>saved Europe from the Muslims invading
>Whites country in the world
> lowest risk of terrorism in Europe
>No refugees, saving European culture again
> Just coronation Jesus as king of Poland
>Women aren't to bad
150,000 nationalists March to stop immigration (watch the video it's pretty cool)
Is Poland the most based country in the world
Other urls found in this thread:
niggers of europe you wouldent understand as you are probably a nigger considering your country as well
The more country is diverse and open, more successful it is...
HMMM really makes you think
Well they're decent plumbers
We have all of this, and more :^)
>Get buttfucked by the vatican for centauries
>Stay loyal to the pope to this day
Wouldn't call that based.
You have a good police, we call someone like them a "straż miejska".
You pathetic english scum, you hate on poles so easy because you're allowed, but you stfu about pakis raping your children for decades, still, congratz on brexit.
Better than a country full of atheists like your shithole
>parasites and bludgers
yeah nah
They're financially fucking the EU even better. Then they still have the balls to tell Merkel to chug a dick
You also have a state of sandniggers demanding independence.
Why does everyone kiss Poland's ass so much, while hating all other Eastern Europe which did and is literally the same shit Poland is.
All of that will be null when they accept their pope's orders to accept refugees and abortions en masse.
Poles work hard and brought their good food over along with their qt women. There women are either fucking lumpy looking or max QT its really odd. But I have a feeling Poland sent all their cunts over to us.
And your country was dumb enough to volunteer for it
Since The Witcher is based on Poland, I feel like Poland is a poor country with a lot of violent problems and domestic abuse.
If only they went back to being eastern orthodox again they would be so based
>went back to being orthodox again
German education
I thought there's a fuck bunch of jews there
he is here
Just need to drive 50km east to witness how they save Europe with cheap prostitutes, drugs, theft/scam and general gopnik behaviour
Also this, truly the dindus of Europe
No. They definitely had the smarter policies when it came to immigration, but the general state of Poland apart from that is not all that great.
I mean, if we continue on our current path we will eventually fall behind Poland's standard of living, but that doesn't really make them the most based country in the world, it just means they didn't jump off the bridge like all those other morons.
we're still shithole with not a single party competent enough to get us out of this mess
>>saved Europe from the Muslims invading
Eurotrash surrender monkeys
I thought it's MUH DIASPORA shitposting again but
>Polish roads
>anything but utter trash
Now I know you've never been anywhere near Poland.
Warsaw is the nicest European city I've been to
>good food
>friendly people
>reasonable prices
>no homeless
>hardly any brown people
If there's any joke I love, it's le japan proxy memeing joke
Get it, it's funny, because you wouldn't expect the Japanese to be posting things like this.
All the great successes Poland had were the same time when we tolerant and multiethnic.. Only white Poland is not a good thing. We are white cause noone wants to come here.
the poles are a thriving community here in southern Brazil; together with the germans and italians they made up the majority of the colonies built around the time of the second wave of european immigration.
Battle of Vienna, 1683.
>Why does everyone kiss Poland's ass so much
Huge polish diaspora circlejerking to Polan stronk meme
truly the pearl of europe, yea
It's not Warsaw you falseflagging faggot.
show me google earth wiev or suck my dick ackhmed
You forgot to add:
>Recently enacted into law some of the toughest abortion laws in the world
Yes, I really love Poland now, If I ever need to leave this place I'd like a lot to go get me a place and job there .
how comes your own cities trigger you so much
That's Dharavi.
I don't buy into the "Poland best country in the world!" meme (else they wouldn't have such a huge diaspora), but at least provide legit arguments.
>this pic
gypsies arent polish nor human
are you mad there's no rapefugees in poland muhmet
I have a question for poles though.
In France we hear that you government bypassed the constitution, that separation of powers and freedom of the press are memories from the past. I didn't dig so I want to know if it's true, it wouldn't be the first time the media lies about something like this.
another gem of how the saviours of Europe improved the donated German cities
you need to go back Jakub
the growth in poland is only possible because the EU is pumping money into it for many years
>In France we hear that you government bypassed the constitution, that separation of powers and freedom of the press are memories from the past. I didn't dig so I want to know if it's true, it wouldn't be the first time the media lies about something like this.
It's actually true though. For once.
As far as I know it's true, but pretty much just to the same extend any lefty government does it, too.
They are just asshurt it's the other side that did it this time.
>posting literal pics of germany
we didn't change our abortion laws, they've been the same for 20 years or so. abortion permitted in cases of rape, fetus having medical condition or if pregnacy carries a risk to womans health
Based Croatia
>a literal palm tree in the distance
You need to try harder Hans. At least put in some effort and make it sound plausible.
