>Wake up
>Remember Donald Trump won and SJWs are BTFO
Wake up
Other urls found in this thread:
>wake up
>remember HRC will never be president
>wake up
>realize I have to build the wall
feels good man...
Democratically speaking he didn't, that's the fact.
Why don't you go torture some bulls to death Raul, that's what Spain people do.
not everybody does that...
Based bean
Best start hauling bricks now, paco. 60 days left
you have autism
Democratically speaking we didn't choose to maintain the most corrupt party in power by making a coalition with the supposed party in the opposition....but it happened..establishment left and establishment right now go together to save their own asses and to continue robbing us.
So don't try to give lessons about democracy to anyone, Thanks.
based paco
this is the UNITED states of America
we have this system of voting so that the states don't split
considering that some of our states are bigger than most of Europe, it's an important system to have to prevent seccession
and we're not a democracy you filthy Moor
I'm a Brit and I still think about Trump's win/Hillcunt's defeat and a big smile breaks out
That night was better than Brexit
This has been every morning for me now
>have everybody vote
>not a democracy
Pick 1
Trump may not become president, they are working on trying to convince the electors to change their votes at the elector meeting
>using that image against me.
Low tier bait toothpaste
Everyday is a good day. Fucking love it.
trying to remove what little democracy your cunt-ry has left
That's a nice Pepe
>Democrats won't back trump
I am literally shaking in my boota
>wake up
>meme magic is real
Right there, libcucks.
fuck off umayid paella muslim nigger
Best timeline
You missed the point you thick headed nederlander. We, in the US supposedly have two parties, but in reality we only have one. They are in bed with each other because the money flows like water.
Try to expand your mind.
We have lakes bigger than your entire country.
One can bicycle across your country in a couple of hours.
We have individual states that you can't cross in a week on a bicycle.
>11,000 voted for a dead gorilla
Was there a Harambe write-in movement that I missed?