wat to do with dem
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Give all those countries nukes
Shhh, everything is going to be ok.
conquer them
i like this
Just give up. Save millions of lifes
>Hitler gave away half Eastern Europe to Commies
>Russians gave Hitler the oil and other materials he needed to wage a war in the west
Stay in your fucking frozen shithole
give them kisses :3
be nice to them and they nice to you back. russian are like kittens if you treat them nicely :3
Destroy them both, like they destroyed their own culture during their communism experience
Radioactive kittens that spread hiv with every bite
Better to die standing than live on your knees impoverished.
Giving time to prepare, in general. 1939 germany have no chance agains Soviets.
Divide the Baltic States between Poland and Russia.
Lithuania is historically Poland's, while the rests are Russia's suburbs.
Poles are the second most redpilled nation in Europe anyway (after Hungary)
Certainly to Finland.
You'll have them when the CIA will make Instytut Pamięci Narodowej the main ruling body of your country.
nuke them off the face of the earth
KEK wills it
Our country cucked itself by signing a law during 90's that we're not allowed to have nukes, so you, Russia and couple other countries can have your little monopoly
Not fear them. Russia is weak-ass, and is busy pissing on too many fires to be a threat. In fact, your fucking paranoid panic over a supposed annexation of the Baltic states is probably coming directly out of Russia, as a cost-effective way of diverting attention from the real fights Russia is fighting.
Such pathos sounds usually from those who own and not going to fight.
I disavow this lol
So sad
You don't mean the other way around?
Giving time to prepare is rather pointless if you already can beat your foe.
Suburbs more prosperous than the center?
Also, Ukraine should've never given up its.
Technically Ukraine should get theirs back because Crimea most certainly was part of Ukraine and Russia wasn't supposed to invade them
>inb4 they didn't, it was just rebels
>should've never
pfff. but who would have listened to this worthless bitch?
>Crimea most certainly was part of Ukraine
Since? How long? go. Learn some History
It's painfully obvious.
Too bad half of their media is owned by Russians, so they eat shit like this: en.interfax.com.ua
>can beat your foe.
Only if you want to. Remember, soviets trying to create a defence union with Britain, France and Poland against Germany, USA just grub popcorn. So those western assholes dont give a single fuck, and it ends not well for them, especially for Poland. Polyaks literally was betrayed by France and Britain in 1939. g/ Phoney War.
i prefer this