Sex education for children in Norway. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Sex education for children in Norway. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
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Are the naked people in that video real pubescent girls?
It gets worse with male anatomy
>whoops there is some blood in there
extra kek.
Also paedophile rings with 150terabytes in Norway.
>Everybody berates scandinavians for their degeneracy, but 100% of Sup Forumstards would move there in a heartbeat if given opportunity
Woah, really activates my almonds
Oh the humanity!
Degenerates like these belong on a cross
I thought my government tv could not become more degenerate, i guess i was wrong. But in all fairness it was ok when she explained and showed the vagina, i mean many girls have questions but i think the blood thing should be a woman too woman thing, like how boys are not told by anyone except family or older guys about what all the white cheesy stuff around the penis is and how it is not dangerous you only have to wash it lol.
OH GOD she is actually not using gloves, what a lewd woman :^)
Hey, just because you happen to live in a degenerate country, doesn't mean you yourself are degenerate or have to become degenerate.
They have to get educated how before they handle the BBC.
More like SNOREWAY lmao!
showing anatomy on tv? they need to be murdered
t. every religious freak ever
OK, on one hand, fine, it is educational. On the other hand, it's so indecent it hurts. This sort of thing should be handled in private by a relative or maybe a physician, not aired publicly.
"Kroppen" med Trond Viggo var mer eksplisitt enn de greiene her.
This is why I keep saying in every thread that europe should be nuked. The benefit to the world after the european genocide will be too great.
Maybe, but it still says something about Sup Forumss """"traditionalism"""" and """"""morality""""""
how the fuck is he not getting hard
There is nothing wrong with this. It's just learning fuckin' human anatomy by means of visuals. Why doesn't it trigger you to see how the internal combustion engine works?
Sex education should only be to learn how to put a condom and looking at videos of abortions, nothing else.
That video was better than the sex ed I had in school.
A lot of us want to move there to help save them. Not even joking.
with the new laws I'm probably going to jail for viewing that
thanks OP
At least it's not Sweden.
In Sweden, 7 year old girls are forced to have sex with 30 year old African males, to not only teach them the power of love, but to give them a sense of appreciation for the Africans' greatest accomplishment: their penises.
Dog bless our progressive nation.
Quiet poormans Norway
i'd sexually educate the girls in that pic if you know what i mean m8
>OK, on one hand, fine, it is educational
Fuck that, that's not an excuse.
Acting like this is normal sends a message to these kids that it's ok to be a sexual deviant.
And don't get me started on the pedos watching this.
Ja det var kjempeekkelt, men særr slutt med mensenblod på fjernsyn.
>poormans Norway
You take that back! Norway is poormans Denmark! I mean, look at your flag!
It would if the mechanic kept winking and grinning every time they touched a piston
This is teaching children about the body like any healthy society should
Stay retarded, third worlders
Everyone viewing this thread is getting v&.
Reported to FBI
Sure. There are plenty of people who only pretend to be trad for the edge factor, not because of any particular internal belief.
And truth be told, Norway is still a very nice place to live, thanks to a legacy of being a homogenous, high trust country. With immigration and loss of faith, this is changing, but it's still pretty good.
And who the fuck are you monkey man?
Fucking animals having the nerve to speak.
We all know about the street fucking you vile brazilians like to do.
We didn't even have sex ed in my school. Just a small childbirth clip which was mostly an irrelevant side thing one day. Then again, casual sex was rampant.
At least they're not Swedes.
Swedes are known to take off all their clothes and sing ABBA songs while turned towards the east, in celebration of Mohammed of Nazareth's parting of the Blue Sea. .
I agree with you, mang. They shouldn't air what amounts to porn to kids.
Fucking hell that's disgusting
>And who the fuck are you monkey man?
>monkey man
At least he's not a Swede.
A Swede is known to dip fried potato chips in yoghurt in the subway train in Sweden.
Its not for kids man. jeez, go and make some vodka slav boi
Haha, xD Thanks actually made me laugh.
How ridiculous
Why is it okay or necessary to show naked children on TV?
for education's sake
mimagine how uncomfortable they werep
id rather they get educated by their teacher than by their somali neighbour
>Its not for kids man. jeez
What are teens if not kids friend?
