>This man believes alcohol is non European and the barbarian vikings never took magic mushrooms
This man believes alcohol is non European and the barbarian vikings never took magic mushrooms
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he's a faggot larper
he also denies that Christianity is the natural religion of europe
the real redpill is that the holy land was in Germany
Nice link you fucking cunt faggot.
Near the end he goes on how Magic mushrooms make you insane. Funny coming from a psychopath who has no problem murdering people.
The Romans should have wiped out these barbarians.
bjorn is just a viking
he is very handy with a sword....
I wonder how much of a slut his daughter will be once she escape from vargs farm.
Basically "hurr durr if you take mushrooms or think it's somehow related to spiritually you might just have a two digit iq, but I don't, even though I think we wuz neanderthals."
Varg doesn't seem to grasp some things and uses the "you're stupid for believing this" type of argument which is cringy.
I bet he thinks Slavs before they were called Slavs were probably all stupid as well since today it's a known fact that the Scythian tribes which were brown/blonde haired europoid ones smoked pot and were buried with it, I think they were since I'm sure I read an article on it somewhere, Aryans were too.
imo people who believe they are incredibly intelligent are usually average or subpar.
So, yeah i don't really care for Vargs opinion on weed/mushrooms or anything else for that matter.
Here in Lapland/Finland you fed the reindeers Amanita Muscaria and then you would drink the reindeer piss, it would have the active psychoactive element without the more poisonous substances (reindeers apparently immune to effects)
Well, Europeans are cromagnon Neanderthal mix, so he's not wrong about that.
Wew lad. Thanks for telling, it's an interesting fact.
Didn't take magic mushrooms for battle specifically
No moron Christianity is arab. Paganism was there for millennia. Not to mention 90% of Christian tradition is just absorbed paganism.
Why would you wish that for his daughter. Are you some kind of faggot?
Most rural raised kids turn out based. The ones that snap are because the parents are overbearing.
Because he pretty much feels like wiping out half of southern Europe.
If he hates my kids because they have brown or green eyes and black hair why should i wish good upon his.
>he also denies that Christianity is the natural religion of europe
All pagans are closet homos, but who can blame them. Their Gods are faggots.
>This man believes alcohol is non European
>Implying he isn't totally justified
>Implying it isn't betraying all your ancestors for 1000 years
>Implying Neopaganism wasn't developed as a d&c kike tactic.
>Because he pretty much feels like wiping out half of southern Europe.
The fuck are you talking about. He's never said anything like that.
If he hates my kids because they have brown or green eyes and black hair why should i wish good upon his
Again, what are you talking about. Did you just watch 1-2 videos and assume this is what he thinks?
This tbqh.
>worships Norse God's by sticking his boyfriends fist up his arse
I will never find a sentence that unexpected and hilarious again.
Fake quote. You can repost it all you want autist.
Gays were shunned and executed in northern Europe in pagan times.
The (((neopagans))) obviously have nothing to do with historical paganism with just a few hours of looking into it. Why should they dictate the entire religion? That's like abandoning Christianity over Mormons becoming popular.
Yea fags keep pretending that guy is pagan. That's no different than me posting a Catholic priest raping a little boy.
Except he clearly is a pagan, and modern pagans are just homosexuals LARPing their way out of the closet.
And authentic paganism? Vikings sold conquered whites to arabs as slaves. Fuck them. No wonder their faggot religion died out through conversation and willing conversion.
Even pagans didn't want to be pagans. You LARPing faggot.
Like most people vested in some historic group rather than in principles, he just denies everything that he doesn't like about them.
>Germanic paganism is the true euro religion
>just forget that it's still all based on ancient curry nigger legends passed down since before the migrations :^)
>Except he clearly is a pagan
And a Catholic priest raping little kids is clearly a Christian.
How about pic related? These are clearly christians. I can play this game too faggots.
>Vikings sold conquered whites to arabs as slav
Source needed. besides, paganism wouldn't be the cause for that.
So Christianity is right because it's what's left? Well it's dying out now and being replaced by fedora tippers and muslims. So good luck with that idea.
Christianity took over because it hijacks your survival instinct. If you don't convert you got to hell. So obviously people didn't want to take the risk.
And lastly, paganism never died out. Especially with Catholicism. Most of its tradition is literally pagan tradition that's been taken to help convert people.
Forgot the pic
the commonality between them doesn't mean Germanic paganism came from the curry nigger ones. (It didn't)
He might have tried Fosters user?
>Viking selling whites to stabs as slaves isn't indicative of all Pagans
>B...but all Christians are cucks because of the actions of a few
LARPing faggot
Still not source. And I never said Christians were all cucks because of the few. I was pointing out your downright retarded hypocrisy.
You're trying to label pagans as gays for literally one guy that was found by vice.
You're defending an Arab religion.
I'm not Larping by preferring the European one.
>prefer the religion that sold whites to Arabs
Ibn Hawqal, an Arab geographer, described a Viking slave trade in 977 A.D. that extended across the Mediterranean from Spain to Egypt. Others recorded that slaves from northern Europe were funneled from Scandinavia through Russia to Byzantium and Baghdad.
