The Alt Right needs us more than ever, folks! We HAVE to put likes on Richard Spencer's NPI video uploaded by the Atlantic. I know user is not my personal army but everything is about perspective, with the current like/dislike ratio nobody is going to take Alt Right and nationalism seriously!
Here is the link, folks! We need user to fight off the establishment and the cucks now more than ever:
Moral Duty to Support NPI
Other urls found in this thread:
Come on guys, We have to destroy the left's hold on the narrative!! Give the video a thumbs up and leave positive comments ASAP.
Fuck off, Shatlantic journalist.
this is pathetic nobody is going to fall for this shit kike
>supporting a racist
>Spencer allows (((THE ATLANTIC))) journalists knowing damn well they will twist his message and blast it to millions of normies
>gives them literal neo-nazi stereotypes in a silver platter
His own damn fault.
What the fuck is the alt-right? Is that just the alt-left in disguise?
Sup Forums is a Jewish board, fuck off with your hate speech
>We need user to fight off the establishment and the cucks now more than ever
can't tell if you're actually this stupid or if this is some double bluff
>nazi salutes
fucking retarded, this just makes the whole right look bad you stupid fucks
Isn't this faggot some kind of atheist?
(((Moral Duty)))
Fuck off.
alt right will be the death of Trump presidency, all the things we want him to do now will be side tracked because of this. and will kill his chances of winning in 2020
I hope you guys all realize this is a way to discredit and demonize the alt-right. The alt-right is gaining influence and popularity, and obviously this will be met with resistance by those who do not wish to lose power.
Not even an alt-right faggot, but still, this shit is way too obvious.
lmao MSM fuck off. We're not on board with this shit at all. Seems like you guys set up an entire news week for this though :^) Can't wait for the false facts
Gotta be CTR trying to push this here just to fuck with us
You can tell OP is a journalist because xe doesn't know xe can't bump xer own thread.
>not /oneofus/
>stupid kike
>watching your downfall is wonderfull
I don't support you because you can't win like that.
You start doing the sieg heils AFTER you consolidate power you fucking idiot
OP was so pathetic it sounded like Alec Baldwin wrote it himself
the alt right is retarded
spencer is retarded
who cares
let him sink himself
i'm sorry for jared taylor who is a serious individual for associating with this clown
>leave Sup Forums for literally one day and all hell breaks loose
Seriously what the fuck are these stupid threads for the paid opposition shitting up the archive. It's like they haven't learned that don't work here
the attempt to create a leader for the angry mob is futile
laura southern, milo , alex, this spencer guy i had never heard of before yesterday its all pointless
tumblr is a echo chamber but 4chin is just a bunch of people yelling at each other. nobody gets elected because then we would have to shut up when they talk
I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is a leftist being paid by soros to false flag the right. I wonder how much he got paid.
this makes my dick hard.
How embarrassing. The speech was pretty good until the heiling happened.
This guy is full autist.
It's Sup Forums irl, and it falls apart and becomes laughable.
>We need user
Fuck off you fucking obvious shill
Fuck off shill. This guy is a literal who, not some "leader". You MSM fags are desperate and this is just sad.
Why would MSM want upvotes on that video?
Is Spencer the new CTR?
They need a new label to assign to their enemies and a pernicious story to support that label so as to turn normies away.
>yes, trust Mark Zuckerberg, he will fact check your news, nothing to worry about here you're in good hands.
But wouldn't downvotes fit the "evil nazi" meme better for MSM?
They're attempting to show support for this guy via "likes", thus enforcing their narrative of the rise of white nationalism under Trump. I think it's a false flag
Mozeltov maury
Implying the alt right exists in any meaningful capacity. The only thing everyone here agrees on is being anti political establishment. We're sick of your bullshit and want to physically remove traitors from our countries.
Who is this supermarket gurgler? I genuinely don't know
No bully plox
This is fucking cringe. This is the equivalence to femenazi leftists.
Rather die then support some faggot loving controlled opposition
Is the alt right a planted idea? Does it even exist? Or has the MSM succeeded in creating a bogeyman
everyone here is a pussy & a backstabber
Haven't you heard??? That's Richard Spencer, founder and leader of the alt-right. As the President of Sup Forums, I'm preparing for the summit as I type.
Fuck off, this guy and David Duke are obviously plants to discredit the alt-right.
