Trump is not even in the White House and is already getting anime cameos.
Trump is not even in the White House and is already getting anime cameos
Until when till shota Baron?
Not orange enough.
Try again Japan.
Trump was president in anime from 2 to 4 seasons ago. The Japs knew he would be pres.
I think it was called Gate or some shit.
This one?
Based Japan.
Barron is pure, not lewd.
Gate is shit.
Yep. It was based in 2018 too, IIRC. Around the same time Japan completed their equivalent to the LHC.
Trump may not become president, they are working on trying to convince the electors to change their votes at the elector meeting
What does it say? I don't trust Jewgle translate.
Uh... It's says that you should join Spain again.
What anime is this?
I know is from Gate.
and then you sell us to jewmerica again, papa?
Mom and sis are too lewd.
No, but money is nice too.
Sauce. I gotta fucking know who is the first to do this.
My mother and sister are hot
>watching cartoons
So they can what, give their votes to someone who dropped out of the race? No one is that retarded.
Everyone's fucking blind in pol i need to wake you guys up but you just ignore me. Fuck it then
Wonder who would do such a thing
>Gate is shit
You're shit
His name is Dirrel fags. It isn't Trump.
probably is Trump though.
Japs are just being subtle about it.
Literally who
Trump stocks rising
>Shota baron
Time Bokan 24 - ep 7
If this shit actually happens will there be a civil war? or will there at least be an armed rebellion of some sort?
I think this is one of the few things that could trigger something like that in burgerland
>they are working on trying to convince the electors to change their votes
And I am trying to ascent to godhood by masturbating to 2D every day.
>Trump may not become president
If electors change their votes, I will change them back by my divine power
u r cute
I know this artist.
But which domain?
>Nipplemod incoming
Have faith friendo
Theyre never gonna make it
Steamy bathouse
Gate is fucking retarded.
>likes Gate
Holy shit man.
There has never been nearly enough of a flip to turn out a president-elect, there is a judicial lock and review in any case of significant change in pledged votes, and if the will of the people is ignored it will go even worse on the globalists when senators, reps, and governors continue to be voted out (although, I firmly believe they are going to be anyway). Shitlarry would currently inherit a Republican lock in Congress and also through that lock, the SCotUS, and definitely an impeachment for her crimes that are building to charges already.
This is exactly why no electoral body has ever changed a landslide election in U.S. history.
Are you fags telling me you didn't enjoy a modern army slaughtering an army of guys with swords and spears while Ride of the Valkyries plays?
Absolute state of you lot.
good shit, this is good shit. I must say hmmmmmhmmm good
No I didn't enjoy helicopters getting brought down with arrows and a magical loli slaughtering everything she touches.
Kys, lolishitter.
>Kys, lolishitter
>He says while posting shota
Oh the ironing
hah, this pic really makes me think
Valkyrie Drive
This is actually correct.
If only panda could get more pregnant.
Trump is stereotypically American as fuck.
And Japan is about as deluded as UK when it comes to national stereotypes.
They believe that all Americans are blue-eyed and blonde people who are loud and have guns.
For maximum keks, read the Railgun SS2 story where they go to an American beach.
It has a scene where workers go around on the beach and collect guns to store them safely for the beachgoers.
No ww3 because Clinton is a psycho cunt
Loli and shota are two different things, moron. Loli is inferior.
>yank bender criticising anyone's taste
Made me do a think.
>slimy paki likes loli
Which anime?
I know they are you wanker and both are shit.
Rory isn't even a loli
it's loli not rory
no need to be racist.
It won't. This is them thrashing around d going REEEEEEEEEE.
That said, if they did somehow change the results, very yes.
shut up faggot
meanwhile, american """animation""":
really made me think.
This shit is as retarded as the contested convention the GOPe tried to force back in April, it's very unlikely that they get 10 faithless electors.
/ss/ faggots, GTFO. Shotas are not for impure women.
>Shotas are not for impure women.
Still a girl, user
I think I have the solution then.
it's all good
>mentally ill faggots think they are hot enough to attract young boys
>posts a Len
>has the audacity to call anything shit
You have to go back.
Stop watching anime.
Sauce on this please.
I'm sorry about your awful taste, user.
What if Baron was Chat Noir all along?
there's only a tiny bit of shota on shota though it's 95% straight
Gate is shit.
Ignore sodomite orders.
>I wanted a quiet life but my dad became president
Is this correct Jap bros?
Refer to
ayy lmao
>not having your gun with you in case of a shark attack or if a beach shootout breaks out
silly japs
>Trump thread turns into a shota thread
Japs still need to turn him into a girl like Obama in Air Gear.
This is how fusion in Dragon Ball Z should work.
When Trump will replace the faceless bald men in doujinshi?
let's hope never.
>Based proto-Trump
Disgusting how my sister's daughters is obsessed with this show.
>implying I don't have it too
It doesn't matter if you have it or not, your len will look like an alien aswell.
>White House, America