If you think Richard Spencer is a Jewish plant, government agent, or controlled opposition, you are an idiot and you need to fuck off back 2 reddit where you came from. Infowars is not "alt-right" and hating women doesn't make you a conservative. Stay on Sup Forums and never come back you fucking degenerate tranny humping faggots.
Richard Bertrand Spencer
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off back to your basement you worthless piece of shit. I only fucking heard of this shithead this morning and apparently he's the leader of some stupid media created pseudo group I've been lumped into with spergie fucks like you without my agreement or knowledge. Just fucking off yourself already.
Fucking this. I held these opinions on my own accord this larping nazi faggot had nothing to do with it.
He's either an incompetent idiot or a paid shill. Eitherway he needs to fuck off.
What is the most jewish plant?
The same people who know the KKK, a toothless relic of white indentarianism, is stuffed with government agents, refuse to criticise leading figures in the most successful white nationalist group in recent memory.
Any traitor is capable of giving a speech no one on his side disagrees with. Act like you've got some sense.
Infowars and Alex Jones are controlled opposition outlets. The purpose of their existence is obviously not to actually threaten the control of the elite; it's to misdirect and redirect our attention into fighting with other goyim, and wasting our time and energy in fruitless pursuits.
spoken like a nobrainforce fag
>Alex jones is controlled opposition
You keep Alex jones' name out your mouth you filthy hooker
Bartoši, uklidni se laskavě
If you listened to and read Spencer's work a decade ago, you wouldn't think of saying such retarded shit. Then again, you were probably still wearing diapers then.
>info wars is controlled opposition
There are people on this earth who unironically believe this
What a faggy face he has . Definitely a closet inbred gay.
got any links senpai
you cant go back in time
you're not Trump
Go through the old stuff on amren and counter-currents. Also listen to whatever his podcast was called (Vanguard/Vanguard Radio?) and listen to all his Bowden discussions etc.
David Duke
You've been posting this same thread all morning. CTR please leave.
>go look up stuff and do the work for me
No fuck off bitch boy. This isn't reddit, here when you make statements you want taken as fact you provide the fucking proof
Any cursory glance at Alex Jones' behavior alone should cause you to raise an eyebrow. Yes, alot of his information is solid, however, what has become of that? He has been in this business for over two decades. MILLIONS of people follow him, are his efforts contributing to any serious social or political efforts to unseat the elite? No.
He is a rabble rouser for the NWO. He encourages hysteria and unintelligent mob behavior. He's not a real leader at all.
Everybody that agrees with me that has over 10 twitter followers is a Jewish plant/controlled opposition tbqh goyim
>alex jones controlled opposition
you wat
>unironically identifying as "alt-right"
y i k e s
>implying they will fuck off
Neo-nazi shitheads like Spencer and Duke are tools.
They are leftists used by other leftists to discredit any attempt at creating a normal right wing/nationalist movement. This is how the left manipulates the narrative of "anti immigration = Hitler".
Don't be surprised
Every white Nationalist who doesn't adocate violence is genuine until proofen otherwise. I'm so tried of new fags who don't understand the theory behind the different strategys of the new/ alt right and do nothing but rant about what others are doing Wrong.
yesterday i watched a lecture of his on Red Ice from some conference, after hearing him get hyped up here and on the daily shoah
i'm severely disappointed. he's a really bad speaker, sounds awkward and unnatural as fuck and looks down to read every third word.
here it is if anyone wants to see:
what a letdown
We are a decentralized movement, the only way for Jew tactics to hurt us is to have a "leader" of sorts so yeah he is a Jewish plant. If he somehow isn't, he's incredibly stupid and a useful idiot.
>y i k e s
>Alex Jones has done nothing!
>except get Trump elected
Kill thyself
You are actually demented
>Does homosexuality occur in plants?
oh my god! I'm literally shaking he lifts his glass up at the end of the speech its the Nazi salute.
