Is there self censorship on this board? I feel like Sup Forums used to be edgier
Is there self censorship on this board? I feel like Sup Forums used to be edgier
Sup Forums adapts to the times, man. Groovy.
fuck off
Hmm. No delegates here.
Hello Rato of trips
Yes this is delegate speaking
>that gif
The fuck happened? His head just exploded.
You call that edgy? fucking newfags these days
Get hit in the head with an axe, you would be twitching too.
>british citizen with European roots detected
Get out of my country kafir
That's not true. Just the other day I saw a 15 show her body off. And some girl that looked younger p
you don't feel shit faggot you weren't here before
I mean it's not stormfront general anymore, but people still say nigger and post fucked up gore.
This place is on chill mode since the November 8th win.
Gas the kikes
Race war now
You happy?
Reddit and alt-right faggotry happened and now newfags think 9gag tier shit is "edgy".
I've never found myself avoiding my inner edge here. I regularly shit on the kikes, niggers, and faggots while posting pictures of dead baby sandniggers. But hey, if you're concerned about a lack of edge, have a zippocat.
Zippocat is ronery without shoveldog.
Fuck you.
The fucking ledditors started visiting pol because it's "cool edgy Sup Forums xdd"
I fucking hate them so much.
we've had a lot of immigrants from reddit over the past few months and they've done what immigrants generally do - not assimilate
if you're a pussy
We grew up. Edgy shit is for children and niggers.
People who torture innocent small animals have a special place in hell to suffer for all eternity
Fuck you.
I mean yeah no shit. There is just no clear indication what caused that to happen. Looks more like a bullet hole than an axe wound.
Cattle bolt to the head.
It got shot in the head
Watch the full version
Holy shit this place has gotten really soft.
It's just normalfags
If by edgier you mean we used to have more Führer threads then yes.
If by edgier you mean something else then no. Not that at all.
This place is shit either way
Probably not, Sup Forums was more cynical before but we just won an election so I think we're riding on a high.
>leedgy iscool xD u guiz r soft
Burning small animals for fun is nigger tier behaviour
Clumsy attempt at cattle killing, he didn't kill it in one shot so the pig had a seizure.
Yeah, fuck being a grown up, what was I thinking? I don't want to be some kind of gay softie. I want to be the hardened tough guy laughing at torturing small animals. I see now how weak and soft I was being. Thank you so much for enlightening me.
>since you obviously have shit between your ears instead of brains, I should let you know, that was sarcasm
Yes, but getting bent out of shape when someone presents the world as it is is newfag behaviour.
Fresh off the boat from Reddit I see.
fuck off faggot
Fucking with animals has never been accepted. Even on old Sup Forums we would fuck you up for that.
it was not us who stopped being edgy, it was you who normalized us
>congratulations on the bear
New people from the election and TV fear mongering. Like me.
That's because the edgy thing to do now is being straight, christian and conservative.
88 get
What is old Sup Forums 2012 for you? Face it kid you were probably in diapers when Sup Forums was created.
I've been on Sup Forums since I was like 10 bro.
fuck off faggot only a pathetic degenerate would torture an animal
some liberal tards went and hunted down some people who say shit like "abo nigger faggot kike" or "sambo tarbaby the 3rd"
but when they set their sights on me and a few others in my area they ran into trouble getting here. eye of the storm. its like america has fallen apart and the crime rate in surrounding states makes it hard to even get here and they are to cheap to buy a plane ticket
I keep seeing how "we" won the election yet no Praise Kek to be given.
Something has definitely happend to this place.
Animals are innocent of the cruelty of man. Fuck you. You don't belong here. You're not an outcast, you're just a psychopath.
Fuck off moralfag. Sup Forums used to be great when no one gave a shit about anything at all.
KYS you fucking poser.
Torturing animals has never been accepted. Go fucking take a long walk off a short pier you psychopath.
That's not his point. People who have been here long enough are desensitised to such things. ISIS running a guy over with a tank, someone setting fire to a cat, and animal being slaughtered, whatever. We can look at such things dispassionately.
If you can't then this place is not for you. Go back to plebbit or at the very least lurk more.
Serious question how long have you been here?
This guy fucking gets it.