“The relationship was primarily one of trade,” says Prof Montgomery. “The Vikings were obsessed with silver dirhams coined in Muslim lands. They traded weapons, furs and slaves for money.”
Literally worshipping white genocide. Stay classy pagans.
>Christianity is the natural religion of europe
no proof that vikings took shrooms
but the alcohol is dumb if true
Christianity literally made Europe, and if it wasn't for Christianity there would be no Charles Martel, and Europe would have been a caliphate millennia ago.
>atheists in charge of fact checking
>a religion from Judea is Europe's natural religion
Europe confirmed for cucks.
God chose the European man to shape the world in his image. Who he started the game with has little value.
Have some pride in your race and your ancestors.
Link to the video.
varg is a parasite that leeches off the french government for money while pretending to be this hard working autonomy family on youtube
Where's the primary source for the claims in your picture? I'm sure I'm not asking you this the first time. Will I get an answer today?
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28
>varg is a parasite that leeches off the french government for money
Prove it.
Is there a chance he browses Sup Forums ?
Pagan internet defence force have taken a break from their orgy it seems. Practising sucking cock like your faggot Gods?
>he still couldn't find primary sources but still posts the picture like the retard that he is
That's pretty pathetic considering that your religion teaches against bearing false witness as well as to swallow the meat and drink the bodily fluids of your messiah.
Your own sources say they were Baltic women captured and brought along as barter.
So Vikings raided shit and took slaves. What's new? They did this across all of Europe. Chriscucks had slaves all over. They traded them with Arabs too. Obviously neither religion is involved in that. "White genocide" Top kek you're full of shit.
This is the best argument you have? You can't refute anything I've said.
He is too autistic, even for us.
Someone fell for the jewish tricks.
Paganism=European, have more pride in 90% ofnyour ancestors, rabbi.
That's an English beer Nigel.
No they fucking didn't. Christianity stagnated development for a few hundred years. The dark ages not ring a bell?
Until it was reformed into something that would hinder Europeans less, Christianity did nothing.
Rome was built to its height pagan. It was only Christian in decline.
"Europe would have been a caliphate"
Christianity IS the caliphate. Islam and Christianity are just offshoots of Judaism. They're Arab religions that conquered or are trying to conquer Europe.
I have never seen Varg say alcohol is non European. He has advocated for moderation when drinking.
>Vikings taking mushrooms
But you literally worship a faggot and your forebearers were so sure of the invalidity of your 'religion' that they converted through conversation upon seeing the true divinity of Christ.
And your answer to "Vikings sold white to arabs as slaves" is just yeah well everyone had slaves.
It's kinda sad. Why do you hate the white race?
Don't you think you'd be happier on /Reddit/
>Christianity caused the dark ages.
Oh how far gone are you? The cause of this "Dark Age" was the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the waves of invasions and raiding that followed it. Without the larger economy and administrative infrastructure of the Empire to sustain them, trade systems, large public works and educational systems all collapsed, contracted into local versions or died out in western Europe. And waves of invasions by various Germanic peoples, Avars, Moors, Magyars and Vikings (sorry you pagan faggots) made mere survival a higher priority than things like preserving books or maintaining road systems.
The idea that Christianity caused or significantly contributed to the fall of the Western Empire has long since been rejected by modern historians. It clearly wasn't a significant factor, since while the Western Empire collapsed, the equally (or even more) Christian Eastern Empire continued for another 1000 years without collapsing and without any "Dark Age".
To be fair, he said they didnt take mushrooms before battle, not ever.
And as a matter of fact, why would they?
>Worshipping a faggot
Guessing you're the cuck that spams that fake quote
Paganism wasn't some organized "worship this kike or go to hell religion"
So obviously if you're faced with the possibility of going to hell converting is tempting. Pretending that Christianity is some divine shit that pagans just lapped up to is ridiculous. It took over 1,000 years from its arrival to the last pagan kingdoms.
Vikings possibly (your source even says its speculation based on some archeological evidence, not fact) sold captured Baltic women unrelated to their tribe. So did christians.
>Why do you hate the white race?
KEK oh yes christcuck please go on about how Christianity excludes non whites and doesn't literally advocate the opposite with its all humans are equal rhetoric. paganism is ethnic centric.
Go eat some amanita, become wise shaman
I have no problem with paganism, the thing is that Varg doesn't treat it like a religion, he treats it like he's roleplaying.
He also likes to revise what paganism actually was in the past so that he can reconcile it with the fact that he doesn't genuinely believe in the Gods.
Okbut youve still not told us why you worship a faggot and want to LARP around in the countryside fucking sheep or whatever. Surely you'd be happier on /reddit/, you silly pagan
Also why do you all look like such losers?
We call those 'flyshrooms'
Historically paganism has never been ethno-centric.
Neo-paganism sure, but not historical paganism. People worshipped whatever Gods they believed would help them, and if that meant foreign Gods they didn't care. Pic highly related.
