One of the main reason I voted for Trump was for the suicides.
I hoped and prayed that the day after the election would be like Christmas morning. I would wake up early, run down to the computer, and see 100 SJWs commit seppuku by taking pills on camera, and jumping off of the tallest buildings.
What went so wrong, Sup Forums?
Why haven't we heard about anything?
It seems to me that if these cunts and numales actually believed in anything, at least 400 or so would actually go through with it. Does it just prove that they are even too pathetic to have the courage to do it?
I guess we have to wait for Trump to become president so the police crack their skulls while blue collar workers finally out breed them into irrelevance.
Hopefully their current whining is little more than their death throes.
Anthony Young
>voted for trump >flag
Brody Russell
You can vote from anywhere if you have the nationality
Adam Morris
They pretended that a ton of trannies killed themselves but not even those pathetic victims of marxism could bring themselves to end it. The world is simply too easy to opt out of these days, unless you're a white male and it's legal and encouraged to hate you.
Andrew Hughes
What the fuck are you doing in Frogland then?
Robert Morales
Yeah, I mailed in my ballot.
Lincoln Flores
Banging french chicks, and sipping wine.
Jackson Myers
eating real food
Ethan Cook
Your so right. The quality of the food here has made me a much healthier person.
Kudos frogfag.
Alexander Gonzalez
People that openly talk about wanting to commit suicide do not actually go through it 98% of the time. Is just a tactic to gather attention. If they did suicide numbers would skyrocket.
Is mostly the quiet people that commit suicide and people wonder why they do it when they saw nothing wrong with them.
But apparently 8 transexuals did commit suicide over Trump’s victory but that could’ve been made up to make Trump and Pence look bad. However I bet at least a handful did commit suicide but we didn’t hear about it (The media didn’t report it because they didn’t cut up their genitals).
Benjamin Sanders
>But apparently 8 transexuals did commit suicide over Trump’s victory but that could’ve been made up to make Trump and Pence look bad. It was. It was proven bullshit near immediately.
Isaiah Allen
Is not like suicide rates amongst transexuals aren't high though.
Got any source on the thing being fake? It could be useful.
Jaxson Bell
>Guys, I'm gonna kill myself >Serisously, guys, I'm gonna kill myself >Hey, I'm gonna kill myself, listen to me! >Randomcuck2000 : don't do it >But you can't understand my sadness/suffering/plight
Repeat ad vitam eternam for attention.
Point is, real suicides are generally the quiet ones. The people that still try to go on their lives while suffering inside and snap one day and usually they don't fuck up their attempt. All those "I'mma kill myself" and suicide attempts are just baiting for attention, just don't give them what they crave.
Bentley Clark
You're absolutely right, user, but I was hoping that some of these SJWs, because they are attention whores if anything else, would go through with it.
But no. People like Anita go on, and ask for more bucks.
In fact, her heart probably leapt with joy after the election thinking about the reams of cash she could pull out of people with, "Help us fight! Send money!"
Because of the shock of it, maybe they are slammed into submission, but I think they are going to emerge even more self-deuced and tripling down on muh social justice. Many of them will get emotionally exhausted and drink and heroin themselves to death hopefully. Quiet, but effective.
David Evans
You honestly thought these people had the conviction to kill themselves, and that all that shrieking was anything other than a tantrum?
Maybe YOU should kill yourself.
Don't take the internet so seriously.
Henry Jackson
Blacking France
Adam Jackson
Naw, bruh. I was hoping it would happen naturally, and then like the lemmings they are, would each go on Facebook Live and swallow pills one by one.
But that's just my self-delusion talking, you're right, user. At least I don't think the Universe is controlled but he patriarchy. I at least know I haven't gone batshit yet. Just hopeful.
Cooper Smith
I did not enjoy looking at that vajayjay.
Gabriel Young
this is why a suicide should never be attempted prevented it's either a cuck you want to die, or a based faggot who has thought through this for over a decade whose opinion wont change no matter what you do or say
Isaiah Gomez
>But apparently 8 transexuals did commit suicide over Trump’s victory but that could’ve been made up to make Trump and Pence look bad. meh. they kill themselves all the time anyway.
Doubt trumps election is a statistical change in that.
Angel Hall
sauce on this semen demon?
Nolan Bennett
Magnitude of the problem Men have a shockingly high rate of death by suicide compared with women. Across all countries reporting these data (except China and India) males show a suicide rate that is 3.0 to 7.5 times that of women.[10] In Canada, the male suicide rate is about three times that of women.[11] Figure 1 charts the age- and gender-specific incidence of suicide in Canada, based on data from 2001 to 2005. Two patterns are worth noting:
• The male suicide rate increases fairly steadily with age, peaking in the late 40s, then falling significantly and rising again in the 80s. • Male rates are greater than female rates at all ages and substantially greater across most of the lifespan.
The male pattern showing a peak in suicide rate among Canadian men in their 40s and 50s is surprising in light of multinational data showing one of two patterns: a steady increase in suicide rate with age or a peak of suicide in younger age groups.[12,13] However, a change in this suicide pattern may be underway, at least in North America:
Among US white men, middle age has historically been a time of relatively lower risk of completed suicide, compared with elderly men. Yet by 2005, the suicide rate of white men aged 45 to 49 years was not only higher than the rate for men aged less than 40 years but also slightly higher than the rate for men aged 70 to 74 years… suicide-prevention efforts have focused most heavily on the groups considered to be most at risk: teens and young adults of both genders as well as elderly white men… Suicide in the middle-adult years has not been studied as extensively.[14]
Ryder Lopez
No idea, but I want to eat that butthole
>low birth rates in action
Eli Richardson
Ian Roberts
because they are all piss weak attention whores. fuck them and their opinions, they are fucking worthless.
Ayden Roberts
Yeah, you go enjoy that Iraq pussy, DeAndre.
Tyler Barnes
if there are, the media wont report. thats a long standing habit as to prevent imitators.