It's said it costs over $1,000,000 a day to guard Trump and his family by NYPD

It's said it costs over $1,000,000 a day to guard Trump and his family by NYPD.
It's paid by American citizen.
Can he really reduce the burden of ordinary people?

Other urls found in this thread:

the msm really want him attacked by an assassin don't they?

>don't protect him so much, it cost too much money!

>he's lived in his golden tower in NYC forever

>now that he gets mandatory security detail it's his fault for winning the presidency

Where do you suggest he go numbnuts?

>$1,000,000 in earnings per day for Americans

Wow he's already creating jobs

>The burden of ordinary people

English motherfucker do you speak it

Obongo flying around in air force one and illegal aliens getting benefits have certainly has cost taxpayers more

>inb4 some autist does the math and finds out Obama's security is more expensive
You know it will happen

well spotted user


How much is his presidential salary?
I bet he can just pay that himself. Though wasn't the plan for him to surround himself with his own security because the Secret Service will inevitably turn traitor?

It's a million dollars a day better spent compared to it going towards some worthless inner city program.

Freedom isn't free.

>"will" cost

Cool source boi

Even if its true though. It is countries that are capable of protecting their elected leaders that win wars.

You might wanna take notes you filthy eleven.

Are they trying to imply that Trump does not need protection from the mobs of angry lefties that are out to get him?

This is why The US should stop having presidents. It's too expencive!

Holy shit they will run ANYTHING to attack him, won't they?



>CNN talking about the "burden of ordinary people"


>Three city officials
>tell CNN

This is like telling me you know a friend who has three friends, who are all kikes, who say Trump did a bad thing.


how much does living at the white house cost

1,000,000 yen is not the same as 1,000,000 usd jap


Trump refused to take the salary. But he's a nazi cuz Hitler did the same thing

But he rejected the $100,000 a year he was supposed to get as president. That totally makes up for this and him being a tax dodger

weren't they just in front of a fucking firesquad

he has a responsibility to take it

That's peanuts, darts and arrows.

Yes it does, leftard piece of shit.

Dude they better be building Robocop with that kinda money. But even if not, well worth it to protect Trump.

>Butthurt liberal chucklefucks put President's life at risk, cost City more than $1 million a day

Why don't they move to the White House?
Officials can achieve both of appropriate guard of them and reduction of guarding cost.

what responsibility? He already has enough money

>police say it will cost

Because the nigger smell hasn't been cleaned out yet.

> making kikes pay the toll


obummer still living there bro having sex with his wife in the oval office according to reports

God bless autism

He said he would take $1 a year because you have to legally take a salary.
Other Presidents have done the same, I think JFK just donated it all to charity.

He pays taxes, he just doesn't pay federal income tax through legal loopholes.

He will be taking a symbolic $8 in total ($1 for each year) to keep things legal.

How much tax revenue is generated by Trump Tower, the Trump Foundation, the Apprentice and all the business he brings to NY?


Checked, very true.

Whats it cost to protect Obama? Yeah that's what I thought.


Try 350k/yr

What would you do
If you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom?
What would you do
If asked to make the ultimate sacrifice?
Would you think about all them people
Who gave up everything they had?
Would you think about all them War Vets
And would you start to feel bad?
Freedom isn't free
It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
No, there's a hefty in' fee.
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?
What would you do
If someone told you to fight for freedom
Would you answer the call
Or run away like a little pussy
'Cause the only reason that you're here
Is 'cause folks died for you in the past
So maybe now it's your turn
To die kicking some ass
Freedom isn't free
It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
Now there's a hefty in' fee
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?
You don't throw in your buck 'o five. Who will?
Oooh buck 'o five
Freedom costs a buck 'o five

The Apprentice is being hosted by Arnold now.

>How much is his presidential salary?

Didn't he refuse it?

How much did it cost per day for a fighter escort for Air Force 1 so that Obama could campaign for Loser?

Kill yourself

It probably costs the exact same to guard any other previous president elect during the transitioning period before they moved to the white house. Hell, I bet security was even tighter when Obama first got elected. But of course fake news sites love to leave that out.

Guess we'll have to deport a few dozen welfare spics to balance the costs.

>is staying in Washington for about 2 years after he leaves office

we just cant get rid of that nigger

i would hand over my life savings and steal savings from my family and extended family just to keep trump in power

AF one costs 206 million/hour to fly.
soo umm yeah...

sorry lol

Secret Service protection[edit]
Former presidents were entitled from 1965 to 1996 to lifetime Secret Service protection, for themselves, spouses, and children under 16. A 1994 statute, (Pub.L. 103–329), limited post-presidential protection to ten years for presidents inaugurated after January 1, 1997.[7] Under this statute, Bill Clinton would still be entitled to lifetime protection, and all subsequent presidents would have been entitled to ten years' protection.[8] On January 10, 2013, President Barack Obama signed legislation reinstating lifetime Secret Service protection for himself, George W. Bush, and all subsequent presidents.[9]

Richard Nixon relinquished his Secret Service protection in 1985, the only president to do so.[10]

lets protect the clintons, but not the currect us president. makes lots of sense

Morality and facts don't matter to them only consequences.

seems legit

That's what I meant, just write it off of that.

No it does not

Obama seems to get only $400,000 a year.
Abe is about a half of Obama.
I think it's meaningless that the government system spend too much money to use Trump
even if he gets only $1.

