Terminal velocity decline of West + rise of China

>Chinese average intelligence about 10 IQ points higher than average westerner
>China is shielded from all guilt thanks to being both nominally anti-imperialist communist vanguard and on winning good goy side of WW2
>China is fervently nationalist and has as of late embarked on anti-racemixing campaigning
>China has Chinese Dream, meaning re-establishing China as centre of world and by far dominant power on the planet
>China's management is not democratic, meaning its claim to power rests solely on keeping on delivering abundance to populace instead of nigger vote pandering and kike licking

China has none of the weaknesses of the west and machiavellian incentive to keep getting better. I honestly can't see any way west won't slip into complete backwater irrelevancy. There was already one clear sign of that: Türk roaches sided with their islamist government instead of military that tried to once again restore western style gubernmint. Everybody is abusing our weakness and we are spiraling down down down~

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>Chinese average intelligence about 10 IQ points higher than average westerner
>Sample size are only of chinese math obsessed nerds in USA

K mate.

>I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them


interesting thought

only, everyone despises chinks most of all themselves.

like Japan, the chink "mracle" will fall apart faster than you can imagine

That's because China has been genociding the pleb with civil wars for the last hundred years while also killing the leftists.

China also repealed their 1 child only law because of their declining birth rate. Unlike Japan, China saw the error of their ways.

How they ARE like Japan is that they're Ameriboos, profoundly so. China has the largeat growing middle class on the planet. With this extra disposable income they've become the largest consumer of designer cars, clothing, wine and technology on the planet.

Cheese too, despite it not being an indigenous luxury they're consuming dairy products at an alarming rate.

That's what people have been saying since 1980's. I put it in Basket of Wishful Thinking together with "niggers will behave if we give more monies" and "muslims don't kill us if we hug them".

google china aging population

Correct. There is also the hypothesis of civilization characteristics stemming from race characteristics. Consider Japan. Their early lore is filled with examples of daimyo killing subjects just because they caused trouble. And present day Japanese are very afraid of creating trouble among peers.

>10 IQ points higher
Kek, their upperclass that come here are only 5 IQ points higher than the average white. The majority of Chinese probably have a 90-95 IQ and pretty much act like soulless robots.

Those soulless robots are beating you everywhere.

fuck off rice calculator

>China is becoming a superpower

Thats what they said 30 years ago already.

>China's management is not democratic, meaning its claim to power rests solely on keeping on delivering abundance to populace instead of nigger vote pandering and kike licking

Well... here's your problem. They're one Trump-embargo away from economic collapse and civil war.

And that's what has happened and keeps on happening.

Don't you have muslim dick to suck? Heard London is english minority now. Haha.

How much of Chinese exports go to USA?

>Chinese average intelligence about 10 IQ points higher than average westerner
>District consists of cockroaches, dog meat and aborted fetuses.

wew lad


>China has none of the weaknesses of the west

Except for one - it's a totalitarian shithole and capital is fucking scared to enter it. Apart from their imports/exports and debt, there's literally no other way for western capital to enter that shithole, and even if there was, no sane investor would EVER invest in such an unstable country. Why would they do that over Europe, or even over Brazil, Russia, India?

Oh, and they have a massive fucking bubble.

Enough to kill their economy...

Hitler didn't live to see the Cultural Revolution.



then why don't any of those countries have a Disneyland while Shanghai does? why is Hollywood pandering to chinks and not Russians or Indians?

Education is a shit, countryside is miserable, bridges and hospitals and fucking dams have more sugar than rebar in them, pollution is a grave issue, rebellions in the West and generally too many fucking people

And the West fucked the planet beyond repair so sorry guys we promise we'll share better next time

how come none of the smartest people i met are chinese and how come every chinese i've met has been fucking dumb

China has none of the weaknesses of west. West is more unstable than China. Read this.
>The reform-minded ruling Communist Party maintains stability

Same applies to China in larger scale. "totalitarian shitholes" are more stable than western democracies, which are just totalitarian shitholes in state of constant weaponless civil war where economic winds change randomly every few years

Merely three times as big as Japan (who are in deflation), and almost (soon) two times smaller than either EU or US

They were communicating on level of the recipient out of courtesy.

um ok

No, they didn't. Economist of 80s couldn't forecast China's fast economic growth. Instead they thought that Japan would become superpower.

oh god, not this fucking retarded shit again.

