We really dodged a bullet by avoiding Hillary
Syrian Christian women in fight against US rebels
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If these women are fighting, all Syrians "refugees" need to go back
There is no pride in having the foundation of your civilization fight.
Assad why
Did you pray to Poseidon yet today? He spared your life yesterday
Fucking Obama and Hillary are just more retarded than Bush. We're just letting Putin take care of business now.
This is the kind of shit I would have expected the US to do back when I was bluepilled. I feel sad.
Silly gook you seem to have gotten a bit rattled this morning.
The correct headline is: Syrian Christian girls pose with weapons.
>canada cannot into total war
they've got sniper rifles and heavy machine guns anyway, no shame in having women laying down suppresive or indirect fire
They are Assyrians btw
based Christian women, I wish them the best against those savages.
>tfw no Christian raifu waifu to defend me from western backed islamist terrorists
You didn't watch the video, did you m8
I was going to ask how muslims can be attractive, but then I saw christian girls
>tfw no qt Syrian valkyrie on overwatch
remind me again why they are allowing in fighting age Muslim men when there are Christian qt 3.14s over there fighting?
The more videos I find with Kurdish/Syrian women, the weaker the arguments for accepting refugees
You know they do have websites where you can meet up, and even join them right? From Iraq to Syria, to Egypt. Since the Christians are the natives that kept their bloodline the purest, they look Mediterranean.
I knew a guy who after his 8 years of service was over, went back to Iraq and scored a qt Christian, also said he left behind some blue eyed babies to continue the fight for him.
Mad Fucker actually lived out the Crusader fantasy.
More posing no actual fighting.
If these chicks do see actual combat that is great but probably not from what I've seen.
I wish them the best but this seems like propaganda. Propaganda for who, who knows.
But there are a lot thirsty cunts in here wanting to race mix.
one feel detected at 200 meters
I have no experience and a part of me think I will become disabled from an IED than direct contact. Although it just takes 1 headshot and I'm out of life for good.
Personally, I would gladly work in a hospital supporting them than engage in warfare with no experience.
>Impliying americunts wont bomb that fucking hospital
This is propaganda. We have done this for thousands of years. Find cute girls, let them train along side men, then suddenly the fighting happens and the girls are all over there, back at camp, waiting for whichever side ends up making it over.
Women are fully capable of combat and fighting. You need to meet more women in the military. Uncommon, but this further weakens the need to accept refugees.
>Although it just takes 1 headshot and I'm out of life for good
Luke 17:33
We're not talking about just raifu waifus, Japaniman. We're talking about CHRISTIAN raifu waifus.
>weapon knowledge
>"fight shoulder to shoulder with our Russian brothers"
So you're saying US Marines don't put women in harm's way in Iraq or Afghanistan?
the only women i've seen fighting are the kurds
>mfw getting killed by a woman is the most demoralizing thing that can happen to abu hajaar
i hope each one of em bags 100 a day
the russians, maybe above all else, know the value of a sniper detachment composed of women.
Just them in uniform is enough of an argument to send Syrians back home. I wanna make a few memes of this. It's a valid argument against refugees.
It's weird how women are so shit at everything else, but they can still make good snipers.
I would assume snipers, support/indirect fire groups would put women less at risk of being captured or engaging in hand to hand combat.
To be a good sniper, you need to be emotionless, black hearted, and willing to kill after seeing the targets face up close and personal, and sometimes knowing them better then they know themselves. So yeah, women make great snippers.
It's probably a better use of their flesh than making them your standard infantry, but snipers still need to be able to hit what they're aiming at on top of being able to infiltrate and exfiltrate without being spotted. It's weird to me women could manage all that, but I'm also a gigantic sexist.
This sounds a lot like the Israeli military.
You get females going through the entire gung-ho bootcamp indoctrination, training and living among men, but eventually they just end up filling up positions in other bases when the men are off to war.
Mixed units a really fucking shitty idea. They're generally very ineffective and fraternization tends to bring combat effectiveness and objectivity on the battlefield even lower.
I guess it's sort of cute watching them pretend to be men, but it's even funnier when at least a dozen of them each cycle get sent to rear positions because threy sucked some guy's cock behind the barracks. It's also gonna hit a major blow to moral and public opinion if a female is captured and raped and it gets spread out in ISIS type propaganda.
>In war
what a fucking joke
Mashalala the ugliest girl in the village: C-can i be in the video, guys i mean i can shoot and everything
Syrian Tracey: keep walking bitch
Mashalala: ok
Syrian girls defend themselves while their male counterparts are leaching on european welfare and searching for ficki ficki.
It's so sad that my country is such a complete joke.
the media is directly responsible for this. i guess it's out fault for having such a big government that controls what most people think.
also night bombers
hey is birthright worth going to? I'm just trying to smash some of God's chosen women
these girls are what Syrians looked like before the Arab invasions and they look like Meds
does that mean ancient Mesopotamians were white?
you can find a bunch of female soldier in every military of the world. theres nothing too special about this.
you're forgetting refugees are men aged 15-39 who leave these women behind to fight their battles
Why do women with guns arouse me that much?
>Syrian Christian women in fight against US rebels
wife material for sure
Reminder this was thousand of years ago
Aliya Nurmuhametqyzy Moldagulova, born in Kazahstan, lived in Leningrad (Sankt-Peterburg), sniper of 54th infatry brigade.
Large parts of northern Africa, the Near and Middle East where populated by a branch of Mediterraneans once. Europe is one of our last strongholds - in ruins and with open gates - but still. Basically we lost the war and are already in the bunker. Now if you'll excuse me I am sad again...
These 20 year old girls sound tougher than you. Fucking Canada.
>the russians, maybe above all else, know the value of a sniper detachment
Sure we do, and that value is completely propaganda one. Sorry to inform you guys but the WWII sniper women you're keep hearing about is the Soviet version of MUH STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMYN and little more else.
delete this
We will go out slamming the door behind us so hard the entire world will stand shocked and silent...at least I hope so.
They look like british women and I'm not even memeing here.
Nope, you're saying their male counterparts are Muslims.