Polish economic growth entered a period of drastic stagnation after we entered EU. The growth was much much bigger before that, which is one of the main argument of eurosceptics around here.
Poland deserves that 2bh because Germany killed around 20% of the Poles during WW2.
Germany could never compensate however much money Germany spends on Poland.
>niggers of europe you wouldent understand as you are probably a nigger considering your country as well
Poles are light years ahead of the english, they are Roman Catholic.
>only 2 colors on their fucking flag
>one of them isn't even technically a color
>at least japan has a circle
>European culture
>American poster
Nothing out of the ordinary here, moving on.
>In France we hear that you government bypassed the constitution, that separation of powers and freedom of the press are memories from the past. I didn't dig so I want to know if it's true, it wouldn't be the first time the media lies about something like this.
they don't respect the rulings of Constitutonal Court lately, it began with an argument about who should appoint newest judges, new goverment thinks it should be them when they were appointed by older one. both sides have a point, and new goverment went full retardo in straight up boycotting the whole court. it's a quite complicated shitstorm, but I can write a summary if you want.
as for media, it about public television. we had a special commitee appointing people in charge of public media, in theory it was there to ensure that public television doesn't become propaganda tool for the goverment. they bypassed it and appointed their guys to be in charge of public media anyways. no meddling with privately owned media though, and they're all against them, so seems fair
>Why does everyone kiss Poland's ass so much, while hating all other Eastern Europe which did and is literally the same shit Poland is.
Slovaks and Slovenia are based also IMO as are Roman Catholic Hungarians and Croatians
you forget that their cities are already literally built on German wealth
>Since The Witcher is based on Poland, I feel like Poland is a poor country with a lot of violent problems and domestic abuse.
My nation sends financial aid to Vietnam but not to Poland.
its better for PiS to have total dictatorship than be ruled by .nowoczesna, Razem or PO.
> (OP)
>>>saved Europe from the Muslims invading
Battle of Vienna. The continent also owes the Maltese a big thank you for the Siege of Malta and the Italians and Spaniards for Lepanto.
What I note is protestants have never participated in the great battles that stopped the heathen hordre.
PiS are full on neocommies, they're fucking up economy now that they rule single hand. best case scenario would be if they had to form coalition with Kukiz and Korwin, they would stop their retard mode when it comes to economy. fuckk PO and .N though, agree.
Thanks. Doesn't seem so bad as presented in our medias though.
>You forgot to add:
>>Recently enacted into law some of the toughest abortion laws in the world
>Yes, I really love Poland now, If I ever need to leave this place I'd like a lot to go get me a place and job there
Don't. Stay where you are.
well if they were not in the eu in 2008 maybe they wouldve crashed completely espacially if u have a large economic growth instead of a steady small one
im not jealous at the poles. nearly all ive ever met were decent people and i have been there many times.
>we didn't change our abortion laws, they've been the same for 20 years or so. abortion permitted in cases of rape, fetus having medical condition or if pregnacy carries a risk to womans health
Based Roman Catholic bros.
Only Ireland and Poland are having enough kids.
>Based Croatia
They are. Roman Catholic bros.
our older govt was closely allied with you guys and Germans, newer likes UK and USA more, guess thats why your media tries to paint them as bad as possible
>our older govt was closely allied with you guys and Germans, newer likes UK and USA more, guess thats why your media tries to paint them as bad as possible
he burgers are OK. Fuck the brits though. You may as well trust saudi arabia.
>Just coronation Jesus as king of Poland
I thought you were joking and then decided to google it anyway
Based af
Never change Polska
yeah, I don't like allying with UK as well, especiallly now that Brexit happened and we pissed off French and Germans we lost most of our leverage in the EU.
you mean diveristy is caused by the worst byproduct of succesful society, i mean liberals
diversity is a symptom
symptom of a downfall at that
i don't watch tv but that madman kaczyński really did it!
i hope they won't fuck this up coz we might have quite a big swing toward left, considering some diaspora is coming back
Didn't most diaspora vote for PiS?
God bless you Poland, don't ever change being a bastion of Christ and fighting degeneracy in Europe. When the rest of the EU is sucking refugee dick and bowing to sharia courts you can begin the great Reconquista and make all of Europe rightful Polish clay.
>quite a big swing toward left, considering some diaspora is coming back
That's funny. Most of our diaspora votes for HSP, which led the country during our fascist ww2 days.
They're basically our equivalent of NSDAP, except they still exist as a legit democratic party
Is it even possible to go futher left than pis?
Economically, not really.
But at least they don't want mudslimes so it could be much worse.
We should not forget that poland was betrayed by the europeans after the poles beat the muslims.
Poles never forget and they are really resentfully.
>love poland
>don't live in poland
Live there for a year and you will love to hate that shithole.
Polack here btw.