When did the "BBC myth" started? who made it? how did it get popularized? how can we debunk it?

When did the "BBC myth" started? who made it? how did it get popularized? how can we debunk it?

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obviously porn

>who made it
>how did it get popularized

hehehehe thats a mystery, goy


Explain further please

Don't know when it started, but the reason its even a thing is so black people can feel better about being black.

Look at how they steal other cultures and claim them as their own. KANGZ, jesus was black, Beethoven was black, vikings were black... They hate themselves because they've never contributed anything to society on their own, every accomplishment they have is with the aid of white people.

Same reason people think Gorillas have big dicks.

its from a circulating meme of a black man having a huge 7 inch or maybe 8 penis. its the same meme about that "you eat 6 spiders a year while sleeping" shit.

it just caught on and the porn industry eventually used this popularity by even making black people wear fake penises

obviously i cant find source but if you are old enough you probably know about the old memes im talking about

>huge 7 inch or maybe 8 penis
i got that, huge is jonah falcon

A degenerate overly sexualised society that places value on a mans genitals as opposed to what he has accomplished, but then niggers a would never be mentioned once in our everyday lives if we only discussed what man has accomplished instead of what he didn't.

Why does it matter? Caring about other men possibly having large penises sounds insecure and stupid and any girl getting in bed with said men because of it are trashy as hell. Successful people, happy people, they don't care about this stuff. Some men have large dicks and men don't.