>Sup Forums claims to love freedom
>supports Assad
Sup Forums claims to love freedom
Assad literally didn't do nothing
Assad is based and din do notin'.
Assad is freedom from terrorists and jews, terrorists and jews oppose him.
Because we dont want syrian people to lose their freedom due to ruled by isis or """"""""""moderate""""""""""" rebels
>Sup Forums is one person meme
kill yourself faggot
Secular dictatorship offers more freedom than a theocracy.
when you're choice is between Assad, ISIS or """moderate""" rebels (mostly al-qaeda and othr hardline islamic groups) then yeah assad is the closest thing to "freedom" syria will get
Something like "better the devil you know".
>assad kills lots of muslims terrorists
nothing wrong with this
On one side you have assad, on the other you have isis
Gee, you really fired up my neurons
>Assad didn't do nothing
That's literally the problem with him. If he had done -something- this civil war would have never happened.
And by "something" and I don't mean being a weak-handed cuck with a hard-on for making powerful enemies.
Most of us support Rojava, actually.
Only shills claim to support Assad.
fuck is that legit?
so much great variety to choose from
And what can you do if superpower, big neighbour and rich arabian jews want to control your territory because pipeline?
Ok, there are riot in your town.
Let em - captured buildings, crimewave, town is lost.
Supress em - MUHMODERATETERRORISTS and no fly zone.
You either Assad or Gaddafi.
>implying you can have working democratic free country with muslims inside
Yeah, I grew up in Syria and we had Christian schools and Muslim schools. Sometimes there were muslim students in our Christian schools and they were alright because Syria isn't a chimpout country.
But saudia saw us and ruined everything.
We support freedom for us, if you had any experience with sandnigger you would know they need to be governed with an iron fist, if not they just chimpout and kill each other.
That's why killing Saddam and Gaddafi for (((them))) was a mistake.
assad is running a secular government. people have the right to be say a christian .
isis wants a caliphate (islamic run country)
i'm shocked, our gubbament made it seem like its was the reverse
becase freedom to choose religion is more imprtant than freedom to choose the rule.
look at Lybia many other factors, they are "free" today
A mistake for who? Guns are sold, oil is coming, and those countries don't try to do protectionism or create a strong economic zone around their countries anymore. From the west point of view those coups were successful. It's neocolonialism textbook.
let them kill each other then
fuck assad
/pol wishes death upon all muzzies equally
/sg is /pol's attempt at expediting us/ruso war games
now kys fagit
Freedom isn't something sandpeople can appreciate or comprehend. They always form dictatorships. So it boils down to a pick between a relatively sane secular semi-dictatorship and a full-blown Islamic theocratic hellhole. "Freedom for the Syrians" is not an option that's on the table.
It's a hard pill to swallow. Obama brought death to those people.
Dva centa su ti stavljena na racun.
>Sup Forums claims to love freedom
>supports Assad
Because the alternative to Assad is fucking ISIS and what's happened to Libya you moron.
Because the Assad regime is multicultural, multiethnic and secular - which is why it has overwhelming support from Alawis, Christians, Shi'ites etc who know they'd be fucking genocided if his regime lose power.
>You're saying Libya was better under Gadaffi?
>You're saying Iraq was better under Saddam?
Because they both were by any fucking metric. Doesn't mean you endorse them as having been nice fucking guys.
Assad is the only option for a return to some form of peaceful Syria.
>multicultural, multiethnic and secular
i'm gonna puke
Lesser of two evils, isn't hard to grasp
Assad has violated freedom of speech, right of representation and was confirmed by third party investigators to have used chemical weapons. The Syrian economy is also in the gutter.
Assad is running a theocracy. The constitution requires the ruler be Muslim.
And it's not Assad or ISIS. You can fight both, and that's what most of the international community has done. ISIS is extremely unlikely to ever take over Syria given the international support against it, Syria's military strength and its recent defeats.
Why fight any of them? It's not the west's concern what the ragheads do.
tell me another way of managing the different ethnicites in Syria without wanting a civil war
>Secular dictatorship, interested in having working country to rule
>Theocratic dictatorship by international mix of fanatics and manipulators, interested in extracting country resources as fast as they can
>Rule by infighting gangs, manipulated by foreign power to maintain regional foothold
Choose one.
