why did Serbs want to ethnic cleanse THIS?
Why did Serbs want to ethnic cleanse THIS?
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Creepy 2/b/desu
that's what you get when you put an equivalent of wall paint on your face and apply 300 filters on your selfie pic before uploading to instagram or whatever
Klintone jebem ti mater.
FUCK OFF qt murderers.
Bosnians are subhuman scum
Same with Herzegovinians, they are weven worse
Ruining Croatia.
jebem vam amter glupu
They still are mostly Croats/Serbs that converted during the occupation, few are legit roaches.
Bosniaks don't exist.
you realize Serbs wanted to ethnic cleanse THIS as well?
>muh qt muh dick muh womynn
How about fuck off?
how about you fuck off, faggot.
coz she look like a fag with those fake eyeleshes
No, its not what was happening
butthurt mudslim muhammed cock sucking little bitch right there. Why you faggot live in the US? why did you abandon your own country? YOu piece of shit, like those dirty bosnians you are ready to spread legs when invaders comes. Now you are a good jew living in the US... FUCKING PIECE OF GARBAGE MUSLIM CONVERT.
Not really. The ethnic cleansing was reserved mostly for muslims (and we did some of that as well, but we "won" so they got all the blame)
The rest of balkan was supposed to be turned into a kind of Greater Serbia - ie take over the land and brainwash future generations into believing they're all Serbs, thus destroying their national and cultural identity.
>thinking through his dick
How is your probation, Tyrone?
Islam is cancer.
Oluja was not ethnic cleansing. Order for evacuation was given by fucks there. There was some in Bosnia though.
>getting butthurt over genocidal Serbs
woah there boris. chill
shut the fuck up Pujo, your great grand mother spread legs when the turks invaded europe. YOu pieces of garbage are just childrens. of whores and prostitutes .
ethnic cleansing includes mass expulsion
If by "ethnic cleanse" you mean piss down her throat, then I agree.
јeбeм вaм мaтep шиптapcкy
They wanted to claim the expansive territory between her eyes
Yeah but Croatian army besides some war crimes didn't expel anyone. They just attacked and government of RSK gave the order for evacuation.
That shit was untenable anyway, 11% controlling 30% of Croatia. Fuck Milošević, he ruined those people. There were better ways of dealing with Serbs in Croatia. If they didn't rebel they'd get autonomy.
islam is cancer
bosniaks are just cancerous Serbia
what do you do to cancer?
nobody lies chemo or radio or surgery but you have to do it
I wasn't talking about Oluja
murica paid them to so they could remove people that used to live in the soviet union because they cant be trusted as per rocky and bullwinkle taught boomers
if it makes you feel any better they were going to move in a shit load of muslims who dont tolerate christians so they couldnt be friends with the ex soviets.
its not like thats happening in europe right now with no excuse
>If they didn't rebel they'd get autonomy
Wasn't that the whole issue though? Croats not wanting to recognize the Serbs as an ethnic minority/group.
>Yeah but Croatian army besides some war crimes didn't expel anyone
The last war in which Croats wanted to liberate Croatian land, did not work out too well for Serbian civilians.
>That shit was untenable
>Fuck Milošević
This is true. They were left pissing in the wind.
Regardless, both sides need to put that shit behind them.
Actually it was about recognizing them as minority instead of constituent nation.
And yeah I know, but let's be real, no one was gonna repeat WW2 in 90's. It was Milošević riling them up and then letting them hang dry.
Low IQ people, lots of genocide of QTs. Sad!
>Croats not wanting to recognize the Serbs as an ethnic minority/group.
Not really. There are parts of Croatia which are predominantly Serbian (called "Krajina" at the time), and so when Croatia declared independence, the people living there wanted to break off and join Serbia.
Believing Croatian authorities would respond with force, they started building barricades and blocking off roads (google "Log Revolution").
Initially the law enforcement managed to keep things calm, until an incident where a cop got shot and killed.
After that things turned more violent, and naturally the Serbian controlled JNA backed the Serb minority in Croatia, which then resulted in a full-on war.
Also a relevant factor was fear of Croatian nationalism, considering how genocidal it was last time we got "patriotic".
>mfw no Trump to MBGA
Anyway those stats are wrong, that Finn idiot used some partial data from 50's for Croatia.
Pogledaj što je Operacija Labrador. Malo mi je teško reći ali mi smo bili agresori u Hrvatskoj. Bosna i Kosovo su druga priča.
serbian sounds like polish mixed with latin
why the Serbs ethnic cleanse white families?
Es es un hombre mi dude
Looking at that woman, I instantly realized she's a muzzie.
Must be the German genes.
>implying we ethnically cleansed
That's just a meme coming from the Clinton administration to justify their intervention in Bosnia and latter in Kosovo & Metohija.
Naser Oric and his bandits did an actual ethnic cleansing.
>Must be the German genes.
the woman or the baby?
That's what I see
>Wasn't that the whole issue though? Croats not wanting to recognize the Serbs as an ethnic minority/group.
nope we wanted to "demote" them to minority instead of constituent people so folks from Belgrad told them we were gonna kill them all
>The last war in which Croats wanted to liberate Croatian land, did not work out too well for Serbian civilians.
#NOTALLCROATS ustashe were gone already
She looks almost same as my ex muslim gf.
