What are some Sup Forums approved podcasts?
Linux unplugged
the young turks
Okay that is a straight up monkey. If you dropped that thing off in the jungle the orangutans would think he was one of them. Tourists would think he was a hairless orangutan.
What is that thing? What nationality?
fas kids are really sad :( i hope this kid is doing ok
> sam hyde might start doing a podcast
> stefan molyneux is good for major events, although he is pretty opinionated, slanted and verbally aggressive without reason/logic
> get woke with coast2coast
> npr is hilarious to listen to now that trump has won, constant stream of delicious liberal tears
> anthony fantano has a really analytical, clinical perspective on music because it's his job rather than his pasttime, but it's pretty good for learning what music is objectively pretentious and what is decent, if you are too deluded to be able to discern it yourself
> murdoch murdoch is pure cancer garbage, don't go anywhere near it.
Fash the Nation + Daily Shoah
goodmythicalmorning is also a good mildcore podcast
Guys that is a straight up monkey. How can anyone argue that thing is human? That pic needs to go global.
Can someone locate this guy so we can steal his blood and anonymously have it DNA tested to see if it is a monkey? I swear if you didn't give them any information the results would come back that it was non-human.
what is that
I also like The Convict Report because of the Aus banter but that's just me.
The Daily Shoah. Anything by TRS really, but TDS is pure Nazi gold.
Oh, and True Capitalist Radio.
New Alternative Right
Louder With Crowder (He told Hitler to start the holocaust)
Darwin Digest
Red Ice (If it's a good guest)
Anything from The Rightstuff Radio, especially Fash The Nation
NO AGENDA is excellent
This ALt-Right Life
Has crowder commented on that meme yet?
brazilian, the shirt says something in portuguese
holy shit this kid
literally ape
Podcast should be educational, and there is nothing better than learning about history. Especially roman history.
If you haven't learned anything during the podcast you shouldn't listen to it. History, or even Planet Money etc.
Everything else is just mastubation.
Holy fuck it's the missing link between niggers and apes
True Capitalist Radio
Ghost is pretty woke, and Radio Graffiti is fucking gold
reviewbrah has a nice podcast don't know what its called though