Ignore the picture, it's fake and OP is not funny but he is a faggot
Lincoln Thomas
>Her mother is Spanish-English and her father is Scottish-Argentinian.
What a fucking mess of a heritage.
Owen Turner
also tripfags out
Christopher Parker
never seen a more sickening gif tbqhwy lad m80
Austin Murphy
It's funny because most people get caught out.
Hunter Martinez
Oh thank god for that. Best go check real panel
Zachary Robinson
wont be much better
Landon Roberts
Jackson Parker
What a low test faggot. You can clearly see he is shaving his head to desperately look more manly and less of a cuck.
Aaron Rivera
>when andy parsons is the most right wing person on the panel
James Sanders
when you consider the number of people in the world and count them as one instance of sex happening, then factor in that most sex doesn't result in reproduction, there's a dizzying amount of sex happening out there
>40% of abortions are being performed on women who have had PREVIOUS abortions
Hunter Diaz
4 billions sex
Juan Sullivan
>tfw still a virgin
Andrew Butler
>Still would stick the benis in her
Gavin Howard
Somewhere in the world right now, people are having orgies, people are dogging, people are shagging prostitutes, people are having extramarital sex
And we're shitposting on Sup Forums
Julian Price
>mfw inside when gf told me her black friend miscarriaged
Michael Brooks
Day 3 without a ciggie lads.
Pretty optimistic
Liam Roberts
good lad
Nicholas Russell
Some of us are getting the same digits repeating at the ends of our posts
Isaiah Campbell
Never understood ciggy addiction I've tried them when im stressed but they only make me feel worse
Xavier Nguyen
Kevin Fisher
Must be awfully traumatic to be fair Bit like looking down and seeing that your cock has fallen off only ten times worse
Joshua Torres
Do it for her
Jordan Phillips
You could gas everybody in that room and have 0 impact on the functioning of society
Jeremiah Edwards
If you smoke enough of them it sort of hooks into you and you crave the shit out of it. I don't recommend it.
Charles Johnson
>mfw yfw
Colton Reed
What the fuck is up with that panel?
Nathaniel Wood
Just wait till the next time you have a drink, wanker
Dylan Wood
>be good boy >thoroughly clean out plastic food containers >take glass, batteries, clothes to the recycling banks >start working >get taxed >throw everything in the black bin and let them deal with it
Are feminists naturally irrational or is it developed over time?
Camden Turner
Not really, you can't make more cocks if it falls off
Angel Bailey
some of us. not you, but some.
Jose Rivera
>Lucas Kill me.
Asher Kelly
is that real?
Angel Allen
Your cock isn't a living human
The comparison was sketchy to begin with to be honest, nothing could compare to being a woman and having all those hormonal motherly feelings only for the life growing inside of you to Alt+F4 and fall out of your vagina in a big bloody mess
Aiden Robinson
Looks like a recipe for the worst thanksgiving ever.
Luis Sullivan
sounds hilarious desu.
Jeremiah Perry
Honestly probably wouldn`t take it very well myself if my wife had a miscarriage, I`ve always wanted to be a father.
Aaron Long
i nearly vomited when I saw that panel.
good thing it's fake and gay
Brody Sanchez
>embryos and foetuses are living humans
Caleb Powell
Shoo shoo, jew.
Nolan Cox
>he supports abortion
Nathan Rodriguez
>Embryos and foetuses posses no value because they aren't born yet
Mason Robinson
>wanting the government to have control over women's reproductive organs >not jewish k
Jace Davis
>Being such a kike that you're willing to kill babies as a form of contraception, such is your love of degeneracy over common decency and the sanctity of life
Adrian Parker
Jonathan Parker
What is it with Reddit shilling that Turkey is European
Hudson Foster
If you can't find a mate to reproduce with or have sex with, what is the point of living?
I'm being serious.
Juan Nguyen
>life starts when the child being is separated from the mother spirit
Logan Sanders
>wanting the government to fund baby killing
Michael Hernandez
Fear and self-loathing.
Thomas Myers
>thinking it's "her body" >literally not her body >he's a libertarian
Kayden Peterson
Art or science
Christopher Edwards
Charles Nguyen
>not being libertarian enjoy your mummy may reich, parasites
Kayden Perez
If you don't do anything great then nothing.
Tyler Morris
>he thinks im a torycuck
Hudson Davis
What about the roads?
Juan Miller
Ultimate redpilled opinion: Abortion only for rape and babies who are mentally retarded and/or disfigured
Ian Baker
>Extremism Unit
This is a thing that exists, and homosexual jews who complain about extremists are a thing that gets banned.
I love you England. You're like a paranoid fantasy come to life.
