(1/5) Kanye's sudden disappearence is described pretty accurately in First Lieutenant's Brian J. Hancock's article "Memetic Warfare: The Future of War"; which can be found in the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, Edition April-June 2010.
I am sure many of you know about this specific article since it's been thrown aorund quite a bit, but here's a link to the whole thing: fas.org/irp/agency/army/mipb/2010_02.pdf
I highlighted the most important parts of the article.
(5/5) Is the most relevant one, although it's an interesting read overall.
Ayden Ortiz
Dylan Allen
Brayden Taylor
Nathan Ortiz
(5/5) This one.
Jacob Cooper
What a fucking time to be alive thats all i have to say
Noah Gomez
Oliver Carter
Second this.
Kek will win in the end. We all shall prevail.
Josiah Evans
You're taking this wigger thing to whole another level faggot.
Your nigger messiah is shit. So are you gangsta.
Gavin Anderson
Read through some of it and don't know what the fuck it has to do with Kanye.
Can you spell it out for the 'spergs?
Noah James
I also found it suspicious that kanye was "hospitalised" suddenly
Juan Hughes
the overlords are afraid that kanye is a meme wizard and will redpill too many niggers with his meme magic. they want to delegitimize him and his words by throwing him in the loony bin and ridiculing him.
Christian Sanders
these threads are stupid
Grayson Gomez
He was probably about to spill the beans on the paedowood parties hes been to with the kardashians and other celebrities.
Theyre doing a mind wipe on him as we speak.
Parker Sanders
I am neither pro Kanye nor contra. I woke up today and just wanted to delet some old files from my computer when I ran across this thing.
It's basically an instruction on how to silence opposition in a "MEME WAR".
Figure 2: >Introduce undercover agents (Lots of those on twitter, Facebook, Sup Forums, etc.) >Agents indoctrinate community leaders (Louis CK, Jay-Z, Dunham, etc.) >Agents use indoctrinated community leaders to spread memetic structure of the goal ideas to their subordinates and followers. (Visits on Conan, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Colbert) >Agents leverage indoctrinated community leaders and their subordiantes to place pressure on non-conforming leaders and their subordniates to adopt the memtic structure of the goal ("If you don't vote for HRC you are crazy, rascist, antifeminism etc". A lot of stars start to fear for their jobs, when confronted with such labeling. Especially when the Hollywood machine exposes them constantly to their propaganda.) >If possible, agents identify and eliminate leaders and subordinates that are resitant to new memetic structure (Assange, Snowden, Kanye?)
That's all I'm saying.
Landon Flores
Keep in mind this was published in 2010!! So they know about how to manipulate the mass media using memes for far longer.
Brandon Green
this is great, do yoiu have more stuff like this? where did you get it?
David Barnes
Can't recall where I got it from. I belive it was from a period where I thought surfing the deep web was safe. Came across a site with all sorts of military shit. Weapon manuals, even for guns and airplanes, military intelligence stuff and such.
I don't like having that kind of stuff on my pc, so i didn't download any of it. Except for this manual, which can be found in the link I posted above.
If you are really interested in that kinda stuff you can google search "memetic warefare". Additionally you can find leaked Powerpoint Presantations from GCHQ, the British Secret Service on the "Art of Deception".
I stopped at the entrance to the rabbit hole. But it goes deep.
Andrew Price
>military intelligence paper on meme warfare >2010
Levi Brooks
we've known he was a gay fish for years cunt
Dylan Hill
>Came across a site with all sorts of military shit yeah, this was my first thought. Those places were great, maybe I'll get back on it
Easton Wood
Hancock LOL
Brody Ward
So basically Earth is the cell of an organism and humans are the individual impulses of that cell, buildings the receptors and our thoughts are the well-being or state of the cell. >injecting a meme >injecting viral load into the cell
HOLY SHIT >the matrix was right >humanity is a virus
Humans had the choice to either work symbiotically with the cell (Earth) or be destructive and cause massive mutation. >hold up >is that why we are quarantined by the ayy lmaos??
Was humanity going to be the best symbiote ever so reptilian-gene-targeting ayys came back and augmented (((the ))) to inject cancerous memes into humans? >Everything makes sense now
Aaron Carter
Checked. PK.
Lincoln Sanchez
kanye was thrown in a psyche ward because he pissed off beaners and he was in LA. the cop knew he wasnt a danger to himself or others it was just that the cop was told to make a arrest and when they realized he was just lawyer up and post bail they threw him in a mental institution
they probably got him on so many mood stabilizers he cant think straight and will sign a waver for electro convulsive therapy which cant be forced on any one legally
Alexander Peterson
Memes are as old as people are on this planet.
Brayden Lewis
The numbers don't lie.
Ian Scott
maybe even older
Hunter Bennett
Wyatt Adams
>mfw these cucks literally wrote the book on memes and still got memed on by us topkek. i also like how he brings up the nazis doing the holocuast, when in fact the holocaust itself was a meme.
Jordan Gutierrez
Naturally. I just didn't think the US military had considered the potential of utilizing their power that early.
Aiden Stewart
These were posted here before.
Anthony Roberts
the kikes have been using memes for thousands of years. the holocaust is literally a meme. monotheism, is a kike meme.
our military mightve been in the dark about the reality of memetic warfare, but (((they))) sure as fuck werent, and so the elements of our government (((they))) directly control wouldve known for probably hundreds of years now.
the fundamental reality of memes is that memes only work when they are ether based in real reality or a manufactured reality that is perceived to be a real reality, IE holocaust.
Jaxson Adams
Thanks, I understand the power structure now.
Ryder White
Kayne is a SYMPTOM. The author speaks of treating symptoms instead of challenging the underlying memes.
That's why Kayne is being MK Ultra-ed right now.
William Hall
what we've done (most likely with the help of benevolent secret societies and agencies or whatever), is turned memetic warfare on its head, because we've been using memes that are actually based in reality, to subvert and destroy (((their))) memes that are based on the 'reality' theyve manufactured. thats why our memes will never be defeated, since our memes are based on fact, and (((their))) memes are based on lies.
we are basically setting humanity free by memeing them the truth, instead of (((lies))). literally ancient forces of good fighting against ancient evil. yeah kanye was breaking the conditioning so they had to 're-educate' him. poor nig didnt deserve it
Matthew Lopez
Kanye is a narcissist, nothing more. He's not red-pilled, based or woke. His spotlight is fading rapidly and he manufactured a controversy by saying something that the Left considers outrageous, knowing that it would result in news coverage.
You guys are overthinking it.
Zachary Myers
Isaiah Evans
Hideo Kojima predicted this, just like PMCs becoming common place.
>The memes Jack! >The next battlefield will be controlling memes!