did the "Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world" pic come from?
I am but a humble burgerfat but I meekly ask: If Australians are the most powerful race, why are The All Blacks so much better at rugby despite NZ having a smaller population?
They cheat by using Maoris.
>ethnic cleansing unit
Jesus my fucking sides. I almost want cronulla to get a boatload of europe's refugees just to see them step out of line and get smashed. Love you bogan cunts. Making Australia great again.
>Be Danish
>In Australia for 4 month vacation
>All white girls are grossly overweight
>99 out of 100 girls are 5/10
>All white aussies are ugly with terrible English teeth
>Terribe, and i mean terrible shitty tattoos on everyone
>Country is full of asians BUT the only attractive girls are asians
Seriously, the country and weather is perfect but the people are just over meme'd let downs
>Jesus fuck just go for a job you fat fucks
Holy shit this leaf just btfo of Australia
We let them win so they don't all an hero.
where are you staying?
This is how the average Aussie woman will look in 2050
being racist anglo is nothing to be proud about idiots. total fucking racist scum and mostly islamophobic even tho you have no attacks and most of the crimes is commited by whites
I have gone from Melbourne to Coolim in a camper van.
Melbourne was ok
Sydney had more asians than Hong Kong
Brisbane has so many people with terrible tattoos
Fat people are common in all
Goldcoast and Sunshine coasts are actually nice, it seems like a rich area so for some reason people seem to look after their bodies.
Driving up to Airlie beach, doing island tours and going home from Brisbane in two weeks
Those feet are perfect for carrying beer.
Love australia
Last year some aussie girl came over here on exchange and got to fuck her on a daily basis
I stay up late just to read aussie shitposts
She has the right ideas but she simply isn't knowledgeable enough. I like her movement though. Her party needs to grow.
because real men play aussie rules here, none of this rugby shit.
>Melbourne was okay
Jesus christ Europeans are trash.
>Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast
>riche area
Literally the poorest white trash of the entire country.
>Sydney had more Asians than Hong Kong
>Brisbane had so many people with terrible tattoos
>Fat people are common in all
Pretty much.
Muslims massively outdo the white population in crime.
All of our terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.
Not that I really give a shit. Just get your facts right.
to be fair that's most of our colonies
>Goldcoast and Sunshine coasts are actually nice, it seems like a rich area
Oddly enough those two places are supposed to have non retarded house prices. For example, you could move there from Sydney, and get a massive house quality upgrade. Even moving from say the Central Coast would allow for a solid house upgrade.
the cuck at the end haaa.
>crowds dispersed when the bottle shops closed
I love Australia.
It's because they're shitholes filled with poor white trash.
t. Live on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts and Sydney
This is true, the Maori are shaped like Ents, when they team up with the hobbits shit gets wrecked.
Very nice, I haven't been paying attention to international rugby lately but I'm just realizing I probably should since American Football is cucked. Even the normals are tuning out.
Our basic infantry are better than American marines.
this is what they looked like in the 1960's
Marines are basic infantry, they have to deal with retarded niggers and wetbacks so I don't blame them.
absolutely beautiful
I love diversity
Melbourne - ask locals for directions - they seem annoyed
Sydney - they ignore you
>Ask for directions
>They give you directions no problem, very helpful
>Oh so you are a tourist? Well you should check out here, here and here. Stay away from here, take taxies from here. Nahh mate go down the road that shop charges too much
They may be poor but they are proper friendly and have great banter
I really enjoy Queensland more than the rest of Australia and wish i spent the whole 4 months here
>Melbourne was ok for the nightlife
>attractive girls are asians
if you like pan faced, squinty eyed yellow goblins....I guess....
Honorary Queenslander here mate.
If I visit Denmark, what wonders will I encounter? If none of your people look like the square-jawed, brooding types some of your actors seem to be, you're losing all the points and will probably have to rely on Germany to defend you if things ever get dicey in the future.
God speed, sweet honorary QUEENSLANDER
Well if you ever visit Denmark i would suggest the following
>Go to a dentist
Thank you, you live in a very beautiful place and the most friendly of all Australia.
My gf and i want to try come back on longer visas once we both finish university
>Am confused about Hungry Jacks though
Australia is the weakest race ever.
Look at them getting BTFO by a Pajeet Troll
wish it was in Melbourne though
The only thing worse than a blues supporter is a race traitor.
I don't know if those fatties could possible jump a fence
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oonga woonga wolly bonga pepo, eh mate? waz gonna hop down to the op shop til i had a right bingle
Yeah apparently someone had already taken the name Burger King so they had to change it, still a shitty name though.
New Zealand is worth a visit too while you're in this part of the world.
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We were going to go there but we had to decide between New Zealand or Thailand for the last two weeks before home
>Thailand won
Good genetics
australia won
they got rid of whites basically and now are infested with shitskins
Take your pasty beta Danish body to the beach you pleb.
Beaches are always packed with 10s on hot days. Indie girls practically drop their knickers at surfers too. Also catholic school girls are 10s usually. Really easy if they're seniors too.
Woah check out this bird fellas
Cronulla pics are literally one of my favourite things to see posted.
Nah we're full sorry it's expensive and shit here.
Fukken kek
Haha, look world, my colonies are fighting.
Nah, that's just one small group of rustled bogans.
And that pajeet isn't actually trolling on purpose, he has psychological problems.
Nice feathers, sheila. Feel like a brew by the billabong?
I have come to understand that and Australia 10/10 is the same as an English 10/10
Thats a 6/10 for mainland Europe and a 4/10 for Eastern Europe and Russia
Maybe travel further than Bali and you will see for yourself
Who else here Queenslander Master Race?
>Country is full of asians BUT the only attractive girls are asians
This is where your shitpost goes wrong. Sorry Lin Lin.
meh know a tasmanian girl at oxford who was pretty decent.
Go to bed Dad.
It's lonely at the top.
Fuck Australia, if they were so great the United States would own it
What would you prefer to call us then? A higher intelligence subspecies?