Assad did nothing wrong shlomo.
Syrian army are heroes
thats why
Syria was stable before isis and the moderates. Once they are gone, Syria can be stable again under Assad. Is he an angel? probably not. But what they need first is stability, then they can work out all that bureaucracy.
>Assad is running a theocracy. The constitution requires the ruler be Muslim
>Ruler must be a Muslim
>implying Assad even wanted that rule and its not there to stop the mudkips from going batshit
Fuck off.
Syria Civil war is a myth. Both sides, the West and Russia, bomb and terrorize the country in order to force refugees to move to Europe, so the country is left to the Jews and Eretz Israel.
You do know that the rich arabian jews are Assad's family? As closely-related-by-blood kind of family.
Also, keeping your country in medieval darkness is a good start to avoid being fucked over. of course, you can take the Assad route and modernize the country, making it extra-vulnerable to subterfuge, but if you want (((their))) world then you must pay the (((price))).
>Assad is running a theocracy
This is irrelevant unless you want to claim that Assad's government was violently enforcing Islam on everybody. Getting hung up on technicalities while ignoring the actual point doesn't help you win an argument.
>You can fight both, and that's what most of the international community has done.
Fighting both doesn't do much good when the net effect is ISIS gaining ground against Assad. Not to mention the CIA and the Pentagon providing support to literal Islamic extremists while calling them "moderate rebels".
>ISIS is extremely unlikely to ever take over Syria given the international support against it, Syria's military strength and its recent defeats.
If the "international community" (i.e. the US) had its way, ISIS would take over Syria and no amount of airstrikes would reverse the situation. You need boots on the ground to get anything done.
Seriously, Singapore. You need to shut the fuck up because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
For the last 12 or so months, very few of the refugees are from Syria, most of them are African or Afghani looking for free shit & Europeans are stupid enough to take them in
Because democracy isn't for everyone.
>confirmed by third party investigators to have used chemical weapons.
Lies. They were used by the rebels, the American allied Al-Queda
>was confirmed by third party investigators to have used chemical weapons
Obama himself even stopped pushing that tall tale long ago because everybody knows the FSA were the one who used the chemical weapons.
The alternative is radical Muslim fundamentalists.
Let me guess, the moderate headchopper friends of al-Qaeda are the "good guys", amirite?
Asad is democratically elected ruler, just like Hitler or Trump.
I don't support Assad. I just want the fucking Syria conflict to be over. And at this point Assad has basically won. It's either him or ISIS. There is no longer an effective "Democratic" opposition if there ever even was one in the first place.
He wouldn't have to be a dictator if his citizens weren't so diverse
Because Assad loves freedom?
I thought singaporeans were generally smart people...
>be in middle east
>see your surrounding nations go to shit because kebab
>have to be a ruthless dictator because a moment of weakness goes lolISIS
>entire world tells you to reign in your shit
>moment that you do
>fucking half a continent of kebab with looted american equipment from Iraq show up
>spent fucking DECADES protecting your minority populations from muslim violence
Assad was what he needed to be. A giant dick in the middle of a pack of giant dicks. Saddam was the same. Removing a giant dick means all the other slightly smaller giant dicks to compare sizes in the region.
This is why the Middle East is always a political hotbed of bullshit because the entire situation is 'I control the oasis so play nice and you get a drink'. The moment that the guy controlling the oasis is removed from play? All the shitskins dive in and start rolling in it until a new dictator forces them out or the spot is ruined and they move onto a new oasis.
oh there sorta was, for sure.
Many of the initial protestors that wanted democratic reforms and less corruption of course never supported al-Qaeda & friends. They had some legitimate concerns and these protests were not only reserved to the backwards religious areas where the armed insurgency started (like Daraa and Idlib). Read pic related which includes that point.
OP might want to read this pic too to get his head out of his ass and maybe not look like a retard next time you post about this conflict.
>muh freedumbs
Freedom status: achieved
Total freedom for sure.
On the other hand this woman looks like she needs to be liberated!
It isnt like she can live her life whichever fucking way she wants with minimal government interference completely different from great Western allies like Saudi Arabia - noo, she is being brutally oppressed of course and al-Qaeda and its allies will surely do better.
