Is she using this like Donald's dead brother to get to him?
Rosie O'Donnell says Brandon could be Autistic
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Rosie is such an amazing and talented actress/comedian. I'm glad that she is bringing these sort of subjects to the surface.
>Better make mental illness Assumptions of the next President of the most powerful nation on Earth.
Fucking Idiot.
>AUTISM epidemic
It's a virus now?
Is rosie a tallentless cut who goes after children of people she doesn't like
His name is Bradley.
Tired, don't know where the fuck the Brandon thing came from.
If he's autistic, he's intelligent autistic. Like Bobby Fischer autistic. Not bang your head on a wall autistic. So in other words, autistic only in the widest spectrum, I.e. not really autistic.
Tbqh she should drop it. Nobody cared about her, nobody will care now
This is more tasteless than anything Trump has done.
ya, so is fatness. they proved it, its real science now.
Awwww lookit Rosie, she made fun of a mans dead father and brother and family and now she wants to passively aggressive mock a autistic child.
drumpf is anti vaccines because he thinks they made his son autistic and he doesn't want to face the fact that his rancid old man sperm is the cause
you know it's true
She's trying to bait Trump into an outburst on twitter or something.
This angers me.
If you have childrem, youll understand how awful this is.
Trump was protecting Hillarys daughter out of respect and now people go after his fucking son? For fucks sake is this low.
who the fuck is brandon??
why would she think this?
being a fat ugly she beast didn't bring attention to the overweight lesbian feminist epidemic
>you know it's true
Men's sperm is generally good at any age, Ahmed. Autism comes from old eggs.
She tweets garbage like this, and people really wonder why he says mean things about her? She's lucky I'm not Donald, because I'd probably react badly and punch her fatass.
Rosie is forgetting that autism tends to spike if the mother is older
Melania was 35, she wasn't one of these 40+ artificial insemination mothers who pop out retard kids
The strawman (((they))) create to have a use for some of their insults.
It's Rosie. No one I know likes that fat cunt, and she's had a beef with Donald for fucking "ever" now.
Don't feel bad for the president, son. Part of being the president is suffering through the stupidity that a biomass of 300 million people can chuck at you. It's part of his duty. He has to be insulted and fucked with on a regular basis.
>publicly shames a 10 year old by questioning if they have autism
> Pol calls Barron Autistic
> top lel ayy content
> Rosie calls Barron Autistic
> wtf dude not cool
What the fuck is wrong with her. How can someone be so delusional that this shit about Barron and Trump's brother is on par to anything Trump has ever done.
Shit is disgusting. No wonder why people call her a fat pig.
If people thought Trump was shit-talking her before, they haven't seen anything yet...
You think he hates the Jews like Bobby Fischer as well?
Who the fuck is Brandon?
Imagine someone you hate with all your being. Imagine that you've had a feud with them for years that has been very public and very brutal.
Now imagine that that person becomes the President of the United States.
The salt flowing from her reaches another plane of existence.
I don't think attacking family members of the president of the United States is a good idea especially after you had a long-standing feud with him. I hope this fat sack of shit gets sent to Guantanamo Bay and spit-roasted by a couple Allahu Akbars
No because a ZOG puppet like (((Trump))) indoctrinates his children into loving kikes
>Now imagine that that person becomes the President of the United States.
That doesn't really happen to the average person now does it lol
Sometimes I wonder, but I've
Never received a medical diagnoses
Also trump is not my last name
she used to be one of us
>Sup Forums is one person
Maybe Barron was vaccinated?
Congratulations, Rosie. You are now lower class than the guy who called you a fatass degenerate on tv.
Internet definition of autism.
Poor little Broly, one time hes really exposed to the public its 3 am and he can barely stay awake and now everyone thinks he has the auts
holy fuck, skip to 5:55, it's like alex jones wearing a wig.
what happened to you, Rosie?
Did Donald have him vaccinated?
Don't you faggots get bored reacting to the bullshit posted about Trump?
She's going after someone who has no beef with her. A child a that. Fucking white trash fat bitch
I thought rosie was redpilled about 9/11, why the feud with Trump?
Rosie O'Donnell in 2007:
"I do believe it is the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. I do believe that it defies physics for the world trade center tower 7, building 7, which collapsed in on itself... it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved... world trade center 1 and 2 got hit by planes; 7 miraculously, for the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. it is physically impossible... to say that it wasn't an implosion and a demolition is beyond ignorant."