He corrected it.

those ny twats should be paying a million times as much to guard the god emperor

Does Trump legally have to use air force one? I saw an infographic of the differences between it and Trump's plane and the differences were pretty large. The costs of his own plane were 1/10th p hour or something

>no breakdown of costs

You know this is bullshit.

The Australian prime minister earns $500k AUD per year which is about $360k USD.
Our labor party increased the salary for most politicians to just under $200k AUD per year about 5 or 6 years ago too which is fucking stupid.

This hostility towards a democratically chosen candidate from the left is gonna burn them big time.

All it takes is one lawless day and I guarantee heads will roll. I hope shitlords and fellow patriots do their job of physically oppressing these sad cunts.

For over a decade people have stayed quiet, watched the experiment unfold. It has failed, no more tolerance for immigrants, no more tolerance for lefties, no more tolerance for the merchant.

Time to get a security detail libcucks.

All you need are some guys with guns in trump tower? How hard can it be? The floors Donald lives on will need a key in the elevator to get to anyway

>Mental lefties continually talk about assassination

Wow nice victim-blaming, shitlords.

There would have to be a stair case for safety reasons to get to His floor.

Fact Check: Not True! Pants on fire!
The president is paid $400,000 per year.

Was bad enough you lost the election. Now you lost this argument.

Keep arguing! Blacks and gays depend on you resorting to violence and property damage!

Air Force One has all the secure communications equipment he needs to have 24/7 access to as president as well as being equipped with military grade countermeasures against missile attack. There's no way he'd be allowed to fly on anything else.

The typical new York citizen is a banker or lawyer. And Trump is making them pay?

Best president ever.

There is no need for this when you are donald trump. On his floor so I've heard is a hidden room where the batwing is stored and ready for takeoff.

Thanks for info- completely didn't think about that.


No he doesn't have jackshit responsibility, you stupid libtard. What a stupid fucking argument, it's like a man works for free and the boss blames him for not accepting his money as salary.
I bet if he would to accept the money you faggots would blast him for being greedy, there's no winning with you fucks.

Shouldn't the Secret Service be in charge of this now?
It all makes sense now.

Trump has been asking how much he is required to stay in the White House and wants to travel back extremely often to Manhattan.

His Wife and son Bannon also want to still stay at the NY residence requiring extra security, also meaning that businesses near his NY residence will lose an incredible amount of business and hurt the local economy.

When you look over his whole 4 year presidency it will cost several billion dollars to NYC just to protect Trump just because Trump and his family don't want to live in the white house.It's traditionally already very expensive to protect a president / their family but the way Trump wants to do it will probably cost multiple times as much, and likely without reimbursement to local businesses.

There's actually quite a bit of information about AF1 out there if you're interested in it. It's a very cool machine and while it might be a slight downgrade for Trump most former presidents describe it as one of the best perks of the job.

It basically cost a billion for when Obama when on his African tour so who gives a fuck.

thanks for providing any info other then
"no its not"


The american people do. Unlike your sad excuse of a country.

it's not his fault that hordes of unclean degenerates have been rallied against him with lies.


This argument is basically guyshovesstickinownbicyclewheel.tga

Trump stole enough of the black vote to make a difference simply by treating them like real people, shitllary's the one who tries to use ebonics and pander too them and lost for some reason.

So what the mother of fuck is that shitty 'toon?

hahaha get fucked

So about $100,000 in any other city.

Literally a drop in the ocean. Absolute non-story without context; how much does it cost to protect other high ranking officials? Obama? How much did it cost to protect Hillary during the campaign. Even former presidents have a secret service detail right?

Fake news.

Maybe if the democrat actually accepted the outcome of a democratic election like they asked Trump supporters to do instead of rioting and called for murder, then maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't need special protection.

Fake news?

You can post as much of this stuff as you want, shills. You have no ground in /pol mentality. We don't trust these numbers. May be tru may be not. Who cares, im just waiting till mad dog gets freed from his leash and rips some isis fuckers to pieces. You just burn your money for nothing. Go radicalize some fems, they eat it up with pure joy. But here? Just annoying like a fly and the bants are getting boring. No body changes his mind and we don't get angry over this kind of stuff. We are the chaos, we like that shit. Give me RL AnCap, 16 dead because of an ape? good shit, good shit. fagotty Communist pussy squad? Ha, funny we dont feel threatenend, we get a good laugh and move on. angry feminists? thanks for the free memes we are taking it gladly. This here is all show and giggles, each of us allready has his own opinion no post or threads changes that, no matter which pol orientation each uf us retards got.Pro, Anti, left, right who cares. We are all autist united trough the power of shitposts. We take nothung serious this is for the lulz solely, get it. Internet LARP /= IRL behaviour and values. It's just a big show, only thing that matters is if it is a good show or not. Theater of the new age. Get crative cunts, this is unworthy. CTR meme team is a joke in itself. a lame joke.

>wanting to live in a house full of obummer skeet when you own a mansion

flight to epsteins island cost at least 30 million each


So double his yearly in a day.

They're plenty capable of protecting him in Washington DC, in the white house. Why bring NYC to a stand still?

Dude, he's the president. That cost would of been 10x that if it was shillary

Funfact: brazilians actually have a pejorative word for the smell of blacks
It's called "catinga"