If the Chinese (or any asians) are so smart, why did they get BTFO and assraped by whites? IQ doesn't measure everything. Lateral thinking tests are just as, if not more predictive of success in creative fields than IQ, and creative fields includes experimental science.

Democracy has problems, but China's authoritarian system is no answer. Do you even know Churchill?

China's economic success in the past thirty years has been good and is impressive to a degree, but you need to keep everything in perspective. China's GDP/capita is still only about 1/4 of America's. Even by PPP it's still under half. The average Chinese person has only half the income of the average American, and when you look at wealth the difference is even bigger.

Saying China's economy is doing better than America's is like looking at a lawyer who earns 200K and who hasn't had a raise in 5 years, then looking at a janitor who was earning 20K 5 years ago but got a promotion to janitor supervisor and is now maknig 45K, and saying "wow, this guy more than doubled his income in 5 years, he's gonna be earning more than that lawyer soon oh boy oh boy!!"

Fucking nonsense. I'll concede China has been the best run developing nation in recent history, but it's still a developing nation. It hasn't yet joined the adult table, it's just picking on the rest of the kids at the kiddie table.



China will continue to be awfully run, as the people in power only get there through who they know and start building a web of influence to cement their place by trying to get positions for people they know. The system is corrupt and has no hope of being fixed. China will continue to borrow and lie its way to the top, but it can't keep doing it forever. They will eventually turn on themselves once the economy slows down and they can't lie about it or borrow more to keep it going.

Nominal GDP is not even real

>why did they get BTFO and assraped by whites?
superior tech back then

>China's authoritarian system is no answer
true, absolute monarchy is the final answer but practical bureaucracy is still better than muh democrazy

>China's GDP/capita is still only about 1/4 of America's. Even by PPP it's still under half.
was way way less 30 years ago and difference continues to shrink. s-korea tier numbers incoming by end of this decade.

>China has been the best run developing nation in recent history
and continues to be and continues to keep on winning


China is way better to live in than Brazil, Russia or India. It has way more potential, also. There is no competition here. I agree on the rest

You do realise that there's a massive Islam issue within China, don't you? They very much have the same weaknesses as the west, in that specific case.

Also, geographically, China is in a really poor state when it comes to being any sort of significant military power. They certainly have funding and dedication on their side, as well as numbers, but they have no real access to the world's major oceans and only possess a single aircraft carrier that was built in 1985, and is soon to be rapidly outpaced by even OUR first major supercarrier soon to enter service in 2017, even though our Navy is in dire straits, currently. Not that our aircraft carrier even particularly matters, when compared to all the others the west already has, we're just bolstering the force.

I don't wish to rely on pure military talk here, but I feel it's necessary to mention, if you really want to talk about just how superior China is. Incidentally, mainland China is outpaced by Hong Kong in IQ, and Hong Kong has always been more sympathetic towards the west than China has (you're welcome, by the way). And having Hong Kong as a sympathetic ally gives the west more geographical leverage over China than they really have over any of us.

Given all the cheating I've heard about in Chinese school systems, I really doubt their average IQ is as high as they claim.


>You do realise that there's a massive Islam issue within China, don't you?
they use flamethrowers on that problem

>geographically, China is in a really poor state when it comes to being any sort of significant military power
this is true. that's why adding Philippines to their spehere of influence is what they are doing now. Japan in near-future.

>Hong Kong has always been more sympathetic towards the west than China has
just a matter of time before hongkongers realize how fucked up we are (just like Sup Forums and Türks did) and thank Heaven for CPC

>"totalitarian shitholes" are more stable than western democracies
yeah, like USSR and Warsaw Pact countries... oh, wait...

they were. sure they crashed in the end because they were stupid commies thinking central planning works, but what the fuck do you call switching rulers every 4-6 years if not systemic instability?


