It's 2016 and women are funny
It's 2016 and women are funny
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what....what does that even mean
She looks like she fell down my chimney
are they going to incinerate themselves?
The chimney would not be the ideal place to hide a body
she looks like the broom I use to clean my chimney
Are u Eric Cartmen?
this joke is going right over my head.
the classic chimney bit, always kills
It took three posts. The joke is over.
Sorry. All I caught was, "Ooookk eeeekk eek ook oookkook oooooook eekkk ooook."
No seriously though, what was she trying to say?
Does it mean if you have sex with a woman they will make you miserable and financially drain you for the rest of your life?
My God what an ugly looking ape.
I think she's talking about the holocaust.
Leslie jones is smart and funny. Who would have thought a women could be both! It's exciting times we liv in!
now that's comedy
what the fuck does this mean?
I'm never surprised; niggers and Jews regularly end up in my chimney.
What joke?
What did she mean by this guys?
It means niggers are going to rob your house
I don't have a chimney what the fuck I have gas heating
Does no-one here get it? I'm really confused ;-;
I know what this means and it's not even worth explaining because even in context it's nonsensical and unfunny.
What was the name of that movie she was really funny in again?
>not having both
hahahaha fucking losing my sides
that sheboon would not even fit in the biggest of chimneys
Basically some psycho spic bitch in California tried to break into her ex's house by climbing in the chimney (for the *second* time) before getting stuck and needing to be rescued by the fire department. Sheboon in OP was eulogizing her because "Girl Power!" and "Men, amirite?"
SNL transcript:
tell me what it means
Spectre Smashers?
Phantasm Spasms Reboot
A romantic comedy in a massage parlor involving an ape and a ghost.
She's refrencing an extremely obscure incident of an obsessive spurned girlfriend getting stuck trying to get into her man target's house in the chimney.
It's fucking retarded and she is retarded.
so if I sleep with a women don't be surprised if she tries to break into my house in the stupidest way
how is this a joke
See? Didn't help much, did it?
Shut up you fucking white male.
it's a man, baby.
It's unbelievable that this sheboon was a failed comedian and then happened to audition to SNL and got accepted because they had to get a more diverse cast.
Jesus christ.
Watch the joe rogan end of the world live stream. Then tell me witch people got the least amount of laughs.
comfy funpost, thanks
Who cares what the gorilla said?
Why is she abusing Peter
with that hairdo and complexion, I can see why she is mistaken for a chimney sweep
This manlet seriously looks aftaid for his safety, as if he knows she would eat him in a second.
In before dead by snusnu
It's anti-humour, obviously it was 2deep4you.
Save it, its yours friend :)
guess i'm not redpilled enough better go take more
But.. but.. what's the joke supposed to be here? That doesn't even make sense.
It's a nigger. You'll have to lower your expectations. You're lucky the OP transcribed it for you or all you'd get out of it was monkey sounds.
She looks like shes used to clean chimneys.
I can't really think of any women I've ever found funny. I knew a black girl when I worked at my last job who would make me laugh, but that was because I would make fun of her and she would get angry.
I tought Harambe was dead
which one of those?
Never met a funny woman in my life. I always feel like there is something missing in a girl's brain when talking to a chick.
Like I am speaking to a child who hasn't developed theory of mind.
Monty Python has said way dumber shit than this.
At least Monty Python can sometimes be funny.
This sheboon, on the other hand...
One word... shoes.
What did she mean by this?
jokes aside, she was ok in this one
what if i'm a nigger
Don't forget smart, women's are smart and funny
even worse
pic related
Thought exactly so, alas foreigners won't get it
then you need to kill yourself
True. There seems to be a lack of something. Not necessarily that one is better or worse but there's 100% something just different between men and women in how they think, act, ect.
That's why I always felt something was missing in all of my relationships. Girls can't make you laugh, they just aren't in sync with our mindset and rarely understand irony or sarcasm.
Yep. My experience is like this... Most are understanding of your particular type of sarcasm, but are unable to produce their own authentic type of sarcasm and when experiencing someone new's sarcasm they are confused temporarily.
Women can be funny, it just takes a certain kind of woman.
She's funny as shit.
looks at the camera, looks at her GIANT FUCKING BUSH.
Fucking hell, he is being raped.
>This post
>This flag
You of all people should know the drill, rabbi
can be, but thats like saying some blacks and mexicans are smart etc. like... theres always someone who defies stereotypes.
not that funny.
Start up the ovens. That's the only way to get her to fit in a chimney.
How the fuck did they make him agree to that? I doubt you can pay enough for that.
Here is the video for you :
Need to find better women, user.
Exactly this.
Women are replicants.
They replicate human emotion.
They can make "jokes" by copying and repeating those you made up.
But it's empty. Pure mimicry.
They cannot produce original humour.
There's a spark missing.
wtf is this shit? where does it come from?
I though that sheboon was done for after the nudes leaks ffs