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zero hedge is better then most bull shit did you even read the article, and see whats been happen these past few months with chinese and saudis dumping bonds and other things.
Can't Trump just arrest the shadow gov and raid the fed on his 1st day
Trump knows this and is already three steps ahead of their game.
ez rekt
lol no its not. Your full of shit.
oh look more fake news
I will never go to Mars.
But there is one last thing left undone here on earth.
The great happening.
I am ready.
>fed says no to upping interest rates from 0 for 8 straight years under obama
>yellen makes it known that they do now want to finally increase them within days of Trump winning
Not even surprising.
kek go back to rt or some other bull shit like cnn.
Redpill me on Zerohedge
its basically a better news source then cnn or other things, the media today wouldnt tell you things that zero hedge does and sometimes zero hedge is first to tell you things if they do.
The economy should crash and lots of people should go to prison. It's not sustainable.
>Presidents have any actual power
This is pasta.
Op you sound bias
trump is one of the elites but not fully down the rabbit hole, he could arrest important people like him, but not the shadow shadow people.
>by Tyler Durden, complete with Fight Club picture
this looks legit
no its not. Cnn and other bull shit sites are ridiculous, cnn is reporting pepe is a fucking terroist and so are other main stream media sources how can you trust them.
You're telling me there's going to be another recession some time?
I don't believe it.
>by Tyler Durden
Seems legit.
because hilliary was supposed to win user, they wanted her to ruin the country and make us seem like the shit hole nation on this planet, but now trump won obama will try ruining the country before he leaves and trump sets in he does nothing one day boom it crashes on him, liberals riot and obama and other rich asses laugh there asses off in a yacht .
Without getting tinfoily, OP isn't farr off.
Recessions happen ~8 years and the last one started in 2007.
The Fed may finally increase interest rates just in time for them to have to lower them again (or they can go yolo and let us burn).
Getting rid of trade deals with Asia will help insulate us from their crash (and potential EU crash when countries leave and muh refugees need $30k a year). But, we still need to bite the bullet and let everything get more expensive. The thinking is that if we manufacture and sell domestically it'll be more expensive but we'll be a hell of a lot richer as well (reducing gap).
a hillary win was "priced into" the markets
the panic sell-off on election night was only stopped due to a hard limit in place
it was a warning
this is the pump before the dump - places like DB are already at zombie levels, it won't take much to push em over the brink
i dont get why, why are people so scared of him. He doesnt seem evil he wants to fight the retardation of the media and other stuff. Has society fallen this far where people scream liar and racist about everything.
That's fine. We are going to Make America Great Again. If they fuck over the economy on their way out history will reveal them as the traitors that they are.
Good news source but they are boy who cried wolf. "RECESSION ANYDAY NOW, RUN FOR THE HILLS!"
America has had a recession every 7-8 years on average since the 1930's. The last one was 2009. There's nothing much Trump can do with an inherited broken economic system.
Let him try, Trump is at least 27 dimensions ahead of Obama.
Don't you worry about refugees and I mean it THIS TIME DONT WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING HAPPENING IN EUROPE
okay if you take it with a grain of salt
it has fairly decent sourced and written articles, just all the doom-saying is a bit over the top
What, you're ready to deploy another young, charismatic leader with a military past?
historically most people are fucking dumb and will give away everything to stay comfy and be led - it doesn't fucking matter what side of the aisle they are on, they will choose the path that forces the least amount of change
they will also collapse like a stack of dimes when the hammer falls and will refuse to accept what has happened
it's a lot like in the movie "The Day After" when the CD alert goes off on the TV and missiles are inbound - and the wife/mom is upstairs putting the bed together and has to be dragged downstairs kicking and screaming
so they are going out and doing their little protests and what-not and think they are doing something that matters, but they are just cattle being led to the slaughter, and they do it willingly
Obama pants shitting
Why do you think Trump didnt release his taxes
I bet he has invested 90% of his wealth into shorting stocks and making 5000% profits
Then as President he will personally loan the US Treasury money to compensate for Obamas failing
Remember last time when we had a Nationalist and a Populist during the Great Recession? Good times.
>conservs already revvin up that blame wagon for when trump ruins the country
zh is a russian psyop
this is why hillary didn't concede to you faggots the night she lost
she hates every single one of you to the core, and you dumbshits are too stupid to realize it
you don't even have any respect for one another
thats the thing almost everyone who supports her is heartless.