>'Sharia patrol' organised by Muslim preacher ordering people to stop drinking or listening to music is BACKED by German courts
>A group of Islamists did not break the law when they formed 'sharia police' street patrols, telling people to stop drinking, gambling and listening to music, a German court has ruled.
>The ultra-conservative group, formed by German convert Sven Lau, sparked outrage in 2014 when it held patrols in the western city of Wuppertal in 2014.
>They wore orange vests bearing the words 'Sharia Police'. But prosecutors at the city's district court could not prove that seven accused members had broken the law.
>A ban on political uniforms would only be breached if the outfits worn were 'suggestively militant or intimidating' - but court officials ruled they were not threatening, and that one witness thought the men were part of a batchelor party.
>Lau, the organiser, is one of Germany's most controversial and best known Islamist preachers.
>He is currently on trial in a separate case on charges of backing 'a terrorist group' fighting in Syria. So-called 'sharia patrols' by sometimes violent radical young Salafists have also been seen in other European cities such as London, Copenhagen and Hamburg.
How much of this are you going to take Germans? I know it's still in you... Just let it out, only for a moment...
Hudson Long
Carson Rodriguez
I beg you please detach us from these idiots before they drag us down with them.
Asher Murphy
They're already inside the gates.
Jordan Hernandez
Stop it Straya
Angel Nguyen
Brody Harris
>FART ? what the hell are the swamp niggers up to
Luke Myers
Well... They aren't technically breaking any law. Wearing a fantasy uniform and approaching people on the street? That is completely legal.
Jose James
>fart The least degenerate Underland.
Gabriel Lewis
Isaiah Rogers
I like standing next to Germans.
It makes me feel so tough.
Blake Campbell
>your freedom ends where my religion begins >not illegal
however, this might be a chance. if the sharia niggers bother enough ethnic germans, they will perhaps vote more right than cdu.
Jason Jackson
psst.. psst. you'll be safe if you removed the blue stripes of your flag. Just be sure to reattach it again once you're safe.
Austin Green
>Wearing a fantasy uniform and approaching people on the street? That is completely legal.
In Canada and America, imposonality the police - and wearing orange work vests that say "Police" definitely qualifies - is a serious crime.
To not give a shit about this says a lot about Germany. No wonder no one respects law or authority over there. It's the most pussified country in the most pussified continent in the world.
Jose Butler
its probably cum tarts
Jason Wright
Fucking tablet, it's probably cum farts.
Hunter Collins
*impersonating the police
Brody Gray
You know that if Germans had thrown on fantasy uniforms or even just regular suits and approached people on the street telling them to abandond their non-German ways they would have been sentenced to twenty years within a month.
Nathan Russell
>tfw you realize we memed this guy into reality
William Robinson
Fun fact, those sharia police retards dont even dare to go outside of their district when even there they are ridiculed by level headed shitskins. People just laugh at them and their silly vests. And they often get beat up when they try to indoctrinate some 10- 15 year old shitskin.
Julian Carter
Germany it would only be a crime if the male was white and there was some sexual angle to the story. Muslims are your greatest allies
Julian Brooks
Bullshit, I could wear a beer police uniform and hand free beer to people all day without being in legal trouble. They can wear a sharia police uniform and tell people not to drink.
They only wear orange vests. Impersonating an official uniform in germany is a crime too but that isn't impersonating anything.
This should be illegal. Basically a hatecrime against the german people.
Jaxson Martin
>Spouse(s) Michael Neumann
Germans, come on! DO SOMETHING NOW!
Christian Hernandez
pic: her cousin a shitty band singer
Joshua Torres
Owen James
Charles Ward
germany is propably the most cucked nation on earth, the german people will take all of what will come and will even be thankfull its disgusting but its true
Adrian Cooper
>but that isn't impersonating anything.
Orange work vests that say "POLICE" is fucking around with the law, certainly. The intent is obvious. They wish to usurp the legitimate authority of the state. And some idiot citizens will be confused as to whether these salafists have any actual authority. The UK already has legitimate sharia courts. 87 so far. Would sharia police in a Muslim neighbourhood be any more implausible? It's fuckery to the ninth degree. The German state must make it clear that no one but the actual police can proclaim themselves as such.
Isaiah Martin
Hans, this was an ethnic German.
Ayden Butler
>think its a joke >look it up >MFW its real Aren't politics at least suposed to pretend to be concerned by the interests of the poeple who elects them ?
Jeremiah Nguyen
They're counting on the fact that muzzies will soon make up the democratic majority, so they're building they're voting base.
Elijah Allen
They are anti-White. What else do you expect?
Noah Ross
>right wing death squads will be a reality in your lifetime >either be uncucked Germans or Arabic in origin
But probably the latter. Thanks Hans, for selling your sons into serfdom, and your daughters into slavery. Now YOU can be the ones oppressed!
Nicholas Martinez
The German state is doing what all EU states have been doing, refusing to protect the German people from hostile forces. In fact, going so far as to promote and protect the hostile forces against the interests of the German people.
The answer is for the German people to organise local militia and defend themselves against the enemies of the German people and if necessary against the German government.
Wyatt Jones
It's neon-colored vests with SHARIA POLICE written on them. There are plenty non-police people, especially bikers at night, who wear these vests. And the print is pretty clear in not being police.
Aiden Taylor
limburg needs to get gassed, and not in the way they'd like to
Daniel Rogers
plis gib germen sources pls or anything better than dailymail
Kevin Brooks
Any chance Germans will just give up and let the country go to shit? The government apparently hates them.