What do you even mean by that.
He does believe in the gods. He has a video about it.
They're just not seen as literal sky daddys that you pray to.
prove that the vikings did magic mushrooms. go ahead, im waiting.
Yes it was. The difference between then and today is our ethnic groups are spread out and societies are mixed. They didn't have a reason to exclude other groups because other groups were not amount them.
And neopaganism is a mixed bag between Marxist style hippies and whom they would call the "folkish" style pagans.
From what vid is this?
Varg is an asshole. I hope his daughter ends up on BLACKED.
>They're just not seen as literal sky daddys that you pray to.
And that's inconsistent with historical practice.
Not at all. We know that the Romans didn't even view their Gods as special to them. They thought the Gods of the barbarians where the same as their own, just called by a different name.
Furthermore we know that the Greeks and Egyptians were constantly sharing and mixing their religions together.
It a book by a jew. Someone posted the whole Google books screenshot before.
They ate some in Vikings
Where can I find that shirt?
This man is stupid. Below zero iq. Stop hurting your brains reading to his bullshit
What do I have to do participate in some pagan sex ritual with her?
I know. That book just doesn't cite any primary sources either and just refers to other books written in the same timeframe (70s I think).
If there's something to it then there should be a primary source for it, yet neither the Jew that wrote the book nor the Jews and Jew lovers that post it can come up with it.
>This man is stupid.
>thinks you can have "Below zero iq."
varg is based
Why do you worship a literal jew. Joseph's wife's son?
you've devolved into non arguments. BTFO
Which historical revisionism are you referring to then? Our sources on paganism are vague and biased to begin with. Combine that with 1,000 years of Christian interpretation and you end up with hilariously stupid lies like "pagans sacrificed children to God's!!1!"
When it comes to Hellenism yea they borrowed aspects from neighboring places in the Arab world (and vice versa). I'm generally talking about northern Europe.
If you support him bad for you. The only good thing about him were some burzum songs.
Who cares?
Det som engang var > Hvis lyset tar oss > Filosofem > Burzum > Hliðskjálf >>>>>>> the rest
How would it be bad for me?
He also believes christianity is a jewish conspiracy but he never gives evidence or facts. Also, we wuz pagans and sheeit
>>This man believes alcohol is non European
Does he really say this? Isn't mead Odin's favorite drink? What the hell is he talking about?
It's not a "jewish conspiracy" it's literally a continuation of Judaism. Do you even bother understanding your own religion ?
OP is bullshitting he says alcohol is ok in moderation
>The Islamic prohibition on alcohol is probably the overriding reason why the Rus converted to Greek Orthodoxy rather than Islam
>1000 years later some dumb cuck claims it isn't European
I like how varg has no world experience about other people and cultures and bases everything off of blogs and books.
If you know the story of this guy and don't think he is stupid..whatever your opinion.
And what are you basing yours off of? Even if you've traveled the world that doesn't equate understanding another culture.
And you don't understand another culture just because your hipster town opens up a new Chinese restaurant.
It's called "Interpretatio graeca" or "Interpretatio romana". Tacticus thought the Germanic Gods were the same as the Roman ones and referred to them as such.
Even the Germanic tribes thought the same thing, the word Wednesday or "Wōdnesdæg" was taken from the Latin "Dies Mercurii".
Why don't you explain instead of this
"wow, you don't agree with me? Like.... I can't even"
He's right. Alcohol is degenerate and well, magic mushrooms are for hippies in the 60s.
I'm still a Christian though.
Your point was that they just worshipped whatever gods would help them. And that was evidence that they're not ethnocentric right?
Then why are you pointing out that they had the same gods between rome and northern Europe?
>word Wednesday or "Wōdnesdæg" was taken from the Latin "Dies Mercurii"
No, it's not from Latin. It's from proto Germanic and that's obvious. What are you making that up for?
They shared the same gods with different names across all of Europe because they all originated from the same.
Just like how Latin and all the northern Europe languages eventually have a common language ancestor.
I love how Varg fanboys get butthurt when you call Varg out on his bullshit. Varg internet defense force. Muh culture, muh pagan beliefs, muh superior non christian culture. Yes, then he has the nerve to say stupid shit like blondes are smarter. lol
How is asking for sources "getting butthurt"?
>claims to have 3 digit iq
>stabs guy 37 times then finishes him off with skull stab
>claims self defense
Huh wow!
>then he has the nerve to say stupid shit like blondes are smarter. lol
At least for your country that's the case by the way:
You got yourself some nice 3 digits user
As I said knowing what this guy did in the past is enough to call him stupid. If you don't know look it up it' s quite a small story. If you think killing a guy(and not in self defence) is not enough.
His own words:
>Oh, and by the way; true nationalists don't kill >children of their own nation,
> even if someone tries to brainwash them, like >AUF did. They were not (yet) Marxist >extremists; they were just children
The right answer is you don't kill anyone (especially kids) even if they believe in marx , mao, putin, or obama, or jews or muslims or christians ot atheists.
biased test proves nothing. pseudo science bullshit