"rosie o donnel is digusting, both inside and out. I'd like to look her in that fat ugly face of hers and say 'rosie, your fired'' - the 45th president of the united states of america
lol makes sense
>She's a Truther
Just when I thought she couldn't get any fucking stupider
we need fat camps like Japan
A grown ass rich white woman going after a child.
Will the white guilt MSM go after Rosie?
You've got to love how expertly Rosie twists the knife into Donald flesh here.
Because her ideology (liberalism, sharing, love) does not allow her to stab Trump in the face she instead does it through "concern". Her motive and message is...
"Ha ha Trump's sun is a retard!"
But she can't say that. Even liberals must abide by the thoughtspeak PC control universe they've created.
So instead, Rosie calls Trump's son a retard by masking the attack through concern.
I'm a really nice person and I love everybody and I'd really like to help your son... meanwhile drawing attention to Trump's son's obvious deficiencies. Then again maybe he's just 13 and shy. God knows I was at that age.
Her real point is to twist the knife in using tactics where no weapon is off limits. The facts that she's a fat degenerate lesbian who beats her "wife" and has adopted children is nothing to this flan faced bitch.
I'm Irish and spit on this degenerate bitch. O'Donnell was a solid family name before this land whale beached itself all over it.
>publicly attacking a child because you don't get along with his father
Rosie O'donnel is like the slice of pork on top of a bowl of ramen
Salty as fuck, full of fat and grease, smelling of garlic, chives and sweaty old Chinese men, and in the end being paper-thin and completely devoid of substance
Should be reporting her for bullying.
"this lady is going to get all barrons friends at school to call him a retard"
>Anonymous on POL says "Guys does Baron have autism? he's so cute."
>Another Anonymous says "It's like 4 am he's 10 years old probably just tired as fuck."
>Rosie O'Dyke says "Is Barron Trump Autistic? if so - what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic
>She calls autism an epidemic like it's some sort of disease you can catch
>Misspells Baron's name, bad grammar, random capitalization of words.
>Ridicules Trump's dead brother despite being a complete fuck up as a mother to kids she adopted, kids that could have had a better and normal life with a real family. One of those adoptees is so fucked they get jacked up on drugs and try to kill themselves
>Rosie has more signs of autism than baron does with her slimy CWC tier banter.
>y u guys mad at rosie? lol xD
Really gives me the grumpy dumpies.
I doubt he is, he's probably just trying to behave himself and make sure he doesn't embarrass his dad.
Rosie does deserve a bullet. I mean, these aren't good people. These are horrible people. In fact, I commend my father. My father's the first Republican who's gone out and said, 'Listen, what's happened to the African-American community is horrible and I'm going to take care of it.
Barron is autistic the same way Ben Afflect is in the Accountant. Any defects were beaten the shit out by Trump's extensive training learned from his Sergeant in military school.
She is trying to rile Donald into attacking her so she can play a victim and sell her story, painting herself as the de-facto anti-Donald celebrity.
He's a wise man so he won't respond.
The son, Barron, is a fucking retard, anyone can see that.
The wife is a filthy immigrant whore, also clear to anyone with a brain.
Daughter marries the richest Jew she can find, so there's another complete cunt.
Trump family values ffs
Could be.
Many such cases!
Hi Baron!
>user makes baseless assumption on taiwanese fake news site
>Someone famous makes same baseless assumption publicly
what a waste
Reminds me of your genes.
If this isn't autistic I don't know what is.
it was like 3 in the morning the kids been up all night, what is 'acceptable' behavior for a 10 yearold?
that's called being 10 years old and desperately trying to stay awake at 3am when your normal bedtime is probably around 10pm
OK changing the definition of autism to include almost all socially awkward behaviors does not make it a fucking epidemic. All you did was widen the goal posts by about 6 miles.
Fuck I hate this shit.
He is 10
Can this fat, ugly, lesbo pig just die already please.
he looks tired from all that master hacker stuff he did to help daddy win :^)
It's like she wants to get lynched.
It's called being sleepy as fuck.
Rosie lost to a man she despises, and will keep losing over and over again until she's dead. She rages impotently, screaming into the void.
The View happened.
After she got kicked off in 2006 for being an abrasive, vile, hostile cunt, and all of her following attempts at success in the public eye failed, she gradually changed. Chowed down on blue pills in the hopes that being a liberal fuck would garner popularity.
While Rosie's ideals changed (purely for the sake of success), she never stopped being a vile, hostile cunt.
Baron a cute. A CUTE.