We need her more than ever Sup Forums. Hopefully with our almighty God-Emperor in the US...

We need her more than ever Sup Forums. Hopefully with our almighty God-Emperor in the US, there's a chance of One Nation gaining ground in the next election...

Your thoughts?

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Supposedly there was no actual golden dawn tier NS party in australia, and they are some kind of kosher nationalist bullshit?

45% of voters in QLD now.
I personally don't care for her, she's too passive-aggressive and carries an air of being 'hard-done-by'. Not to mention the knuckle-draggers she brought into the fold, like sovereign citizen Malcolm-Ieuan: Roberts, the living soul

Please no not Hanson, anyone but Pauline

She'd win QLD, but that's about it.

Tones slowly subverting the Libs and making them more National, is how it should happen

Focus on everywhere outside of NSW

Her heart is in the right place but Hanson is dumb as dogshit. She can't articulate her position properly and doesn't actually know anything about Islam. It hurts her badly when she says shes against Halal certification but can't actually say what exactly Halal is

Queensland has always been seen as a the conservative state from what I can gather... She'll probably win QLD and that's it, barring a nigh-impossible chance of a mass redpilling...


She just needs to say that they cut the throats of the cows and lambs, and everyone would be up in arms over it.

She's not smart or articulate enough to be prime minister. Instead, we need to make her powerful enough that the major parties have to start listening to her and her support base, and adjusting their own policies accordingly. She may not be the next PM, but she sure can be the forefront of the rise of the right wing here.