>Norway makes mandatory sex ed videos that show CP
>viewing CP is punished by mandatory 20 year sentence.
>Immigrants who view CP exempt from the law if CP is part of their culture.
Coupe de grace
This would have caused riots in America.
This t.b.h. Why should we hide from kids that reproductory system exists?
>denmark calling other people thirdworlders
stay mad Mohamed
>Viet Nam
Reported and deported
>This would have caused riots in America.
At least you're not Sweden.
Sweden are known to riot on the street when the riot on the street is not a riot on the street when Sweden riots on the street for riot on Streeting sweiot Streden.
Your so poor you had to sell your blue cross. Sad! that some pre-pubescent cunny?
this is so fucking HOT
>meanwhile, in Iceland
female hormones.
What? source?
Kid/child age 3-13, Teen 13-18 Young adult 18-25. so on and so on.
If it easies you, I don't consider balkans niggs as europeans, so you'd be safe from the nuke :)
I heard you people never had anything againts the blacks yet vietnamesee are seen as the bad guys.
that pic gets my pikken hard
>Sex education is bad guys!! The Nordic countries need to be more like Texas where teenagers out of wedlock pop out a kid per year!
No thanks. Sex education should be a human right.
Low Energy, sad.
Says the monkey
am I going to jail if I watch?
>post yfw average age of losing virginity for a girl is 13-14 now
At least it's not Sweden.
Sweden is known to source a sauce when a Source gets Literally. raped literally by a Danish RefuGEE.
More energy tonight, i like that
Freedom from sex education should be a human right.
except that doesnt happen
does your entire education of america come from cartoon and memes?
plus does your brown husband know you posted this
>tfw didn't even think of this before clicking
Better put on your best proxies.
I lost it at 18.
And I'm not a girl.
Is that yay-yay or nay-nay?
With your wife?
Its meh man. no biggie c:
you sound a bit like a bitch
god damn iceland is fucking on it today
>One of those roleplayers probably unironically thinks the girl was underage
You are on the fbi watch after the "webcam video from " videos
And as you know you shouldn't google or youtube that crap
This shit is fine however, even if she was underage then you would've never knew beforehand
Random semen demon in high school.
>mfw one in five people in iceland support this
Lame. But it's not as bad for men as it is for women.
well that means you are a loser.
You know young girls are gonna watch this, begin thinking about sex. Two years later she's grinding on foreign cock in a club.
This is how sluts get born, you put shit ideas in their heads and watch their life derail them into more bad decisions.
Not that i'm complaining
This seems pretty harmless 2bh.
Something that isn't harmless is fucking "Supernytt" - News for children on NRK3. They basically scaring the shit out of kids saying Trump is going to nuke the world.
Sup Forums is suppose to be a safe space! Unbelivable Danmark. Listen people call me all the time and thay say "Thank you Norway for doing this" and i tell e'm "yes we got to build a wall, since the Danes are coming over the strait and they are bringing red sausages, they are bringing alcohol, their liberals.
Oh god they are teaching anatomy to our kids! ANATOMY
Literally nothing wrong with that video. It was extremely neutral teaching of anatomy. Funny how it triggers you madvirgins though?
Nobody wants you here u mart sharting blob. Fuck off and go cut the tip of your dick off or something
>well that means you are a loser.
I have known that for quite some time now, so I guess the jokes on you.
brazil is absolute shit-tier
> "webcam video from "
muh nigger
also, I think the hairless one a the start was under age . Underage nudity in of itself is not necessary illegal. Only if its for a sexual purpose ;)
imagine if it wasn't a woman touching boy's willies, but a man touching the girls
liberals probably wouldn't support that shit
>the fbi is going to try and prosecute someone for watching a bland sex ed video
Would you mind if your daughter watched that?
I watched this and learned more than I ever knew about vaginas
thanks OP
I think he is talking about Sweden, ghengis
>american education
>Underage nudity in of itself is not necessary illegal. Only if its for a sexual purpose
You're shitting me
Also I don't watch the hangover videos, I've just seen the threads and screencaps for those
lmao she spilled cum on her hand when she studied sperm with microscope
Disgusting, why isn't that man black?