Have you been hitting the booze again, Perkele?

So, is Trump Spengler's idea of caesarism of the west?

the politicians are becoming increasingly mediocre as well.

At least China's economy isn't totally collapsing

Redpilled. Quality post mein brother.

it's all about numbers more and more

Either Europe gets united but loses its regional culture, or disunites and ends up being conquered by massive numbers.

Frankly, until natality rates are fixed europe is done in 20 years.

That has always been their official rhetoric and because they were on good side of WW2 and nominally commies they are not called out on that.

West is collapsing indeed and turning into intellectual backwater in constant low-intensity ethnic civil war everyone is laughing at with China as new centre. Trump can't stop that.

> intellectual backwater

this is interesting, today we keep hearing about INDIAN DOCTURSSSS and everyone is happy about it... everything does seem to slow down at its own pace.

A hundred years from now China, Korea and Japan will still be racially pure while Europe and USA will be multiracial hellholes, The East won't Inherit the earth because they were superior but because the greatest civilization that has ever existed was betrayed by it's leaders. Does that make you feel like a winner?

>until natality rates are fixed europe is done in 20 years
Oh yes, that one too. Until democrazed nigger vote fishing and christian egalitarism are removed and substituted with monarchist ethnic utilitarism we are done. Since that isn't happening any time soon, we are already done for.

The US debt as of 2016 is roughly $20t, with a GDP of roughly $19t. Ratio is slightly over 100%.

The picture overexaggerates it by 4 (four) times. Nice propaganda tho

SerpentZA and ADVChina have great videos about their daily lives on China, it's pretty entertaining and informative, you guys should check it out.

>multiracial hellholes

if you actually knew how bad it actually is you would do anything in your power to try to stop it, but no all you'll ever amount is venting on a soon-to-be forgotten thread in the ass of the internet, Sup Forums.

Forgott one important fact

>Chinese men have little dicks
>thus Chinese women are thirsty for big white American cock

OP is a dumbass who doesn't know what he's talking about. China's richest man stated that the Chinese real estate bubble is the biggest bubble of all time. Capital flight draining the country. Rich people ate fleeing the country in droves. Corruption is an everywhere(although this has always been true). Nepotism is also everywhere, even outside government. The pollution is killing the population. Riots are becoming common as people are desperate.

Intellectual backwater because nobody sane would implement any of the "western intellectual" policies. Thought experiment: if China's leadership that is actually accountable would start spewing that all Chinese are somehow inherently evil and Chinese don't really exist and Chinese need to take in poor illiterate niggers and bow to them because they are humans too.... how long would they stay in power? Western intellectuals are a fucking joke. Only reason their ways work here is because that fits into christian culture rendering cuckservatives defenseless, and media spews their madness and dictates public discourse.

they weren't
ask Gorby

Government debt of USA is indeed over 100% but the total debt is like the picture shows. Maybe you should just shut up, because I'm not going to explain difference between total debt and government debt to a retard.

All Chinese are math obsessed nerds. They're all more intelligent then the west. Same is true for the Koreans, the Japanese, Singaporeans. It's genetic, m8. They also have a stronger national identity then us. They're going to run the
World while we fluff Ahmed.

What a retarded indoctrinated shill lmao

Even the Chinese poster is calling you retarded

No, they genocided mostly creative smart people. Peasants who blindly obeyed the communist party weren't killed during the cultural revolution, smart independent thinkers were.

China's total debt is actually higher than the USAs total debt.

This is the actual Chinese government debt, not the total debt, which is about 250%. Also, the Chinese poster was referring to a different Finn and posters have IDs

yes, that is federal debt and it supports the graph you were criticizing.

Hitler was a shitstain, he considered inferior the french, anglos and italians who accomplished far far far more than the krautniggers and then licked gooks and chinks.

Dresden best day of my life, in fact germany should have been nuked at 90%, the rest of the continent could have go on.

tell us the truth brazillian how bad is it

Man, I love your ancient history. It's a shame what the Communists did to you.

Watching Three Kingdoms (2010) now and it's amazing.