You have a subhuman jawline even niggers have better genes
Yep. I've always thought he was some kind of joke, I'm really surprised to see he has some support. Don't think he's controlled opposition though, just a bit ridiculous.
Nah. If you aren't prepared to open a new tab in your browser and type two websites in, then I don't want you to learn of anything. Creates a nice buffer between us.
found these from his twitter
>richard spencer
>literally a muh sekrit klub faggot
Low iq moron, you don't get it. They know the Media will pull out the nazi smear anyway, this is exactly why they do the nazi stuff with a wink, in order to take the medias attack vector away. Make the nazi allegation useless by makeing it a laughing matter.
The atlantic video is pretty cleverly edited to present a 'dangerous neo-nazi' image. Typical jew trickery.
This is a nobody, Who the fuck is he? He didn't help trump get elected, he's a nothing. Neo-nazi cringeworthy cuck. "HEIL TRUMP!!" Literal autists would only say that lol.
Alex Jones is his own controlled opposition, desu
>go through all the articles and podcasts you specified until I understand the stupid point you were trying to make
Go back to tumblr buttercup
Stormweenies ruin everything.
literally who
>simply expresses the core beliefs of the alt-right, a name which he himself coined
>hurrr he's autistic and doesn't wear cool Gucci like fag Milo
no shit, why? Because Israel is a Jewish ethno-state. That is what the alt-right wants for white people. We are sick of poo in loos and africans and muslims and whoever else invading our countries.
he's right and you're a fucking retard. provide specific sources or fuck right off
Your flag is a dead giveaway. Since you like right wing plants so much here's a picture for you.
if you want a white ethnostate you can do it without sucking jewish cock you literal cuck
It's been working surprisingly well; the only concern is whether this consolidation will create insurpassable boundaries around certain topics and theory.
He's okay.
And then again do it better, als they so it.
Same team dipshit
Exactly this. Hope Milo, this fucking faggot, and anyone who claims to be alt right gets their heads bashed in
Reminder this is a fabricated controversy that no one cares about. None of the major news sites are even reporting on it anymore.
No one cares. Leftypol is just false flagging in a desperate attempt at fracturing the alt right
Basically this tbqh fambourghini. What the fuck happened to this board these last couple of days? Have we been flooded by TRS rapefugees? I'm not a fucking Nazi, I don't want to be part of anybody's stupid unified movement. I have practically nothing in common with nat-socs, the alt-right can get fucked. Have no problem sharing the board with anyone on the right, but everyone was happy being divided until people like OP started migrating here and trying to tell me I'm a cuck for not wanting to sell out all my beliefs for the hivemind. The alt-right and that kike can fuck off back to plebbit.
When did this faggot become /ourguy/? I didn't get the memo.
Everybody in this thread is a Nazi, just like Spencer (except for the shills). Nazi is a slur just like racist.
If you are against immigration you're a nazi.
If you criticize jews you're a nazi.
If you are a christian you're a nazi.
If you watch Alex Jones you're a nazi.
If you are a white male you're a nazi.
Quit taking the media bait dumbasses.
Fuck this retarded piece of shit. Neonazi Larping faggots need to fuck off.
You can do it without, but there are economic roadblocks along that path. Much better to stab them in the back later on, providing one actually does stab them in the back and not just expel them.
>getting this upset over some stupid MSM-outrage over absolutely nothing that will blew over tomorrow
So many paranoid people on Sup Forums.
>I've been lumped into with spergie fucks like you without my agreement or knowledge
How is that even possible?
If the election was still going on I would understand what the fuss is about but it just seems to me a bunch of bluepilled redditors are sperging out because they're so cucked they still think being called "racist" is the worst thing in the world. Who cares? Now is time to completely put aside PC culture not reinforce it.
I only know that he is really implicit
Absolute faggot
>Quit taking the media bait dumbasses.
Indeed, I don't understand why this is so hard for people to comprehend.