He sounds like a teenage boy
its a controlled opposition so the media can have a boogeyman and barely exists outside of a few alternative media talking heads
I removed my dislike, just so I could dislike the video again. I may be an idiot, but I'm not YOUR goddamn idiot.
Time for a new group
Fuck, that's me!
Muh PR shills get wrecked alt right was never going to be cultural and civic nationalism
Trump is gonna cuck, not my God emperor
go kill yourself spic. How the fuck would you keep them from the room? They'd get in either way at least they'd know where this person is you fucking dumbshit
I liked the speech I upvoted
He could have done without saying Trump though but whatever
Do you even read your own posts you dumb failed troll?
Look how easy it is for Sup Forums shills to turn a good man like Spencer into "controlled opposition". You have a literal jewish pieces of shit on twitter saying hes controlled opposition after finding a comment about Spencer being a part of a documentary atlantic is doing. This proves nothing and just shows how fucking weak Sup Forums can be to outside influence.
The Atlantic would have figured out a way to get into to these places with or without the permission of the NPI they would continue to make there documentary like all the other news media outlets have like VICE have already done.
Gee I dunno, not inviting the liberal kike media would be a good first step. Even PJW rejected them.
fuck off retard
The alt-right is just an idea that started on the internet a very very long time ago with many different variations which ranged from David Duke to people like Jared Taylor. Spencer is trying to form a group of like minded individuals and if he is a plant it will become obvious but like with any kind of movement people are not perfect. All I really see here are people from r/the_donald and more extreme people that believe Hitler was a jew or from places like TRS.
>Gee I dunno, not inviting the liberal kike media would be a good first step. Even PJW rejected them.
The liberal kike media would have found there way into these places just like in other documentaries and interviews. This is one of the reasons I really don't understand what your backlash is from this situation.
Lets even analyze the video in question Spencer raised his glass with many other people doing the same thing only about 2-3 different people were using the roman salute doesn't matter to me if all of them did.
That was a retarded speech...
Go fuck yourself. You've most likely only spent a few months here and have fuck all clue on whats going on.
I just disliked. Fight me, idiot.
y tho
This little convention sounds like someone that doesnt frequent pol read pol for 3 days, took everything literally and wrote a play about what they read. The enthusiastic forward motion of the salute from the crowd seems scripted
>ok make sure you guys say Heil and also throw up the salute so they can film it. Dont worry they will blur out your face
Remember when they thought the frog was like a real thing to be worried about? These are the same people
Might have to get hands on ameriM8s. leftypol is having pretty serious discussion about killing this cunt.
of course not you retarded american piece of shit, larping as german neo-nazi trash
The difficulty in understanding the German is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a human, but a robot, and therefore thinks mechanically. We can no more understand a German than a toaster or a lawnmower, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other robotic characteristics, the German has no regard for human life and is an all out humorless bitch, automaton, and chronic worker-bee.
What makes you think this guy comes from Sup Forums in the first place? We cannot keep our ideas to ourselves.
What about Amren? What about all those people whom have a conference about the alt-right and all confirm that they help start it. Spencer maybe trying to use the name to create a active organization. Thats OKAY because its just a fucking name and he can play leader to what he wants because he'll have to prove himself. Hes honestly been doing a good job but according to Sup Forums right now they get offended when someone says HAIL TRUMP.
He should die. No one cares about him in the alt right and he's obviously a fucking pawn for someone else to discredit our movement. They're doing it right in front of our faces and you all are letting it happen
Fucking nu-Sup Forums. Americans, this movement is your last chance to claim some type of white living area in the U.S.
>hurrdurr alt-right doesnt exist
>huurddurr shill jew
Stop punching ethnic-nationalism, the speeches were okay. This is only cutting the edgiest parts from a +8 hour conference
>working bees
we are just getting shit done and leave earlier.
Ah yes. Dehumanize the enemy to make them easier for the field grunt to kill without so much psychological damage.
But then youd have to assume that the people featured in the video truly believed what they were saying and doing. I dont think they did.
>falling for this basic meme
they've been calling white people nazis for years, they would have called him a nazi anyway
>of course not you retarded american piece of shit, larping as german neo-nazi trash
National socialism is not strictly German. George Lincoln Rockwell was one of the people whom I've heard say that the US will never use German national socialism. However Americans will form there own type of national socialism just like every other race on earth if they choose to follow national socialism. That being said using some German words to describe journalists and saying hail has been normal on Sup Forums and in IRL not to even describe NAZEEE policies.
