Sup Forums ylyl
Sup Forums ylyl
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Needs a reference to endorsing Hillary after he got cheated
May I save this image, lad?
I need it to counter /leftypol/ intrusions.
I-is America like anime these days?
Even the dog is looking at them like they are fucking stupid for holding that pile of shit.
>My nigger has a first name, it T-Y-R-O-N-E-DASHISSILENT-D-A-W-G-APOSTROPHE-L-E-Y
Have you guys seen this funny picture of this cartoon frog?
Yeah, pretty much.
this one always makes me mad. THIS WAS SUPOSED TO BE A YLYL THREAD.
fug i lost at feb 2 lmao
It appears that the whole concept of irony is lost on them. Amazing.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
fucking hell
gritting my teeth while laughing at the same time man
How can someone be that cucked seriously. How do you not suicide yourself when you're like this. I'm so fucking confused.
the logical evolution of the cuck
Sup Forums can never be light hearted.
The best we can manage is cynicism.
I actually want to stab him after reading about it.
How the fuck can anyone be that much of a libcuck?
For a little back story this instagram page said they wanted to fix the wage gap by selling cupcakes to men for 1$ but $0.77 for women.
I was supposed to laugh in this thread. Not get mad. I'm not even religious ffs.
imagine shaking the hands that were used to beat your daughter to death
touching the hand that was covered in her blood and tissue.
It's not even about politics. How can you just throw everything away like that. How do you have that little self-esteem and still want to live?
I'm seriously confused. I need to lie down for a bit.
Jeb no es contento.
Why are you against personal freedoms?
>catholics and protestants change to the worse every year
>orthodox patriarchs despise each other so much they could not gather and change doctrine since 8th century
feels good man
Fawk moi, is Kenya a nice place to live or is it just another typical African shithole?
It's gonna be one of "these" days...
I couldn't. This level of subordination is unimaginable for normal humans. It is a healthy emotion to want to kill your child's murderer
Gracias. Solo soy una hoja.
That's not even anime you faggot.
>not just gunning it
Third worlders really are retarded.
he is one with the poo now
>avoid increasingly nervous newsmen
>hide increasingly nervous news stories
>do not reply to increasingly nervous reporters
look at this duuuuuuuuude
the latter, iirc the usual trick with "developed" african cities is that the small area where embassies and the upper classes live is second-world while the remaining 95% of the city is slums. so, what you see in these pictures of lagos, nairobi etc is these small areas where the embassies are located.
honestly if you moved to somewhere like nairobi as a westerner you wouldn't live in one of these slums anyway so my guess is it would be like living somewhere like pretoria with less security, not terrible but there's always a high chance of getting murdered by a gang of feral niggers dosed up on khat
If my daughter was a marxist zombie i would do the same.
i dont know about a top hat but there is a guy that looks kinda like warren buffet on the ceiling of the sistine chaple that is holding money in his hands
they actually closed it to the public because of it
South Africa is the only "firs world" African country, and thats because up until 20 years ago it was ruled and developed by white eurotards
However, since the black government came to power our infrastructure is falling to pieces and unemployment is only going up
Source: I live here
>fuck stock brokers
>muh stocks!
>Not recognising it was the 14th Assault Emu Trooper Squadron of the 9th Ruffled Feathers Divison and the entirety of the 31st Armoured Emu Division that bravely defeated the Australians
Goddamn fucking revisionists
Niggers killing marxists.
Wait until they are all dead, then we can kill the niggers.
Damn, goes to show how gullible I was to fall for African propaganda. Stupid black cunts you've had so much time to fix up your continent, fucking get to it already and stop using the land as a glorified thunderdome
I wonder what Kenyan chicks are like? Pat of me hopes they're cute, but another part of me knows deep down that they're most likely ugly as sin
>spoiled shit
>goes to SA to impose her political beliefs on them
>killed by the people she was campaigning for
Thinking of it like this, I'm really only mad at how big a fucking cuck the father is. I don't mind the rest.
>Trump's gay supporter
This is my uni summed up.
F-fuck off to r-reddit
is the Johannesburg copypasta real?
Well, at last the silver lining here is that the bitch is dead. Too bad the murderers didn't do the same with the parents.
I feel exactly the same way.
I'm ashamed on his behalf.
If I were him, I would not rest until justice had been served.
I need a few hours away from Sup Forums, I feel full of shame, pity, anger and nausea all at once.
>not understanding marx
are you 12?
I never got why this picture is funny? You can obviously tell from the car radio that these items were confiscated from a thief.
I can't stop laughing at this. The sandals, the speed he's going, the fact he never comes back out of the water - comedy classic!
Of course
Take your shitty brand of "humour" back to Cracked, or whatever other cuck site you came from.
>boot licker
Of course
>Marxist daugther
Niggers did him a favour.
*marx predicted our society today from the 18tyh century or whatever*
>women eyes start opening
*marx said the rich will have alot of money and the poor have a little*
>uncontrollable clapping and cheering
Hahahaha! Destroy an entire nation yet the ancient evil survives.
It's only first world in small parts though like Umhlanga, Cape Town and some of the suburbs around Johannesburg and Pretoria.
T. used to live there.
I don't think I've ever laughed this hard.
Is that Chloe Moretz?
My family lived in SA for about 15 years, still got some family out there. They have to ask if certain train lines in Cape town are safe to travel.
This is OC, I can't remember if it's relevant to Sup Forums or not.
I made it about a month ago
Really beautiful country, some poverty but the cities are actually pretty nice
>Anne Frankly
I did Nazi that one coming
I think her faggot cuck dad is worm snacks now. Just waiting on her potato mother and another liberal bloodline will be ended.
>there are still communists in your country
Fucking lost it
Reddit will still defend this meme pundit
I could well imagine touching his hand
otherwise, how are you gonna tie them up 4greatjustice to begin?