Guys it's time we started getting serious about Pizzagate.
>David Seaman just tweeted that the NYT is putting out stories "dispelling" Pizzagate.
Blow this shit up.
Guys it's time we started getting serious about Pizzagate.
>David Seaman just tweeted that the NYT is putting out stories "dispelling" Pizzagate.
Blow this shit up.
Other urls found in this thread:
(((law enforcement)))
There is no possible way the local police aren't already involved
If the NYPD is on our side, the MPD might be also. Don't be too cynical
there is a cuck at the helm of NYC right now, NYPD's hands are tied.
you have nothing but vague shit. you're full of shit and your schizophrenic autismo spergouts need to stop.
mods please purge that pedoshit from Sup Forums
not the time to act like a hopeless bitch
Just call your local law enforcement and tell them about pizzagate. We have all the evidence.
I am going to call two different agencies tomorrow during business hours and tell them about pizzagate. Police and child abuse prevention.
>captcha: Centre SAUCE
Were Podestas whereabouts ever proven on the day Maddie was kidnapped? As I recall his whereabouts were proven just the day before.
Please provide concrete proof that this pizza restaurant is anything other than a pizza restaurant.
>reputable source of news
They openly admitted to lying throughout the entirety of this most recent election.
a lot of the child abuse centres/social services are in on it.
You might want to know that James Alefantis himself contacted the FBI regarding this. Source: NYT.
When law and order fails you get vigilantes. That is a very dangerous thing to happen.
Raid threads are not allowed on Sup Forums.
doesn't make a lot of sense to investigate yourself innit
Fuck off pedo fag
David seaman? the goal keeper?
Wouldn't want (((Putin))) to suffer the consequences:
bump for children justice
Don't you get it? The Chief of Police probably loves that pizza.
read the summaries you dumb fuck.
Thanks for clearing the record.
anything except Tony Podesta being a pedo comes off as to me but I haven't looked into it much.
>"At political events, there's an inevitable awkwardness," former Clinton administration official Sally Katzen said at a Women's Campaign Fund dinner at the Podestas' home this summer. "The art is an ice-breaker. It puts people at ease."
>Not always. Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes.
>"They were horrified," Heather recalls, a grin spreading across her face.
Keep in mind if they really are pedos they'll try to muddy the waters with bullshit disinfo to protect themselves.
Thanks for clearing the record.
James Alefantis literally means "I love children." Yeah sure just a (((coincidence)))
Who hangs art like this in their home? What married couple with no children or grandchildren keep a bunch of stuffed animals in their bedroom? Who needs a 12x15 subterranean "art room" for "complicated pieces?"
OG Pizzagate info dump.
Nice shilling.
>DC police
>yeah, my son went into that pizza joint I saw on the internet and when he came home his asshole was the size of a soda can
The main players.
This is like when I first discovered Freudian cultural theory and saw it everywhere.
Then there's this DOJ employee in charge of prosecuting child abuse cases.
Forgot pic.
And then there's Dave Flintstone, aka Biff Spiffman, who is probably selling old HDDs full of kiddy porn on eBay.
> Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO and Disney Member of the Board
Jack at it again.
not commenting on the naked teenager photographs
... the fuck.
This was found on the page.
Any computer fags no what this is?
MK stands for marketing, LGL stands for legal. It's just some of their internal files.
lots of gigs for a pizza website
How many English printed versions of the book are there and can anyone do a run to the bookstore or online ebook to find the pages in reference. Thanks.
They're megabytes.
Not sure if this has been addressed or not yet..
But you guys remember Scott Foval, the guy from the Project Veritas vids. He made a very suspicious tweet referencing "Podesta Pizza" before his account was suspended.
It's the tweet at the very bottom. Could be pertinent?
not possible since there are maaaaaany
Satanic verses = salman rushdie book about some allegedly blasphemous parts of the quran called by that name
Very popular bestseller especially with NY high society types
Please spread this info to people who do not believe a large group could be complicit in this coverup.
Remember right before the election when pizzagate started and they warned people not to believe anything they read in the coming days.? And now, right when twittergate gains traction, they say Sup Forums is fake news?
To have to say that a Laotian fingerknitting collective isn't a reliable source for political news -- and risk introducing the topic to people who hadn't heard about it -- means they are really scared.
And they really should be scarred. Twitter is hosting child porn and refusing to delete the accounts despite being flagged.
Thread theme:
Alright. Most revisions do not move points back by more than a couple pages unless there is a yuuge introduction/foreword added. We can still check the said pages in its original and most common release formats (largest most widespread printing) to see if there is anything that he appears to be obviously referring to. Might have to read a few pages before and after the area but it should still be it.
Posting from Give me as much as you can
>you can't play Domino on top of cheese
He means 'on' is in after eating it.
There are silly mistakes like that in these graphics. A lot of this is innocuous.
Does he? How does that make any more sense, unless cheese is cocaine or something JUST AS DAMNING?
Because that's a term people use.
It's a shortened version of 'running on' as in 'just running on toast this morning'.
If you want to be taken seriously you need to filter out the nonsense.
That account is still a fake.
If a lot of cherries weren't poisonous, it would stand to reason then that some were.
We need more of this. Spread it mainstream as well, we need a wider set of eyes on him.
What does that image show?
"They were horrified," she laughed.
bump pizzagate and twitter need to be pushed till twitters stock crashed
A "Portuguese" man from Hawaii acting as a creepy non-maternal uncle to three adopted girls whom Podesta flaunted as "entertainment." Do you see a normal man?
Family friends are often reffered to as Uncle and Aunty.
And saying kids are going to be entertainment? How is that weird?
Don't forget about the woman investigating Clinton's coal and human trafficking deals in Haiti.
This isn't a family. It's a woman with three adopted children and a weirdo who sells "junk" hard drives on eBay, from a Hawaiian bunker with a WiFi signal like the NSA's Utah bunker.
>this isn't a family
>It's a woman with three adopted children
So it is a family then?
And don't avoid my other question.
So Sup Forums didn't come up with Cheese Pizza, but instead it was these creepy fucks that were using Sup Forums?
Suck my dick, Ishmael.
Trying to make a normie-friendly timeline of events.
Feedback welcome.
>expecting to be taken seriously when you act like this
Why won't you answer my question?
I didn't come here to answer to the Caliph's goat handler. I came to bump and dump dunecoon.
>Chief of Pizza
Can you give me a tl;dr version of Twittergate. I've been away for like a month and am jsut getting caught up on Pizzagate/
So you haven't got an answer then?
What an amazing case you have made, i'm sure the FBI will be super interested.
>falling at the first hurdle
Is that you in the middle?
An account exposed thousands of Pedophile accounts posting disgusting shit. Arabs and Jews involved naturally.
I want to acquire$$$ the services of a malici0us haxor.
Whereabouts on the web of depth would I acquire such a person?
>me on the top left in the back
Why won't you answer my question?
What about the hacker named Sup Forums?
The article itself is shit. It's basically like: "this is fake because (((we))) told you so. Listen to (((us))) goyim."
That fat neckbeard? kekekekekekekekek
When I said malici0us, I meant deep violation.