>muh paid opposition
k y s
[spoiler] this desu senpai [/spoilers]
>Ethnic nationalism is bad
Sup Forums believes media, taking the cut media narrative
I'm not going to support someone who makes us all look like fucking nazi's fuck off.
Read it again. I said he is NOT from here but probably visited and took some edgy frogposter literally and assumed the whole board was that way.
How many posts on this board alone in 1 day? To a bean counting ctr shill it means this place is ripe with real opinion and an opportunity to sway lurkers and troll.
Now they try and play 3d chess and use tongue in cheek frogposts in a scripted show that gets plastered on facebook and twitter and youtube to confirm to both the leftists and the people who were only voting against Clinton (not for Trump) that the new movement is scary and will be exactly what CTR said it would be.
Is Sup Forums bein raided by antifa, ctr, or JIDF this time? Maybe all of them? I can't really fucking tell.
Oh and the guy who pointed out that Spencer might be planted opposition is Cernavish a literal kike on twitter. Whom is extremely self-absorb piece of shit it would not surprise me if that race traitor had been denied entry to NPI and got asshurt.
>We HAVE to
Why are the majority of Sup Forums now backing up what the news media is saying?
>confirm to both the leftists and the people who were only voting against Clinton
What are you talking about? There have been other interviews where the media has outright lied about Amren about "alt-right" groups. It doesn't matter nothing has changed at all ever and never will. The saluting does nothing but show how many on Sup Forums are offended and take the media seriously when they themselves have been saying the media is a bunch of fucking liers.
Look at the usage of words Spencer was using during his speech. Luegenpresse has been used on here and IRL easily without anyone batting an eye but all of a sudden Spencer uses it makes it a big deal? People have been talking about the JQ out in the open as well. Now its a bad thing?
What exactly is going on and why don't people see it?
Why are you cucks kvetching over this? Oh no he will make us look bad!
Fucking hell, man up you losers. Spencer isnt even hardcore, he is just an ethnic nationalist.
this. also a bunch of newfag kosher cuckservatives
Richard Spencer is a fucking faggot. Look at his hair.
He's right, cuck.
What about it? It has a whole song written about it pham.
Everyone must flag this video so it's removed. This was in D.C and they have plants everywhere in the audience pulling their usual stunts to discredit alt-right like they did during Trump rallies. These are DNC shills.
Seriously look at all the media all over the place the alt-right people such as fucking Jared Taylor, Kevin Mcdonald, ramzpaul, they've all accepted the alt-right as a term for themselves. Most of the people at Amren also feel the same damn way. This is fucking nothing new the people "HITLER" saluting could be just like those screaming out NIGGER at trump rallies but that doesn't really matter I hope everyone HITLER SALUTES all fucking day while screaming nigger. Who gives a shit.
psyop to tie us to someone nobody in the alt right have ever fucking heard of to make us look like a nazi skinhead gang. sage, kys if you fell for this.
The thing is, his speech was mostly right on, but dressing it up with that German shit does nothing but trigger the normies.
Nah...all this does is scare old ladies into voting against us for the rest of their lives.
We have a hard enough battle without people invoking a new chancellor to the reich in front of a camera and a crowd of 50.
Dummies have been throwing up the salute while holding a can of ice house outside of a trailer in the woods a lot longer than the well dressed real guys were making germany great again and thats how you come off.
Might be hard to understand for you but beating the general public over the head with an iron eagle isnt doing you any favors
>We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
This is chanology level shit.
cringeworthy and just plain faggotry
Who the fuck is this fag and which lugenpresse outlet is paying him?
This is only damaging Trump. Nazi salute, seriously? I was literally this close to convincing someone that trump was gonna be fine and this bullshit took us back to square 1.
The best thing the alt-right can do now is just stay in their corner of the web. They are a liability for Trump more than anything else at this point.
Who is us? Sup Forums? Where did he say Sup Forums? Is alt-right real? According to Amren it is and they've stated that Spencer was alright.
>Nah...all this does is scare old ladies into voting against us for the rest of their lives.
huh what? little old ladies will never vote for us period you dumb shit
Who where what? Are you really this new? No where does this have Sup Forums written on it just because our ideas have spread doesn't mean its fucking Sup Forums you dumb fuck.
Lmao, Spencer and NPI would usually be called cucks by Sup Forums, now suddenly they are too extreme?