>This guy is 70 fucking years old
Why arent cigarettes and alcohol banned yet?
>This guy is 70 fucking years old
Why arent cigarettes and alcohol banned yet?
Because people should be free to fuck up their own lives, if they so choose.
The same reason God gave us free will, the government should if we wish to choose to take part in these sorts of activities despite any negative health effects that we might experience,
>thinking trump would shut down businesses that make a lot of other businesses possible
Same reason why Drumpf's racist, homophobic, mysoginist and transphobic hate speech isn't banned.
Except people arent allowed to choose. If you dont drink and smoke, you are a social pariah
being a criminal is a choice
>t. servile cuck
We tried banning alcohol already. Didn't work out too well.
That's Wrong, in fact smokers are always more happy if you say you don't smoke a and Ben happier when you tell them you quit. I used to smoke, and is tell everyone I know not to start and destroy your body which is Gods gift to you.
As for drinking I somewhat agree, but in a degenerate society isn't it better to be a pariah then to fit in?
In America you're considered a social pariah if you smoke now.
>I live for some other fucks retarded social standard.
Get a grip.
>Why arent cigarettes and alcohol banned yet?
No one's ever looked down on me for not drinking and smoking. Maybe it's just your country.
It's the opposite in Hungary
If you you dont smoke, they treat you like a fag, if you say you quit, they get fucking pissed "Oh you are better than me? You hate that I smoke? Fuck you"
When is trump going to legalise the herb set the youth dem free and lead us out of babylon one by one?
Trump is actually fighting against anti-tobacco companies.
Getting old is pretty easy if you're rich.
It's only faggots loaded up on venereal diseases like Steve Jobs who die young while rich.
Really? It's not an issue here. Most people don't smoke, and while a lot drink, it wouldn't be an issue if you didn't want to for health reasons, as long as you aren't a faggot about it.
Maybe you should stop associating with R*manians, I'm a Hungarian 90% of people I associate with are Hungarians and I have never once experienced this.
Weed smokers look down on some people.
This is at the cost of having a wall keeping our migrants. Would you rather live in a western sanctuary city where migrants are allowed to rape women or be called a fag for not smoking and drinking?
Maybe you're just associating with retards? None of my friends smoke, and none drink more often than once a month.
>none drink more often than once a month.
Liar pole.
but...Trump doesn't smoke or drink...he's abstinent from those things just like George W. Bush.
He does eat a lot, though.
You mean Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds
Nope, most of them don't even drink except for parties (so like once every three months).
I don't understand why anyone would willingly drink something that disgusting and bitter. The only thing that tastes worse than beer, for example, is coffee.
The man likes food. No shame in that.
I mean drinking yes, since half of our culture revolves around good beer, good wine, good rakija and celebrations with family/friends.
But not smoking making you a social pariah?
What? It's becoming more and more completely opposite.
>hates coffee
>hates beer
you are a mess. a big fat mistake
Why are people anti-alcohol? Moderate use is healthy.
>drinking disgusting shit that only becomes drinkable after enough of your taste buds die
And I'm not even exaggerating, that's literally the reason why children dislike both of those.
>that's literally the reason why children dislike both of those.
And now you're fabricating more lies and claim to speak for children. You are not even human. Literary sub-human.
If you happen to have a shithead for a father and/or mother, drinking alcohol can be bad for you.
Only European faggot atheist communists drink coffee
Tea built an empire
Coffee built Brazil
The government has a moral responsibility to protect its citizens from not only degeneracy, but from the citizens own stupidity. Allowing the people to ruin their lives not only reduces the productivity of our country, but it also creates a country where people are depressed drug addicts who think they live okay lives, but don't realize how fucked their shit is.
weed smokers are not important in any way
Negative. The government is supposed to be of the people, not over them.
>No smoking
>No drinking
>No drugs
>No caffeine
>Just cold fresh tap
no drugs
no alcohol
no cigs
The first google result, you mongoloid. I bet you lost even more taste buds guzzling Jamal's cum.