Why do people keep repeating this? The real controlled opposition are faggots like Spencer who LARP like a Nazi.
my bad dawg, clicked the wrong post
The problem is that the entire PC culture is so ingrained into normal Western routine, that change is extremely slow. There has to be a path laid out that stupid people can understand. And currently there isn't one.
Don't expect the redditors here to understand. They think of you are right of Breitbart you have to be some kind of hammerskin listening to Nazi punk in jackboots like that character they saw on the goy box time and time again.
Good post Gregoriu
>change is extremely slow
Sure, but it won't come about constantly reinforcing everything that prevents change. As the other user said the Nazi shit is done with a wink in order to desensitise people. Doubling down on the cuckoldry because the left might call you bad words is pathetic and counter productive.
I can't believe how overrun with redditors this place has become. Never though I'd see this amount of tone policing on Sup Forums of all places.
Reminder that the left doesn't disown their radical wing. It's only "conservatives" that worry about what the ((media)) tells them is off limits.
I don't know what problems we will face in the future excatly, but we are attracting a great Proportion of high qulity and well adjusted people. So at the Moment with the help of the current Situation we are doing fine. We mock, shame and ridicule or enemys into suicide, while we are able to have a laugh about orself, which is equaly a high iq triat like good Humore in
>anything to the right of Breitbart is controlled opposition because no one could actually be an ebil racist
Please go back to plebbit.
That's not really responding directly to what I meant, but you're right about that, certainly.
>implying leftists do not cosplay as extreme rightwingers to drive moderate voters away
Grow up stormtard
This is Richard Spencer's favorite song
This. On the left camp they have from trotskyites to SJWs to welfare moms, and they all work together against the "nazis", that is white males.
Meanwhile cucks here want to appear moderate thinking that the left and the media will forgive them for being born a white male. No, you idiots, they are going to hate you anyway!
Ausgezeichnet logisches Denken wenn weit verbreitet.
>people think Richard B Spencer is a plant
>not Milo
fucking hell
long live /pol
>Richard Spencer, TRS, red ice and amren do their thing under the label alt-right and have a good time with their podcasts and their forums and their seminars and their pool parties
>3 years later
>Hillary Clinton talks about the alt-right in a speech for some reason
>the media starts talking about
>Sup Forums assumes the alt-right is them
>goes "well I never heard of no Richard Spencer, he's not alt-right, I'm alt-right and I make the rules here"
here's a pro-tip, Sup Forums is not alt-right
there are alt-right people here but the alt-right doesn't include Sup Forums, if you don't know who Richard Spencer is, you're not alt-right, the alt-right is an already existing movement with already existing beliefs and goals. If you don't like the label you don't have to be a part of it, but that's on you, not the alt-right.
this guy shows up out of nowhere a week after Soros and the boys had that meeting, and all of a sudden hes front and center in the media. purely coincidence, right?
>Make the nazi allegation useless by makeing it a laughing matter.
Good luck with that. HAIL VICTORY!!!!
The right played the game of the left for 50 years, with the result, that the most cucked republican is called racist and relativly Moderate Right wingers like Buchananen are Seen nearly as worse as hitler, should convince us, what they did (cucking and toneing down) is not working. We need to play our own game with our own rules, like the left did.
>what has become of that?
Trump is president. Brexit is happening. Political correctness is dying and masculinity is back on the rise.
Obviously we can't tell if it's his fault, or how much he contributed but those are things that infowars fought for. And I don't even watch that shitty youtube channel. He's pretty annoying actually when he mocks people with like a high pitched whine repeating what liberals say but it seems like normies like him.
I dunno about Controlled Opposition, but he is a total sperg.
There's no denying that.
Literally the ONLY plant on the alt-lite and alt-right is Anglin.
He's a clear mulatto making fun of all the dumb rednecks.
Plastic Plants probably.
it's the opposite nigger. This isn't reddit therefore we don't spoonfeed. Fuck off back to TRS
>What is the most jewish plant?