Second turn of the primaries this week, Sarkozy got lost the first turn, it will be Juppé vs Fillon sunday (Fillon victory almost sure).
Gavin Morales
Bump. Venez les pédés.
Matthew Martin
Deserves a (You), but I think this effort needs to be based on a French-speaking chan. I don't see how people can really follow what's going on well enough to make dank memes about it unless they're immersed in the language and culture.
Jaxson Richardson
Elijah Lopez
We already have french places where we do it but she needs more international presence, she will run against an ex-prime minister.
If Sup Forums just use 1% of its energy to support Le Pen it will already have more reach on the world that what we can do at home alone. The narrative against globalism we are pushing needs to be universal, outside support is vital.
Bentley Bennett
Good luck mon ami. We are battling our traitors and scoundrels here, good luck with your fight in La France!!
Adam Price
just trying my hand at some french memecraft for my alliance francaise homework
je ne devrais pas révéler mon niveau de puissance :(
Bentley Sanders
Oliver Garcia
Man! Fillon's landslide was quite a surprise!
Redpill me on Fillon guys
Joseph Foster
Un meilleur avenir Une vie meilleure Un meilleur président
Vote Fillon
Ian James
Race War Now
Jason Reyes
Tu as bien raison. Je te posais juste la question parce que j'ai travaillé dans l'une d'entre elles (celle avec un grand escalier hélicoïdal dans l'entrée).
Ryder Powell
Do you think she likes B E C
Samuel Walker
Big Estonian Cock? Probably.
I mean who doesn't.
Joseph Wilson
>tfw no anglo bf
Daniel Rodriguez
>Marine lePen takes huge lead in the pols >Just days after being written off by the press
Is Fillon a cuck? it seems you have landed in a win win position France very good for you.
Isaac Young
haha that is delightful to hear! but no, not that one. our enseignantes are all total chaudasses, i think our director hires them intentionally, it makes learning french so much more entertaining. thank you la france! i hope you had a great time here!
Best time of my life so far. Almost stayed because of one of your qts.
Camden Lopez
fuck off
Isaiah Diaz
>tfw no French gf
Alexander Miller
vote marine le pen
Gavin Rivera
more women voted for fillon then sarkozy
Jacob Perry
What can I do to meme Le PEn
Colton Mitchell
is this real
Wyatt Torres
Michael Martinez
Brayden Lee
Can Frenchiebros please confirm, is Le Pen pronounced:
>Le Penn >Le Pon
I have heard Frenchies use the first pronunciation on Bong TV but I dont know if they are doing this to pander to us or because that is how it's pronounced.
Samuel Rogers
Connor Sanders
My dick would be diamonds if Le Pen won. I think Merkel losing would probably put me over the edge.