Official figures don't support your statement.

China will collapse on itself, you see the disgusting oligarchy we have in the west ?
Welp China has a steroided version.

The jews will culturally subvert them, it's just a matter of time, the rich youth in shanghai is already utterly degenerate.

because western entrepreneurship and innovation is strangled at every turn by bureaucracy collecting money for government and its dependent gibs voting bloc.

cut the trash out of the social safety net and watch us hit the stars.

I know how bad things are and how much worse they will get, but I'm just a poorfag and there is very little I can do to fix my country. Part of being red pilled is not having delusions about your importance.

>china will be the lone superpower!
>any day now...
>it's coming! trust me!

They've been saying this for like 30 years.

Dick size only matters in a feminist society.

Only the upper class has access to that education. Majority of Chinese population are in the rural country side and they are used for crap labor.

It's not ingrained in our, I'm Asian btw, genetics when you have parents who inspires you or force you to focus in education we will try to achieve as high of a grade as we can, it's called motivation. It's not the only reason but it's part of it.

>China has none of the weaknesses of the west
They have a krautland-tier demographic catastrophe on their hands thanks to the one child policy.

Sure, they don't have morals so pension payments won't be an issue, but their economy is gonna tank hard.


Meanwhile in Singapoor, everyone is upper class.

tiny dick loser detected

That has been said ever since Deng Xiaoping took reins. They will keep purging degenerate youths the same way they purged those faggots at Tianmen because it worked. Jews can't subvert them because CPC controls almost all media including social media and all NGO's.

Yes but that won't happen because democrazy is soulless nigger vote fishing with no other intricit purpose than getting votes.

And it has been happening for 30 years. Nobody said it will happen overnight. Naysayers predicting China's collapse otoh have been wrong every year. West otoh will become irrelevant in 5-10 years. Sup Forums knows that while liberals are in deep denial.

user, Bollywood is starting to take root here. They had a Bollywood awards ceremony in Florida not too long ago.

>our government is strong
>t. Increasingly nervous party official buying land in Australia and Canada
If they're so stable, why does anyone who can flee for less stable countries?

I'm deeply upset because USSR could be as powerful as China, but national-triators and liberals demolished it.


> They will keep purging degenerate youths

what? Interestingly i never hear about social justice from china or japan... so that's what they do huh

I know nothing of your country, nor did i mention it by name. Congrats your nation did a fine work on educating your population, until your population total and growth is that of China, then come back and tell me how well your education structure will be.


>The beginning of the twenty-first century witnessed soaring numbers of overseas Chinese migrating back to China. According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, in 2012 alone, over 272,900 overseas students came back, with an increase of 46.57 per cent compared with 2011.

boo hoo, fuck you vlad and be happy with what you have i see arabs going HALAKH KMEHK ALLALLUWALLALLA every single day. They heard about "racism" and are behaving like cunts. I see blacks more often as well.

Wow, 270000 whole students. You know that we have close to 450000 in Canada alone, right?

So what do you propose? If you belive the USA is doomed, do you belive more westerners should become english teachers here?

You mean people who realized that socialism was retarded? I mean, the Soviet Union could have become a US-tier superpower if it transitioned to some kind of capitalism, but that would have been even more lulz-tier than the PRC doing so(it's not capitalism! it's communism with chinese characteristics!).

Face it. Russia's future went to shit with the October Revolution.

So what do you propose? If you belive the west is doomed, do you belive more westerners should become english teachers here?

>Naysayers predicting China's collapse otoh have been wrong every year
Their dismal demographics haven't even hit them yet, jackass. Quit pretending to be retarded.

Huijia laowai

>but national-triators and liberals demolished it.
>always a pleasure to shit on Russain people

>>Chinese average intelligence about 10 IQ points higher than average westerner
Not true.
a) Chinese cheat. A LOT. On more than one occasion, when invigilators of an exam tried to prevent cheating, their parents literally rioted because "it wasn't fair"
b) Chinese IQ is based on the values of urban Chinese people, it doesnt include rural areas

Stopped reading there.

They're so small.

Do you even history?