I don't give a shit. Don't post that shit here. Keep it on Sup Forums you fucking sick fucks.
no but ironically Sup Forums has arguably the most totalitarian mods
10 years.
Benny Fishsticks
And you unironically still get triggered by seeing just an animal get tortured. Anyone who has been here in at least the past 6 years should be desensitized to it already. Its just a fucking animal.
NO. to be able to look at thed world as it is and not shy away from the darkness is at the very core of this place. It's why we can do what we do.
Like I said, if you can't, then go back to a place that will shield you from reality.
Fuck you.
They don't deserve that. They are defenseless.
You're disgusting.
You can always tell who the newfags are because they don't recognise Sup Forums staples like zippocat and shoveldog,
Fucking normie kermit memes they're the worst
Its not like I'm emotionally moved by the image. I just think you're disgusting for posting it you fucking autistic freak. And I'm letting you know that isn't okay and has never been okay here.
I wanna gas all the kikes I wanna gas all the kikes
good enough op?
You know what happened to the fucking psycho who posted that right?
Pretty sure we found him and DOXed him, don't really remember though.
It is posted because it's an excellent pleb filter, exposing those who just can't hack it.
You can dislike that it exists, and hate the person who made it, but to stop it from being posted is faggotry.
You're probably thinking of that bitch that stepped on kittens and rabbits. IIRC Sup Forums got her arrested or something.
You're disgusting. I don't care if you posted dead children.
Some retard is gonna see that picture and torture his pet.
You know this site is filled with autists.
Nah, it was some black kid who set the cat on fire and threw it out the window or some shit? He got busted I'm almost positive, but I can't remember.
Who cares? He was likely going to do it anyways. Its one thing to get mad over the animal getting tortured and sure I can get it, but making a rant about it on here isn't going to do shit and you and I both know it.
I didn't rant about it. That motherfucker called me a newfag and I'm explaining to him that I know he's lying about being here long, because that shit has never been okay and people frown upon it. He's not an outcast, he is just a psychopath.
I don't care what you find disgusting. We are looking for the truth, and often the truth is not warm and fuzzy.
>Burning small animals for fun is nigger tier behaviour
Killing any animal, other than for food; population control; defence of self, property, or others; or disease is nigger-tier behaviour.
You know you're wrong on this one.
Torturing animals has nothing to do with truth.
this shit is before Sup Forums. yawn
>Sup Forums changes tactics to redpill more normies
das it mane
This as fuck.
You would like me to be wrong on this one.
It's not about torturing animals. Its about staring darkness in the face, and not flinching. Some might become corrupted by it and start doing bad things, others will look at it, understand it, and fix it.
it's fake dumbo
You're fucking retarded.
The dude who set that cat on fire got jail time (I'm pretty sure, but my memory may be off).
Stop pretending to be important or cool.
Its clear you haven't been here for long.
You posted anonymously so stop trying to look good.
here have some darkness and leave animals alone
they are the true dindus
>The dude who set that cat on fire got jail time (I'm pretty sure, but my memory may be off).
Rightly so.
I'm not particularly important, I don't care what is and is not cool.
I simply understand that to fix the world, you have to first understand it - and that means being exposed to it directly, not second hand.
I think you misunderstand. I am in no way advocating for the senseless torture of animals.
Lmao. You're so autistic it actually hurts.
"it's about staring darkness in the face, and not flinching"
I haven't cringed this hard since, well never. You're posts are the most autistic thing I've read. Congratulations.
just a bunch of non white and cuck refugees from reddit.
fuck off all of you, niggers are not people
Good for you. I'm not seeking your approval.
People frown upon the act, yes.
Saving and sharing images (and creating derivatives of them) is the express purpose of this site, regardless of content. It's never been okay to post any illegal content, even if the moderation was more lax in the early days.
The other user's point still stands. Gore and worse has been posted here forever, everyone's desensitized to it.
That doesn't mean the people you're arguing with save or share it, but Sup Forums and Sup Forums both allow gore.
ok so stop being so edgy, my point is you're not a fuckin commando seal if you saw bestgore tier shit in real life you would shit your pants just as me
Sup Forums isn't about being edgy, it's about being right