Is it the nazgul middle school ?
assad>jihadis simple as that
Riiight. Because every attempt to "liberate" the Middle Yeast has gone so well thusfar.
>let ISIS pick up the ruins
This logic was so retarded that not even the mainstream meteor can completely convince the normies that Assad is a Satan Hitler.
I support Assad's freedom to rule without american intervention :^)
>Sup Forums claims to love freedom
We have absolutely no moral mandate to intercede against despotic regimes until we stop turning a blind eye to despotic regimes that are friendly toward our agenda. Even then, there are far worse regimes in the world than Assad, so if 'freedom' is our actual cassus belli, Assad is way down the list of military interventions.
Of course, our involvement with Assad has nothing to do with his human rights abuses. We're doing it to fuck with Russia, even if it means leaving ISIS unmolested.
If you want Assad's flock stop coming towards europe and stay in their own place then you will support assad. But hey if you want more hundreds or thousands syrian refugees then go ahead.
/nu-pol/ loves freedom? Freedom is slavery. This is how jews trick you. Without freedom jews are powerless as tricked people have no freedom to follow jew.
There is Russian prison trick question: "there are to chairs, one with sharp spears and another with erected cocks, which one will you choose to sit for yourself and which for your mother?"
Choose wisely Sup Forums.
>muh womynz
>>Sup Forums claims to love freedom
Lolbergtardians don't represent Sup Forums
I squat on the ground
> (OP)
>>Sup Forums is one person meme
>kill yourself faggot
>Secular dictatorship offers more freedom than a theocracy.
Not Baathist more like a stazi system
but believe whatever.
>Sup Forums is not one person
>where is the contradiction?
They have schools for locked characters now?
People have more freedumbs under Assad than they would Islamist moderate terrorists.
in witch direction the spears/cocks are showing?
Syria is a hell of a lot more free under him than ISIS, you fuckwit.
>Sup Forums claims to love freedom
>supports Hitler
Sup Forums is usually retarded.
Assad is based as fuck. Thank God Putin (And Dempsey lol) decided to help him.
What we, excuse me, (((we))) are trying to do in Syria is just fucking horrible.
The only reason he isn't losing this "civil war" is because he has the overlarge part of the populace on his side.
His opposition is literally all foreigners or local Sharia supporters.
>Sup Forums claims to love freedom
Yeah, a bunch of neo-fascists like freedom. Tell me more.
>They want the freedom to subjugate their women
What's so hard about it?
Assad, a/ He is not now or ever tried to kill me.
B/ my freedom is my problem. Other people's is theirs.
Sup Forums supports peace, if animals can only be kept peaceful through force. then force it necessary.
>loves freedom
I for one despise the permissive society.
I notice that no one has given the real answer, which is that this board is filled with Russian shills.
It genuinely scares me how effective Russian nationalists have been on this board. It's like watching a live-action remake of what Yuri Bezmenov was up to in the 1970s.
Russians are bad at english, they have their own chan. And when you see someone with russian flag posting like a jerk, it was (((them))) trying to instill hate from westerner towards russian
Sup Forums doesn't support freedom. Freedom breeds degeneracy and a sense of entitlement. There can be no freedom when Fascism rises again, and it will
I have to ask. Why wasn't he villainized in the other 10-14 years of his rule?
>Sup Forums wants a civil race ware in the west
>doesn't want it in the middle east
ahhhh yes
there are way more muslims than christians in syria
I believe you meant filled with kike shills
double negatif
actually, if you get into arguments with pro-Russian "Americans" on this board you realise very quickly that a lot of them are Russians using proxies (eventually they always slip up and say something like 'we didn't shoot down that plane' instead of 'the Russians didn't shoot down that plane').
This is what makes me think that a lot of them are genuine state sponsored shills: they often use proxies in a deliberate attempt to astro-turf. And a lot of Russians (those who use Russian flags, leaving aside the possibility of crypto-Russians for now) on Sup Forums have very good English, which is another thing that leads me to believe that we're facing state-sponsored shills.
Speaking of which, my suspiciously pro-Russian Indonesian friend, how come you have such good English and an interest in defending Russia?