>i was gonna post her picture but she deleted every picture of her face due to her total conversion to radical islam
by the way does anyone notice Muslim girls are on average hotter than Christian girls here?
it can't be just me
though you don't have many of them in Serbia and Croatia
Because serbs don't have the balls to fight real sand niggers, so they make do with unarmed slavs who are Muslims.
Serbs should take a lesson in how the US removes kebab - indescriminately, cold and emotionless, with bombs from the sky. That is how we killed 100,000 heavily armed kebab in two native kebab countries. Trump will show them how it's done!
>le why would pol genocide this cherry-picked babe???
Can't mods start deleting these threads? They're Sup Forums tier.
Well, that's the most spot-on thing I've heard.
Polish sounds like Serbian with a Russian accent
>Polish sounds like Serbian with a Russian accent
Not really imo. To me Polish sounds a lot like Czech just with harder r's.
No just hotter, they tend to me more tender and act like real women. My ex was from Novi Pazar, there are plenty of them there, talked to moderate and veiled too and I was really sad when I came back to the capital city.
It's funny when our muslims calls us oppressors when it's them not letting their daughters talk or date non muslims, while there are perfectly fine with their sons marrying christians (of course after they convert the bride).
please delete this post
it's triggering me
Common knowledge. Theyre shilling the KANGZ narrative lately it seems, how everyone else is unclean but they are ubermensch slav muslim descendants of a medevial christian cult known as Bogumili
Looks like an AYY LMAOO
>Thinking with your dick
Get fucked, beta piece of shit.
>ycтaшa 99
Nice one, Croat, sve dzamije lete u oblake
Brainwash has already happened but in different way. Therefore a Serbian corpus is divided into fake meme nations as Bosniaks, Montenegrinis, Macedonians etc. thanks to communism.
You can't deny there were mass conversion is Croatia by vatican, where bunch of Serbs turned to Croatians. Ustashi commanders were mostly converted Serbs.
yeah same here but those in Bosnia aren't so exclusive, at least before the war they weren't
I know some Muslim girls who date Christians though
I don't know if most but Maks Luburić was literally a Serb from Montenegro, Nikšić to be precise
this picture cured my ED
Went to FB, saved an image off the first Bosnian whore I could find.
Although, Bosnians are a very tiny miniority in Slovenia, I have the misfortune of living near a previously industrial town with a large Bosnian miniority.
Let's get this straight, Bosnians are the white trash version of Slovenia. They are also prone to thug culture, they literally renamed one of their streets "Harlem" unironically.
now post the second and third"""whore""" so we can laugh at how wrong you are, serb shill
Ok this, is the second one I came across
so you're gay AND a serb shill.
Bosniaks do exist now. Technically Serbs used to be something else before they were known as Serbian. New nations are formed all the time.
Also please, literally every non-Bosnian ex-Yugoslav has a certain disdain for Bosnians.
Again, they are literal white trash. I'm not saying there aren't any trashy Slovenians, Croats or Serbs, but Bosnians just take the trash to the Extreme.
In terms of Trash Bosnians>Montenegrians=Albanians>Power level difference>Serbians>Croatians>Slovenians.
And I'm not being subjective this is fact.
If it weren't for the Croats and Serbs in Bosnia, they'd literally be 0% literacy.
>All that makeup
>That forehead
>Those eyelashes
>Those eyebrows
Surely Montenegrins are better than Albanians.
>Serbs wanted to ethnically cleanse this!!!!
Wtf I love mudslimes now
Both are pretty shit, but sure.
Tbh I'd put Albanians on the bottom but that's pretty accurate none the less
No good person was ever a mudslime kid. Stop thinking with your dick and realize there is an ideological war for western civilization. Kosovo was the first skirmish.
Looking at the kid, she got MUZZLED.
Thanks Croat-bro, despite our differences always had the most respect for you guys out of other Yugoslavs.
Same. From what I get from Sup Forums, it's a fairly general opinion that we two are fine while everything south of us is a shithole.
pic unrelated but entertaining
You tow seem to be the middle children of Europe
>when your nation was called 'muslims' for most of your history
Bosniaks are a meme nationality
Might have something to do with the fact that Slovenija has a large Austrian admixture and Croatia Hungarian, plus the rest of balkan got turked pretty bad
Tito was our Trump
Too baf he was a commie.
Well it's a fact that Slovenia and Croatia were in Austria-Hungary while everyone else was being butt-fucked by Turks.
Slovenia was under in the Austrian part of A-H and Croatia was in the Hungarian part of A-H. There were differences between Slovenes and Croats even before that, but only after Austro-Hungarian dualism was put into the constitution the differences became more solified and apparent.
Refer to this
Reasons for these literacy rates:
-Slovenia - Under administration of Austria
-Croatia - Under administration of Hungary
-BiH - Under Mudslimes, cucked and converted
-Serbia - Under Mudslimes, but a but not as cucked and more based
-Montenegro - Who?
-Macedonia - Not a thing
-Kosovo - Not a thing (Just a bunch of butthurt Albanians)
Fake contacts+tranny make up=regular Muslim whore
Also me personally, have a certain disdain for Macedonia for have a huge WE WUZ KANGS complex and culture stealing from Greeks.
Šešelje gde si mi
>Just a bunch of butthurt Serbs