Carson Evans
>living obviously, because they grow if you leave them alone and die if you abort them >humans the DNA/cells are human, that's why nobody births animals shouldn't you use an australia/canada proxy to shitpost?
Juan Cooper
dont put pussy on a podesta ladm8 theres more ways of getting dopamine into the system than poontang
David Jackson
The government has more control over womens' reproductive organs now than it ever has, though, just in the other direction
Who pays these various groups and charities to send nurses to comprehensive (and sometimes primary) schools to teach children about contraception and abortion and give them free birth control in total defiance of parental authority and law? Much like child molesters, it's "our little secret" between the teachers/nurses and children if they want to come and visit them
When you call an NHS hotline or visit an advisor to discuss difficulties with raising a child with Downs' Syndrome for example, the first thing the nurses will do is recommend abortion, and heavily shill for it. Not just for terrible diseases but in cases where it would be "economically unfeasible" or stress the mother out
Libertarians and liberals are a hair's breadth away from each other and it's no more obvious than when you mention their Holy Trinity of "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT FUCK MY FRIENDS FAMILY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REEEEE" issues, drugs, sexual politics and religion
Ryder Reyes
True Ultimate redpilled opinion: Mandatory abortion for rape and babies who are mentally retarded and/or disfigured
Austin Bailey
>Rape: Two wrongs don't make a right >Eugenics: Fundamentally immoral
Eli Butler
I mean honestly, why do people from say r9k don't just kill themselves? I'm getting that way at the moment, lost gf, failing degree, etc.
What is the point if you have no mate and no degree?
Benjamin Rivera
This tbqh. Until the brain has developed it's literally a bundle of cells with no consciousness. Might as well ban masturbation as each sperm is a potential baby. But muh sperms are made by God. Christ this board is going to the dogs with the christcuck larping.
Julian Garcia
I hate Russel Brand.
Blake Peterson
And ethnics.
Nicholas Butler
You know what annoys me most about the abortion debate. Its that when I say that I don't think killing unborn children is ok, I'm labelled an extremist. Not wanting to kill unborn babies is now extreme. I hope the west collapses tbqh.
Aaron Campbell
Make your own point then, if you truly have nothing to live for go full Diogenes
Jaxon Lewis
He's just 2deep4u
Ryan Ward
because r9k is now infested with girls who are making them uncomfortable by both being there and providing an object to white knight over. it's disgusting really.
Ryder Brooks
Move to America. IDOLIZE YOUR SOUL
Ryan Carter
well you must be a misogynist to hold that opinion why do you want to police women's bodies?
Zachary Young
He made a pretty lucid video about Trump's election desu. youtube.com/watch?v=w3Ou5uFFn8Q (Ignore the fact that this is a complete reversal from his rhetoric prior to the election)
Liam Edwards
>Why do you want to protect the unborn of our race?
Jordan Campbell
Really made my neurons process data.
Bentley Nguyen
>lol why should people take responsibility for their own actions?
Jaxon Rodriguez
Why can't I just live in a comfy village with a comfy job.
Thanks modern world, I sure do love having access to the internet and instant degeneracy at my finger tips.
Owen Evans
I'm an atheist, as a preface.
A sperm cell is an extension of the owner, like the cells making up your fingernails. An embryo is a unique genetic entity.
You cannot reconcile the concept of sanctity of life with abortion. That's why we came up with this concept of "personhood" to deal with it. An embryo is undeniably human, but it is not a person. Something is only a person when we decide it is.
Tyler Diaz
any one studying history here?
Aaron Flores
>something is only a person when someone with a vested interest in killing it without feeling guilty decides its a person
Tyler Gomez
>Atheists acting smug ITT about how much they, like, totally respect woman, man
>They don't realise that since they've pushed Christianity out of public life, pic related will come to replace it
>Abortions being illegal is worse on the feminism scale than women getting stoned and beaten for getting pregnant outside of wedlock in the first place
Evan Carter
>playing Civ 6 >got a declared friendship and open borders with Rome >really good relations, a lot of trade routes with each other >suddenly his entire army surrounds one of my border cities Fucking greasy scum, I should've known better.
Matthew Davis
>eugenics are fundamentally immoral
Camden Campbell
Really fires off those receptors doesn't it?
Kayden Mitchell
>open borders
Benjamin Ramirez
Except that analogy doesn't work as each egg and sperm is a different potential human. In your fingernail you have 46 chromosomes. All the same as the rest of you. In a zygote you only have 23 and it makes a massive difference which sperm wins the race. Hence siblings don't all look identical despite looking similar.
Laying the foundations for a house does not make a house. You still need the rest of the building.
Lucas Perry
They conflate respecting women with allowing them to have zero responsibilities. Literally cucks putting them on a pedestal.